THE ORACLE REPORT: Thursday, January 14, 2016


Crescent Moon Phase:

Moon in Pisces/Aries (9:50 pm ET/2:50 am UT)

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill:  look deeper

True Alignments: excellence, assuming personal responsibility/leadership, surrendering and releasing something, going deeply to find answers, safe and sound, acceptance of self, personal sovereignty, the fellowship of many cultures

Catalysts for Change: negative or defeatist attitudes, gloomy, uncompromising, fears related to survival, ego mania, attempts to overpower others, not seeing true value, saying sorry just for show, covering up

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a hidden choir singing during a religious service" (unity, harmony, unseen assistance)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres" (the recalibration of human consciousness)

Today, the Wisdom Goddess Kali asks us to look deeper into ourselves and consider the following questions, one of which should be particularly important to you as we journey through the lunar month that revises and realigns us with our highest and best courses.  How can you:

1- Readjust your attitude?
2- Readjust what you value?
3- Readjust how you co-exist?
4- Readjust your approach?
5- Readjust your responsibilities?
6- Readjust your limits?
7- Readjust your stance?
8- Readjust your vision?
9- Readjust your conditions?
10- Readjust your heart?

Short, but by no means simple.  Kali is direct, if anything.

Many thanks to Phoenix for inviting me on his show last night.  You can listen to the archive here:

Thank you to everyone who submitted a question on the Survey Monkey yesterday.  I will address them in an upcoming recording.

From yesterday:  I have re-instated the recurring donation option via Paypal (and soon via snail mail) to support the Oracle Report.  A monthly option of $5.50 or a yearly option of $50 is available, but any donation is appreciated.  The reports are taking much longer these days, and more difficult for me to fund through doing readings.  Many astrologers do several readings per day.  The nature of my work does not make that feasible for me.  One per day is a lot for me, and I have been pushing way beyond that, which is unsustainable.  I ask that those who can, to help me keep the Oracle Report available for everyone so that we can build Second Renaissance together.  You can click the "Support the Oracle Report" button at the top right of the homepage or go directly to the Donations page if you are able to contribute.  Much love and deep appreciation to everyone! 
Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!

Mantra for the Defense Against Archontic Interference

End the drama.  Return to ease.  I broker no interference.  No weapon, thought, or action formed against me shall prosper.  My brothers stand around me and my sisters are within me.  Wisdom, let me attend.