Photo: Polar stratospheric clouds over Lofoten Islands, Norway,
on December 31, 2016 (photo by Eric Fokke, posted on
on December 31, 2016 (photo by Eric Fokke, posted on
Northpoint Journal: Your guide to planetary energies for
January 2 to 8, 2017
By Pam Younghans
Highlighted Aspects
MON: Venus enters Pisces
TUE: Mercury sextile Venus
WED: Mercury enters Sagittarius, Venus semisquare Pluto
THU: Venus conjunct Pallas Athene
FRI: Sun conjunct Pluto
SAT: Venus conjunct South Node
SUN: Mercury goes direct 1:42am PST (9:42am GMT), Venus semisquare Uranus
Highlighted Aspects
MON: Venus enters Pisces
TUE: Mercury sextile Venus
WED: Mercury enters Sagittarius, Venus semisquare Pluto
THU: Venus conjunct Pallas Athene
FRI: Sun conjunct Pluto
SAT: Venus conjunct South Node
SUN: Mercury goes direct 1:42am PST (9:42am GMT), Venus semisquare Uranus
In spite of our having flipped the calendar page to the New Year, the
planets seem to be focused mostly on resolving and releasing the past
this week.
We are in the final week of Mercury's retrograde phase, a period in which we are cautioned to take our time with any new decisions, making sure that loose ends are tied up before we move forward. Mercury actually backs up into Sagittarius on Wednesday, so we'll be revisiting some of the meanings of our past experience -- an important step in coming to terms with what has been before we create something new. Once Mercury turns its face toward the future next Sunday (at 1:42am PST, 9:42am GMT), we can begin to consider what kinds of new, even more meaningful adventures we want to engage as we go forward.
VENUS is also focused on completion this week. The planet enters Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac on Monday, and then aligns with the karmic South Node on Saturday.
Venus represents the values held by the human heart -- those things that we say we "love" -- which can mean other people, material possessions, or something we find beautiful or enjoyable. As Venus moves through Pisces for the next month, we are both forgiving and releasing things we have loved and lost, and opening our hearts more fully to what remains or will come next.
THIS THEME will be revisited in April, when retrograde Venus backs up into Pisces for another three-plus weeks. What we do not complete now, we will have another chance to finish then.
It will also be interesting to watch what happens around the New Moon on January 27. That is the day that Venus squares Saturn, an aspect that will play a very important role in the months ahead:
AFTER ENTERING ARIES on February 3, Venus will begin to move more slowly, finally stopping and turning retrograde on March 4. Starting April 2, when Venus re-enters Pisces, the planet will be in square aspect to Saturn for a solid four weeks.
This means that the entire month of April is likely to be a very crucial time for all things ruled by Venus -- relationships, finances, agreements and alliances, the arts, and nature. Saturn's goal is for us to face reality and to take responsibility, and this long-lasting square aspect with Venus will show us where we have fallen down on the job in all these areas.
It is likely to be a time of some hard work, but our sincere efforts to be disciplined, objective, and mature will be rewarded. This is why it is vital that we begin now, with Venus entering Pisces this week, to do whatever work remains to be completed in the areas that Venus rules.
THE MOST SIGNIFICANT aspect this week occurs on Friday, when the Sun aligns with Pluto in Capricorn. This is a powerful planetary alignment, combining the focused light of the Sun with the passion and drive of Pluto, in a sign that represents the “three As": ambition, aspiration, and accomplishment.
It may be hard to hold back with this Sun-Pluto alignment, especially for those who are already predisposed to follow their instincts. But again, with Mercury retrograde, we'll want to be sure we've checked and double checked every detail before making long-term decisions or investments of time or resources.

MY APOLOGIES for the incorrect link for the teleclass that I included in last week's journal! Chalk one up to Mercury retrograde. My thanks to everyone who responded to my correction email and signed up for the class already. To learn more, please read on:
Personal Choice and
Astrological Guidance for
January-June 2017
Thursday, January 19, 2017
4 pm PST | 5 pm MST | 6 pm CST | 7 pm EST
90-minute class | $28
Attend live by phone or webcast.
Class is recorded for replay.
