First Quarter Moon Phase: take action with projects, ideas
Moon in Gemini
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Transformation
Skill: implement your abilities
True Alignments: decisive, self-acceptance, freedom of expression, leadership, practiced, heart expansion, taking wise counsel, real
Catalysts for Change: control issues, giving over power to others, untrained but expected to perform, shallow, hyper-dominant
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a hidden choir singing during a religious service" (unseen assistance)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres" (recalibration of consciousness)
In the natural cycles of time and in the tradition of the Medicine Wheel, the new solar-lunar year begins with the New Moon in Aries. Our current solar-lunar new year began on April 18, 2015, at the "frequency" of 29 Aries, carrying the harmonic frequency and archetypal energy of the symbol "the music of the spheres." On a "cosmic radio" it's frequency or station would be named 29 Aries. 29 Aries plays music that has a re-tuning or recalibrating effect.
That gives 29 Aries a good bit of power and a high potential to control, since it can change your mind. Control is the lowest octave of channel 29 Aries. That's mind-control programming. Re-tuning is the highest octave of the channel 29 Aries. It is frequency of refreshment.
While it may appear that in many ways the world is collapsing, it is not. The world has been hitting "refresh" It is getting updated or upgraded and realigned with its true nature, it's point of origin. We are realigning with Spirit during The Year of 29 Aries. You could say that this is the "most popular" channel. Everyone is listening to it, so to speak, because it's signal is strongest and goes the farthest.
But this is no ordinary year or ordinary channel, because astrologically it also symbolizes the beginning of a new era of time, a new era of history (because the lunar month prior, the New Moon in Pisces, the last sign in the zodiac, was at the last degree of the zodiac - 30 Pisces).
At its core, astrology is another name for "the mathematics of life sound" -- things that influence how we think and what we experience.
Programs that controlled how we think and what we experienced are being "wiped" or "written over" by the cosmic pattern of nature using the "music of the spheres."
A result of this energy is that we are not interested in, entertained by, nor controlled by anything that is contrary to love and the ideals of freedom. They are naturally disempowered. This is the natural way of it.
Today, themes of control are rebellion against control are part of the day's energetics. Consider the symbols for the locations of these planets today:
SUN: "directors of a large firm meet in secret conference"
EARTH: "a daughter of the American Revolution"
MERCURY: "the Union Jack flies from a new British warship"
VENUS: "a flag bearer in battle"
Prior to April 18, 2015, the New Moon/New Year of 29 Aries, much energy had been imprinted over and over again onto the days when these frequencies were in effect, all for the purpose of control.
Since April 18, all of that is being wiped away. The chessboard is being cleared. All of the power and all of the mind control are dissolving. People are hearing the tune that's been playing all along - the music of the spheres.
This means renaissance occurs. What was formerly interesting now is less so, and new ways are sought. New things are created. Things become easier due to the blossoming of innovation. Previous limits are broken, as life expands.
With the Sabian symbols present today, we could fall under the illusion that the cabal still holds great power. That would be the way of fear. Today, Jupiter tells us to be fearless as it discharges the energy of "a lion-tamer rushes fearlessly into the circus arena." In a "re-freshing" world, we are re-tuned to have faith and courage in ourselves, seeing that we have no need for imperialism or imperialism of the mind. That system holds no power. We understand that the dissolving old system creates reactions within the fellowship of humanity, and we hold compassion. We tame the circus arena.
It may get a little chaotic today. Venus nears conjunction with the Galactic Center, bringing up issues with the feeling of home and what that means to us. The Moon will oppose Saturn tonight (1:55 am ET/6:55 am UT) enhancing power and control issues. Mercury is preparing to re-conjunct with Pluto (1/22 at 4:16 am ET), reworking communications or bringing things up or back up from the depths. The Black Moon is moving into exact opposition with Uranus (1/24 at 7:30 pm ET) - which catalyzes change. So, much is in play.
Wise owls "play" it cool.
