Tuesday, January 19, 2016

NorthPoint Astrology Journal:  Your guide to planetary energies for January 18 to 24, 2016 By Pam Younghans

NorthPoint Astrology Journal 

Your guide to planetary energies for January 18 to 24, 2016
By Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects This Week
MON: Mars trine Neptune, Mars semisquare Jupiter, Sun semisquare Saturn, Mercury sextile Chiron
TUE: Sun conjunct Pallas Athene
WED: Sun enters Aquarius, Mercury square Uranus
FRI: Mercury conjunct Pluto
SAT: Jupiter conjunct North Node, Venus enters Capricorn, Sun semisquare Chiron, Full Moon 5:45pm PST (1:45am GMT on Sunday)
SUN: Saturn trine Vesta

MANY OF US grew up with the concept that self-sacrifice is a vital component of living a spiritual life. As such, we judge ourselves harshly if we want "too much" for ourselves, if we aren't putting others first in all ways.

But there are other times when we can access the larger perspective of life, and we become aware that what is truly best for one is actually best for all. The choice we make not to rescue another person -- even if that decision comes from a place of sheer exhaustion -- may be exactly what they need to learn important lessons about being responsible and taking care of themselves.

AS WE BEGIN THE NEW WEEK, a trine aspect between Mars and Neptune helps us align our actions and desires (Mars in Scorpio) with the power of unconditional love (Neptune in Pisces). "Love without conditions" means that we hold love for someone even when they are flailing and not their best self.

Unconditional love expresses itself through supporting others, but at times its best expression may be in stepping back, trusting that the other person can handle their life and figure out their own solutions. It may mean that from the higher perspective, we realize that as someone figures out their own solutions, they will grow and become stronger in ways that they wouldn't have if we stepped in to rescue them.

In other words, saying that the planets help us align our actions with our hearts doesn't necessarily mean we will taking on the role of Mother Theresa this week -- it would be more accurate to say that Monday's Mars-Neptune trine can help us quiet our minds and see a deeper truth, which then affects how we might normally approach the challenges of the day.

IT WILL BE HELPFUL to remember some of that higher perspective midweek, especially on Wednesday (Mercury square Uranus) and Friday (Mercury conjunct Pluto). These aspects are disruptive at best, as they challenge our perceptions and our routines.

No doubt the fact that Mercury is retrograde (moving backward) will complicate things even further. We should be prepared for delays and miscommunications, and do our best to accept small or large detours in the road. And, as we interact with others, we will want to remember that our words may have a major impact, and can serve to either empower or disempower those who take them in.
NEXT WEEKEND brings in other important themes for us to work with -- Jupiter is conjunct the North Node early Saturday and the Leo Full Moon occurs later in the day at 5:45pm PST (1:45am GMT on Sunday).

The North Node provides us with insights about our shared evolutionary path. With the North Node currently in Virgo, it is time for us to move out of confusion and apathy, and to step into a stronger knowing of our potentials. The Virgo North Node asks us to consider how we can participate in the healing that is needed in the world.

As Jupiter aligns with the North Node, we may gain a sense of some of the greater potentials that lie within us. We may get a glimpse of how we can contribute in meaningful ways -- and, with Jupiter's optimistic perspective involved, we may feel more hopeful than usual about the possibilities that lie ahead, and our own ability to make a positive contribution.

THE ASTEROID Pallas Athene is a major player in the Full Moon on Saturday, being conjunct the Sun in Aquarius and opposite the Leo Moon at the time of the lunation. This alignment highlights the importance of being able to perceive the potentials of the future, and helps us understand the depth of change that needs to occur as we move further into the Age of Aquarius.

Demetra George, in her book Asteroid Goddesses, explains that:

"Pallas Athene in Aquarius expresses through creating the new. As a healer, she works with vibration, color, sound, crystals, and white light. As an inventor or genius, she creates through science fiction art, computer graphics, new-wave music, and radical art. She is the political revolutionary, advocating and defending humanitarian causes and organizing grass roots protests. She is the wisdom of the future, creating forms that will benefit generations to come."

It is no coincidence that this powerful Full Moon occurs on the same day as the Jupiter-North Node alignment. Perhaps these musings on the meanings of Pallas Athene can help guide us to the areas of world service that most clearly express and fulfill our unique essence.

REMEMBER -- If you missed my recent teleclass covering the first six months of 2016, you can still purchase the audio replay and slideshow. Just send an email to pam@northpointastrology.com with "Teleclass Replay" in the subject line, and I'll reply with instructions.
In peace,

Copyright Pam Younghans 2016. All rights reserved.

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