To Register:
AS WE BEGIN OUR JOURNEY through 2017, people who may not normally have come together are finding new ways to collaborate, in the effort to manifest a greater vision. At the same time, we are still dealing with many of the conflicts that became so apparent in 2016. So how do we capitalize on the positive potentials, while gracefully managing and rising above the difficulties?
Each step along the way, we must make a personal choice about who we are, what we believe, and how we want to respond to challenges. We are self-determined because we are not controlled by outside forces. We can decide what energy frequency we want to carry as we journey forward.
In this teleclass, we’ll walk through the planetary influences for each month and discuss ways to make the best use of the energies. Here are just a few highlights:
January: A dynamic cardinal grand cross challenges us to harness power in a disciplined, purposeful way.
February: A fiery Leo Lunar Eclipse activates the Saturn-Uranus trine and inspires new creations. An inspirational Solar Eclipse in Pisces assists us in letting go of the past.
March: A cardinal t-square involving Pluto, Uranus, and Jupiter reveals obstacles that must still be overcome. Venus goes retrograde and we reassess our values. A long-term square between Saturn and Venus provides a challenge to our financial affairs and relationships.
April: The Full Moon reignites the cardinal grand cross to take us to the next level. Mercury goes retrograde and is aligned with Uranus for three weeks, inspiring innovative thinking, forthright communication, and rebellious attitudes, while also increasing nervous energy. The second Saturn-Chiron square occurs.
May: The Moon’s Nodes change signs, advancing us to the next phase of our evolution. The second of three Saturn-Uranus trines helps us bring form to the insights revealed during the Mercury-Uranus alignment. A Mars-Saturn opposition requires consolidation and balance.
June: Multiple oppositions involving Saturn challenge us to take responsibility for the results of our thoughts and our beliefs. We reassess and prepare.
PLEASE JOIN US! And don’t worry if you can't attend live – the class is recorded, and everyone who registers receives a link to the recording and the slideshow.
When you register, you will receive an email from with instructions for the class. If you do not receive this email in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
Before the class date, you will receive calendars for each month so that you can take notes.
To Register:
Payment may be handled online or by check to
Elsie Kerns, 2007 Rabbit Run Rd., Marlton, NJ 08053.
Questions? Contact Elsie Kerns at or 856.988.7426
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This is a time of major life transition -- if your birthday is early in the week, you are working with the fall-out of recent life-changing events and finding a new center for yourself. If your birthday is late in the week, you are in the middle or just beginning a time of deep change when you will find strengths within you that you may not have been aware of before. This year, it is important to forgive and move on, to not hold on to resentments or allow yourself to be drawn into the drama. You are discovering something new about yourself and about your ability to find passion and purpose in your life.
We are in the final week of Mercury's retrograde phase, a period in which we are cautioned to take our time with any new decisions, making sure that loose ends are tied up before we move forward. Mercury actually backs up into Sagittarius on Wednesday, so we'll be revisiting some of the meanings of our past experience -- an important step in coming to terms with what has been before we create something new. Once Mercury turns its face toward the future next Sunday (at 1:42am PST, 9:42am GMT), we can begin to consider what kinds of new, even more meaningful adventures we want to engage as we go forward.
VENUS is also focused on completion this week. The planet enters Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac on Monday, and then aligns with the karmic South Node on Saturday.
Venus represents the values held by the human heart -- those things that we say we "love" -- which can mean other people, material possessions, or something we find beautiful or enjoyable. As Venus moves through Pisces for the next month, we are both forgiving and releasing things we have loved and lost, and opening our hearts more fully to what remains or will come next.
THIS THEME will be revisited in April, when retrograde Venus backs up into Pisces for another three-plus weeks. What we do not complete now, we will have another chance to finish then.
It will also be interesting to watch what happens around the New Moon on January 27. That is the day that Venus squares Saturn, an aspect that will play a very important role in the months ahead:
AFTER ENTERING ARIES on February 3, Venus will begin to move more slowly, finally stopping and turning retrograde on March 4. Starting April 2, when Venus re-enters Pisces, the planet will be in square aspect to Saturn for a solid four weeks.
