THE ORACLE REPORT:: Tuesday, January 12, 2016


New Moon Phase:
begin, intend

Moon in Aquarius/Pisces (6:54 pm ET/11:54 pm UT)

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Kali, Goddess of Beginnings and Endings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill: find joy

True Alignments: making conscious choices, following the heart, community of like-minded people, achievements, descriptive, sharing information and knowledge, study of written words, stability

Catalysts for Change: temptation, greed, obsessive, misleading, seeking glory, propaganda, disrespectful, uncooperative, dishonorable, jealousy

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a hidden choir singing during a religious service" (unity, unseen assistance)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres" (re-calibration / re-tuning of human consciousness)

Today, the "hidden choir" performs the "music of the spheres" in the following ways:

1- RECOGNITION:  The Sun discharges the energy of "a soldier receiving two awards for bravery in combat."  The symbol tells us that the spiritual warrior is given two rewards.  To me, the two rewards represent recognition of others and self.  Being open to receiving - having an open heart - is implied, as is recognizing our own value and worthiness as a being of the Creation.  We can spread goodwill and fellowship by paying special attention, giving thanks, and recognizing the efforts of others.  If we can do the same with ourselves, we activate the full potential of this energetic.

2- REVIEW: The Earth discharges the energy of "the meeting of a literary society."  This is the symbol of "think-tanks" and brainstorming.  People of like-mind, like the parliament of wise owls here, come together to review or analyze things in order to gain greater understanding or produce a fuller meaning.  Cooperation, collaboration, team efforts, and team building are highlighted with this energy.  It is important with this energy, however, to not just talk about something, but direct it into action.  The highest application of a literary society is to put what is reviewed into action, either by forming structures or producing an account.  Anyone who has been in a long meeting where things were analyzed to the "enth" degree with no direction or action to show for it understands the energy drain.  We aim for putting what we are reviewing, revising, and analyzing (throughout this lunar month) into action.

3- REBIRTH: Venus disseminates the energy of "an Easter sunrise service."  The Sun does indeed rise in service each day. This is the energy of "coming out" of anything, but especially coming out of the past.  We rise to the occasion of seeing our shortcomings or perceived failures as learning experiences, as human experiences.  We can come out of darkness.  It's still the New Moon phase today, the time of beginnings.  What would you like to begin anew?

4-RUSH:  Mars is discharging the energetic frequency of "a gold rush tears men away from their native soil."  Mars is naturally impulsive, and this energy can take hold of us and take us on a hunt or quest for something greater.  It is important to slow this down and be considerate of consequences because the energy easily tears things apart.  This is wonderful if we are trying to change something (an outworn habit, a lingering behavior, or feelings about a loss), but can be haphazard and do damage if discernment is not used.  Divide and conquer tactics are higher under this energetic, especially when money is involved.  We are mindful of where our minds are lured.  The "gold of the soul" is found inside, not elsewhere.

5-REJOICING:  This lunar month of the "hidden choir singing during a religious service" is a joyful experience and can be quite mystical.  Mercury is retrograding or going back over the energy of "a nature spirit dancing in the mist of a waterfall."  This dynamic is "dissociative" and can make us feel like we are out of our bodies.  It has a way of wanting us to "let it all go" and leave behind the harshness of the world.  The mists of a waterfall can obscure vision, so we don't want to stay there all day, but this energy does tell us to "check out" periodically to "dance" with the elements of nature -- to daydream.  Emotions are certainly heightened with this energy, and the Moon will move into watery, emotional Pisces later in the day, enhancing the effect.  We are directed to, in some way, find joy.

Wise owls are skilled in the practice of finding joy.

A couple of notes:  Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 13, I will be Phoenix's guest on Phoenix Rising Radio on Truth Frequency Radio at 10 pm ET/7 pm PT.  I hope you can tune in or catch us on the archive later.

Also, I have re-instated the recurring donation option via Paypal (and soon via snail mail) to support the Oracle Report.  A monthly option of $5.50 or a yearly option of $50 is available, but any donation is appreciated.  The reports are taking much longer these days, and more difficult for me to fund through doing readings.  Many astrologers do several readings per day.  The nature of my work does not make that feasible for me.  One per day is a lot for me, and I have been pushing way beyond that, which is unsustainable.  I ask that those who can, to help me keep the Oracle Report available for everyone so that we can build Second Renaissance together.  You can click the "Support the Oracle Report" button at the top right of the homepage or go directly to the Donations page if you are able to contribute.  Much love and deep appreciation to everyone!

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