Monday, January 25, 2016

Important Update from Alexandra Meadors [video]

Important Update from Alexandra Meadors [video]

light warrior
Alexandra did a video to tell us what she and her team experienced in their urgent mission last week, January 8, 2016.
Very powerful energetics are at play in so many ways, and I think it wise not to pooh-pooh on our own ability to shape our reality and end the darkness.
The cabal is no match for the power of the countless Beings of Light (that includes us) on planet and off, who focus their intentions on banishing the dark forever and freeing our planet from its clutches.
Any day now the evil ones’ imprint on our world will be just a dark stain—and from there—Victory of the Light!
Thank you to all the energetic healers who do their part on our behalf every day. This is very encouraging. 
For those who insist on demanding “WHEN” is “V-Day” or The Event?, I ask you:
When was the day a war would end ever announced beforehand? Did the alliance ever tell us WWII would be won on a specific day?
A war is over when it’s over. No one is going to come to us and give a date that the Light will celebrate its ultimate Victory. And that is why anyone who gives dates for anything, is wrong; because NO ONE knows ahead of time. 
If we stop doubting and start believing, and participate in the meditations as requested by various Lightworkers and we will see Victory that much sooner.
I’ve remarked before about the invisible armies that support us in all we do. They are there, asking us to do this for ourselves, so they may assist us. That is our asking.
This video is mainly for audio purposes, but there are “lava lamp” images and mandalas to focus on if you like, while Alex and Bibi give their updates. (24 minutes)  ~ BP

A Very Important Message

Galactic Connection
Published on Jan 15, 2016

Alexandra Meadors reveals the details of a ceremony that took place on Friday, January 8, 2016, when direction was given to provide energetic support for the Middle East; in particular, the people of Israel who have been as negatively impacted by the Khazarian Mafia politicians as anyone . In addition to Alexandra, Marcia Webster and Bibi Tinsley were also participants. Alexandra asked Bibi to assist in the message’s delivery.
The following Monday, 1/11, Benjamin Fulford wrote on his blog: “The takedown of Khazarian mafia politicians has already begun at a lower level. In particular, the NSA has compiled evidence against politicians who were bribed by Israel into opposing the nuclear accord between the US government and Iran.“SOURCE Benjamin Fulford
Also reported in this post:
“Important changes are also taking place behind the scenes in Japan, which, after the United States, is the second largest economy still controlled by the Khazarian mob. Changes are also taking place behind the scenes in Japan, which, after the United States, is the second largest economy still controlled by the Khazarian mob. “SOURCE Benjamin Fulford
From Jeff, our good friend and fellow navigator:
‘That sounds like a very satisfying ceremony you did. When I read this I can see energetically lines of dominoes going out in every direction falling over. It is spreading out the same way lines of dominoes fall.
What I am getting unfolded from that, is that “all the aspects that contend control here are being revamped inwardly and restored to an optimized balance within those structures. This will release the bonds that are contracting their realization for achievement of their Hearts desires.”
In plainer language, “it is having the effect of stopping the corruption at its root’s frequency dynamic.”‘
Thank you Jeff.
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