THE ORACLE REPORT: Monday, January 18, 2016


First Quarter Moon Phase: step out of comfort zone, take action

Moon in Taurus

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill:  be observant to signs, messages, and patterns

True Alignments: the place of inner observance, progress with hopes and wishes, symbolism, giving and receiving all types of things, clarity, attitude or outlook adjustment, things that are fun, coping, repairing or preventing damage, Oneness

Catalysts for Change: escaping reality, causing damage, over-reliance on others, self-denial, not following best judgment, prematurity, laden with heaviness or burdens, comparisons to others
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a hidden choir singing during a religious service" (unseen spiritual assistance)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres" (recalibration, retuning of consciousness)

Today the Sun discharges the energetic of "a woman reading tea leaves."  Signs, messages, synchronicities, and information are organizing within the fields around us, so we are particularly vigilant to patterns.  Of course, we are always attentive to messages through animal sightings, but today is more pronounced.

PORTENTS OF THE FUTURE:  The "omen" from the "tea leaves" comes from Venus, nearing conjunction with the Galactic Center, discharging the energy of "a bluebird standing at the door of the house."  This symbol always implies a positive outcome.  From our standpoint of the old power and control (archontic) systems dissolving or exiting the door, the future looks good.  Goodwill is implied.

The fellowship of humanity is destined.  The East and the West will unite.
We can look ahead even farther today, specifically to the Taurus Lunar cycle, May 6 - June 3, 2016, with the Sabian symbol for that month being "a symbolic battle between swords and torches."  More on this later, but be aware that that the events and situations that happen today foreshadow not only the future, but particularly events that will occur during that lunar month.  We can take notes.

By the end of the Taurus lunar cycle, it will be clear to us that the Archons and their Illuminati sorcerers can no longer use hidden knowledge (the "occult") against We The People.  The dissolution of all of that began at the New Moon in Aries (April 18, 2015), and is heavily underway this lunar month, with the "hidden choir" of the Emissaries of the Aeons Sophia and Thelete (the Mahavidyas or Wisdom Goddesses and the Band of Brothers) performing the service.  Darkness is being cast away.

The theme of seeing ahead repeats with Neptune moving to the 9th degree of Pisces, finally leaving the energy of "a girl blowing a bugle" (waking people up) and initiating the energy of "the race begins: intent on outdistancing his rivals, a jockey spurs his horse to great speed."  Wise owls know that we have already won the race.  Now, we kick into gear, moving forward with assurance of victory, playing it all out.

Adding to theme, Chiron has also finally moved to the 19th degree of Pisces, "a master instructing his disciple."  The way of the peaceful warrior is shown to us.

WEIGHING THINGS OUT:  We take measure of things, as is appropriate during the lunar month that is like a month-long Third Quarter Moon phase, the time when we revise, re-work, and realign with our highest and best course.  All that has transpired since April 18 is being redirected into what is better, more functional, and happier.  Looking back and reviewing from today's perspective is enlightening.

Today, the acts of analysis and contemplation are reinforced with the Earth located at "a Greek muse weighing newborn twins in golden scales."  Definitely, the international exchange markets foreshadow their futures today.

Mercury retrograde returns to "a child of about five carrying a huge shopping bag filled with groceries."  Today relates directly back to January 9, when the Sun discharged this degree.  What was happening in your life then?  A rectification or reworking of those things happens today.  This symbol heals issues from childhood, wounding of the inner child, and worthiness as measured by how much one does or how much responsibility one takes.  It also rearranges our experience and values related to time.

The Black Moon has moved to the 17th degree of Libra and the Sabian symbol of "a retired sea captain watches ships entering and leaving the harbor."  We are witnessing the "outworn" (beliefs, feelings, systems, methods, etc.) ending and renaissance beginning.  This energy greatly relaxes from the previous degree of the "boat landing standing in need of reconstruction."  (Wisdom is at hand.  Let us attend to it.)

With that, tonight at 11:07 pm ET/4:07 am UT, Saturn moves to the 14th degree of Sagittarius and the symbol of "the pyramids and the Sphinx."  As neo-Sabians, observer-experiencers of the archetypal spiritual-psychic frequencies of energy, how about we add the Nag Hammadi texts to this symbol?  (Wisdom is rediscovered.)

Last Friday and Saturday's Super Black Moon days packed quite a punch.  We weathered the "boat landing being deconstructed."  Do you feel reborn in some way?  Has something loosened for you?  Has something become unblocked?

Nice job, wise owls.  Truth and love prevails.

And here's a new one for Second Renaissance: Heaven: Why wait?

(Note:  Though I did not post a report this past weekend, I was anything but off-duty.  In fact, much was revealed, and I look forward to sharing it.  The bottom line is all good.  Have a wonderful day, everyone, and be on the lookout for "bluebirds of happiness" at your door.)

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