This means that the entire month of April is likely to be a very crucial time for all things ruled by Venus -- relationships, finances, agreements and alliances, the arts, and nature. Saturn's goal is for us to face reality and to take responsibility, and this long-lasting square aspect with Venus will show us where we have fallen down on the job in all these areas.
It is likely to be a time of some hard work, but our sincere efforts to be disciplined, objective, and mature will be rewarded. This is why it is vital that we begin now, with Venus entering Pisces this week, to do whatever work remains to be completed in the areas that Venus rules.
THE MOST SIGNIFICANT aspect this week occurs on Friday, when the Sun aligns with Pluto in Capricorn. This is a powerful planetary alignment, combining the focused light of the Sun with the passion and drive of Pluto, in a sign that represents the “three As": ambition, aspiration, and accomplishment.
It may be hard to hold back with this Sun-Pluto alignment, especially for those who are already predisposed to follow their instincts. But again, with Mercury retrograde, we'll want to be sure we've checked and double checked every detail before making long-term decisions or investments of time or resources.
MY APOLOGIES for the incorrect link for the teleclass that I included in last week's journal! Chalk one up to Mercury retrograde. My thanks to everyone who responded to my correction email and signed up for the class already. To learn more, please read on:
Personal Choice and
Astrological Guidance for
January-June 2017
Thursday, January 19, 2017
4 pm PST | 5 pm MST | 6 pm CST | 7 pm EST
90-minute class | $28
Attend live by phone or webcast.
Class is recorded for replay.
To Register:
AS WE BEGIN OUR JOURNEY through 2017, people who may not normally have come together are finding new ways to collaborate, in the effort to manifest a greater vision. At the same time, we are still dealing with many of the conflicts that became so apparent in 2016. So how do we capitalize on the positive potentials, while gracefully managing and rising above the difficulties?
Each step along the way, we must make a personal choice about who we are, what we believe, and how we want to respond to challenges. We are self-determined because we are not controlled by outside forces. We can decide what energy frequency we want to carry as we journey forward.
In this teleclass, we’ll walk through the planetary influences for each month and discuss ways to make the best use of the energies. Here are just a few highlights:
January: A dynamic cardinal grand cross challenges us to harness power in a disciplined, purposeful way.
February: A fiery Leo Lunar Eclipse activates the Saturn-Uranus trine and inspires new creations. An inspirational Solar Eclipse in Pisces assists us in letting go of the past.
March: A cardinal t-square involving Pluto, Uranus, and Jupiter reveals obstacles that must still be overcome. Venus goes retrograde and we reassess our values. A long-term square between Saturn and Venus provides a challenge to our financial affairs and relationships.
April: The Full Moon reignites the cardinal grand cross to take us to the next level. Mercury goes retrograde and is aligned with Uranus for three weeks, inspiring innovative thinking, forthright communication, and rebellious attitudes, while also increasing nervous energy. The second Saturn-Chiron square occurs.
May: The Moon’s Nodes change signs, advancing us to the next phase of our evolution. The second of three Saturn-Uranus trines helps us bring form to the insights revealed during the Mercury-Uranus alignment. A Mars-Saturn opposition requires consolidation and balance.
June: Multiple oppositions involving Saturn challenge us to take responsibility for the results of our thoughts and our beliefs. We reassess and prepare.
PLEASE JOIN US! And don’t worry if you can't attend live – the class is recorded, and everyone who registers receives a link to the recording and the slideshow.
When you register, you will receive an email from with instructions for the class. If you do not receive this email in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
Before the class date, you will receive calendars for each month so that you can take notes.
To Register:
Payment may be handled online or by check to
Elsie Kerns, 2007 Rabbit Run Rd., Marlton, NJ 08053.
Questions? Contact Elsie Kerns at or 856.988.7426
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This is a time of major life transition -- if your birthday is early in the week, you are working with the fall-out of recent life-changing events and finding a new center for yourself. If your birthday is late in the week, you are in the middle or just beginning a time of deep change when you will find strengths within you that you may not have been aware of before. This year, it is important to forgive and move on, to not hold on to resentments or allow yourself to be drawn into the drama. You are discovering something new about yourself and about your ability to find passion and purpose in your life.
Copyright Pam Younghans 2017. All rights reserved.
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