Thursday, January 14, 2016

Oh, but WE ARE great liberators! by Phoenix Boulay

The following was my response to a negative thread comment in Cobra's blog, about how we are not great liberators, since the world is still in turmoil.

Oh, but WE ARE great liberators! by Phoenix Boulay
January 13, 2016

Oh,but WE ARE great liberators! We can liberate ourselves, which makes it much easier to lend energy to global liberation, instead of bitching at others about what they have not done or should do. Sure, humanity is teetering on the brink of self-annihilation, but we are also CAPABLE of transcending that fate, because we are also teetering on the brink of liberation.

What we focus on is what we manifest. How does our constant whining and condemnation serve to add to higher vibrations? It does not. When we liberate ourselves from our limited perspectives, we will see that futility lies in spreading gloom, not in passionately pursuing a cause for the greater good, and working for a better day. That means we make the best of what is here and now, and work to effect change through introspection, cooperation and action.

When the worlds split, I suspect some may still be on 3D earth bitching and moaning, while many are able to anchor down the higher vibrations and live in a different reality. We have to catch ourselves and remind ourselves that gratitude is the key to attracting more blessings, not griping. This does not mean that we turn a blind eye to all the suffering and injustice. It means that we must empower -ourselves- in order to effect positive planetary change, and to empower others. It is a choice. We might ask ourselves, "Where can I make better choices for myself and thus for humanity?"

We struggle with this daily.  Old habits die hard, but we must forgive ourselves and keep going. We live for today, but we work for a better day tomorrow.

Life is eternal, and thus, we do not give up. The sun is shining, and we are a day closer to The Event. Life is beautiful, and about to get a whole lot better. Our glass is half full, for which I AM and WE ARE grateful. And so, It IS.

Blessing and protection to all who work to lift up our fellow human beings and serve the Light.

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