Nancy Tate: Wake up Call: St. Germain, January 14, 2016
I am here to day to begin a final stage of bringing all of the funds to the surface. That is to say that there will be an upturning of the funds to the proper fields, and from there they will be brought forward in the freedom of no obstructions. I am St. Germain, and I am in the wake of being able to take the prime betrayers of trust from earth to another place where they can live out their actions and be able to come to the realization of how they have been manipulated into believing that they are on their destined track.
That is what has happened with so many of those who were persuaded to do what they have been doing through countless lifetimes on earth. They are now being told of what they are going to be doing and experiencing in the coming times. They will return to their original; purity in Spirit. In that process they will be able to then go forth and become the ones who show their example to others of what they are capable of in the wake of what they have been programmed into so far away from who they truly are.
It is part of this resolution of what they have expressed, that is in order for the outcome to be that of returning to their selfness with Spirit. It is the example that they volunteered for. They were in the realization that the possibility of the extreme forgetfulness of their inner self and their connection with The Creator was to be understood to a point. Now it has served all of humanity to see that the exposure to the forgetfulness of who we are in extreme is not a place where we can go and be able to remain completely separate forever from The Oneness of the Creator. We have seen that in our Oneness we do not allow the complete separation to go on once it is obvious on a soul level that there is that desire and intent to return to Source and begin again to go forward in the Light of Love in a way that we learned is beyond the travails of loosing the Light. In our Oneness, we are living the proof that we will not allow the total deprivation of oneself to happen, for it would affect us all in one way, or another. We are the family of Oneness, and that is what we do to show and live our love for the other.
In this sharing with you, I am expressing how it is on the other end of the spectrum. I am showing you that there is no complete casting off of those who agreed to take a stand and follow the road that we all are aware of was in the picture. It is not that we all saw the extremes of what that road would lead us to. It was that we all saw that the end of the road was not in our view or knowledge, for that was not in creation as yet. What we did see at the completeness of the circle was an unending figure eight that was to be followed and lived in the total Love of Creation.
That is where we are now, dear ones. We are allowing the features that we did see to go forward and to bring to us our abilities for expressing in Love in an open and never-ending way. With our expression of Love to those who got lost in their journey, we are living our promise to each other to always be there for those who got so lost that they could not see their way back. At the same time, we are also living our promise to move forward in the freedom that we have within to flow through the wonders that we create in the energy of our Oneness and the power we have to Create in the energy of Love.
So my dear family, I have shared with you what I know you already knew on a soul level. Sometimes it is helpful to communicate with each other in a way that seems to be unexpected, and at the same time so familiar in truth that it awakens another aspect of our expression. In the reawakening lies the power that we all have of forgiveness, which is followed by the living of oneness in all that we do and feel. This is the time in which we are at the threshold of expressing that feeling of family with all on earth. We are awaiting the familiarity of us all working and moving together to restore the Love to the planet. Also to those who have contributed to the energy of falling back from what we feel is the foremost way to express the Love that we are. Sending out that Love to the wholeness of the family will help those who are to leave in the coming times. It is a matter of knowing and living our total Oneness in the understanding of the whole picture of our time on the planet and in the expression that we have created .
I go now and attend to those who are in the place that requires my next steps with them. This will be expressed in the absence of time, and in that conditioning it will be an experience in which they will feel the Love that we all give them in our Love for all of existence. It is a fast paced journey for some, and for some it is in the instant of Now. It is all One! It is all in the family of Love.
Thank you Dear, Loving St. Germain,
Much Love, Nancy Tate
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Thank you! Nancy Tate
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