THE ORACLE REPORT: Tuesday, January 19, 2016
w/audio: http://www.oraclereport.com/First Quarter Moon Phase: take action with projects, ideas
Moon in Gemini
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Transformation
Skill: implement your abilities
True Alignments: decisive, self-acceptance, freedom of expression, leadership, practiced, heart expansion, taking wise counsel, real
Catalysts for Change: control issues, giving over power to others, untrained but expected to perform, shallow, hyper-dominant
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a hidden choir singing during a religious service" (unseen assistance)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres" (recalibration of consciousness)
In the natural cycles of time and in the tradition of the Medicine Wheel, the new solar-lunar year begins with the New Moon in Aries. Our current solar-lunar new year began on April 18, 2015, at the "frequency" of 29 Aries, carrying the harmonic frequency and archetypal energy of the symbol "the music of the spheres." On a "cosmic radio" it's frequency or station would be named 29 Aries. 29 Aries plays music that has a re-tuning or recalibrating effect.
That gives 29 Aries a good bit of power and a high potential to control, since it can change your mind. Control is the lowest octave of channel 29 Aries. That's mind-control programming. Re-tuning is the highest octave of the channel 29 Aries. It is frequency of refreshment.
While it may appear that in many ways the world is collapsing, it is not. The world has been hitting "refresh" It is getting updated or upgraded and realigned with its true nature, it's point of origin. We are realigning with Spirit during The Year of 29 Aries. You could say that this is the "most popular" channel. Everyone is listening to it, so to speak, because it's signal is strongest and goes the farthest.
But this is no ordinary year or ordinary channel, because astrologically it also symbolizes the beginning of a new era of time, a new era of history (because the lunar month prior, the New Moon in Pisces, the last sign in the zodiac, was at the last degree of the zodiac - 30 Pisces).
At its core, astrology is another name for "the mathematics of life sound" -- things that influence how we think and what we experience.
Programs that controlled how we think and what we experienced are being "wiped" or "written over" by the cosmic pattern of nature using the "music of the spheres."
A result of this energy is that we are not interested in, entertained by, nor controlled by anything that is contrary to love and the ideals of freedom. They are naturally disempowered. This is the natural way of it.
Today, themes of control are rebellion against control are part of the day's energetics. Consider the symbols for the locations of these planets today:
SUN: "directors of a large firm meet in secret conference"
EARTH: "a daughter of the American Revolution"
MERCURY: "the Union Jack flies from a new British warship"
VENUS: "a flag bearer in battle"
Prior to April 18, 2015, the New Moon/New Year of 29 Aries, much energy had been imprinted over and over again onto the days when these frequencies were in effect, all for the purpose of control.
Since April 18, all of that is being wiped away. The chessboard is being cleared. All of the power and all of the mind control are dissolving. People are hearing the tune that's been playing all along - the music of the spheres.
This means renaissance occurs. What was formerly interesting now is less so, and new ways are sought. New things are created. Things become easier due to the blossoming of innovation. Previous limits are broken, as life expands.
With the Sabian symbols present today, we could fall under the illusion that the cabal still holds great power. That would be the way of fear. Today, Jupiter tells us to be fearless as it discharges the energy of "a lion-tamer rushes fearlessly into the circus arena." In a "re-freshing" world, we are re-tuned to have faith and courage in ourselves, seeing that we have no need for imperialism or imperialism of the mind. That system holds no power. We understand that the dissolving old system creates reactions within the fellowship of humanity, and we hold compassion. We tame the circus arena.
It may get a little chaotic today. Venus nears conjunction with the Galactic Center, bringing up issues with the feeling of home and what that means to us. The Moon will oppose Saturn tonight (1:55 am ET/6:55 am UT) enhancing power and control issues. Mercury is preparing to re-conjunct with Pluto (1/22 at 4:16 am ET), reworking communications or bringing things up or back up from the depths. The Black Moon is moving into exact opposition with Uranus (1/24 at 7:30 pm ET) - which catalyzes change. So, much is in play.
Wise owls "play" it cool.
Note: Archive of Phoenix Rising Radio show from Wednesday night:
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