Thursday, May 31, 2018

Shanta Gabriel: Inspiration for the Week: Finding Stability in Changing Times

Inspiration for the Week
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Finding Stability in Changing Times

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week, the message from Archangel Gabriel speaks to us about creating a new stable foundation of well-being within ourselves.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week

The Inner Spirit working outward in your life
is the only place to find stability in these changing times.

It is a time of growth and renewal, a time for breakthroughs into new levels of being for each of us individually. We are in the process of creating the world that responds to the prayers of millions of heart-centered people. It is a time that has never been experienced on the Earth and is jam-packed with awesome potential.

In past centuries, only a few people would have the consciousness to experience their divinity within the human form. Now all of humanity has that potential. We are moving and creating our lives within the power of Divine Light. This allows us each to access pure alignment to the Source of All That Is.

For me, the answer to almost all of my biggest questions has become Alignment with the Divine Spirit working within me. In fact, the exercise to bring Heaven to Earth through my body was the first process Archangel Gabriel gave me when we began our interaction in 1990. (See practice and video here.)

Creating Alignment within my body with my most Divine Essence is my main focus not only in my life, but in all that I share in my classes. There are teachings from India that have been working for thousands of years to purify our hearts and transform our lives. When we feel that our personal life is not working as we would like, we can use these deceptively simple techniques to make a vast difference in our happiness and well-being. This is what I teach in all my classes and private sessions.

We are on the Earth during this massive process of change because we chose to be here now to fulfill the prompting of our Soul, and to join with millions of others in bringing greater Harmony into all life on the planet. This was a courageous and precious choice. No matter what it may look like, the Heavens are rejoicing in the progress that we have already made. We truly are the ones we have been waiting for.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for the promptings of my heart that have brought me to this time. Please help me to listen more deeply to your guidance and inspiration. May I allow your divine energy to work in and through all my actions, words and thoughts to bring more Love into my life, and into the lives of all humanity.

I ask to be a Beacon of Pure Light in the world, a Harbinger of Peace, and a Vessel of Pure Harmony.  With every breath I take, may I and each person in the world have a deeper experience of Alignment with the Source of all Light. May there be Compassion within me and within all hearts, now and always. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
May 27, 2018

The Gabriel Messages #13


The Inner Spirit working outward in your life
is the only place to find stability in these changing times.

Dear One,

You have found that your world is speeding up. You may even have a sense of frantic activity without a sense of accomplishment. You have found yourself searching for meaning in all that you are doing when it does not feel like enough.

The truth is that there is an increase in the frequencies of the Earth. Because of this, people are experiencing a shift in consciousness that encourages their search for meaning in all that they do.  And Universal Consciousness is now more easily available to all who seek than ever before. This increase in energy is also creating great and rapid change in the world around you. Information is more available, tremendous earth changes, such as earthquakes, tornadoes, fires and hurricanes, seem to be occurring with more frequency, and the very fabric of social, political and family life seems to have shifted into unknown areas.

All these occurrences are in the world of appearance, the world outside yourself. They point out the fact that you can no longer look to your outside world to bring you a sense of stability. You must come back to yourself and find that still point of peace, harmony and wisdom within. This is the only place of stability in these changing times.

Within you there is a place of such Peace that you can totally relax there and allow it to permeate your being. Within you is found the Truth and Joy and meaning which you have sought in vain from the world outside yourself. Come now and allow yourself to experience this place within, where you can be free just to be. It is as close as your breath. And it is with your breath, and the power of your thoughts and imagination, that you can begin to experience your Higher Self and your connection to the Divine.


Take a few deep and centering breaths. Bring your attention to the place just below your navel, and imagine that you have found yourself in a very peaceful garden. You can make this garden the most beautiful place you have ever seen. Create flowing brooks and peaceful ponds, flowers and shady trees. Make it a place that you will long to come back to again and again. Allow yourself to relax and absorb the peace and beauty of this garden. Give yourself time to meet with your guardian Angel and with your Higher Self to receive all the wisdom, guidance and love that you need.

It may take a little practice to find this peaceful place within yourself, but after only a few balanced breaths, it won't be long before you will be able to go there without effort. When you give yourself this time of quiet, you will notice that your outer world will not have the power to pull you away from this still place of Peace. This is true stability. It is from this still point within that you will be able to live in this time of change and not feel alone or abandoned. You will be able to connect deeply with the support you need.

Like a wheel whose spokes appear to revolve very quickly, but whose center has quiet movement connecting all the links around it, this revolution of stillness within you will transform your outer world into one of Harmony, Love and Peace.

Remember to ask for this stillness. If you feel attracted to it, ask for the experience of a peaceful garden. Most of all, ask for your personal connection to the Source of all life. It all begins with you, with your thoughts, and with the balanced breath that is your connecting link. It is all there for you if you but give yourself the time.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

The Inner Spirit working outward in your life
is the only place to find stability in these changing times.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
May 27, 2018

Jamye Price: June 2018 Ascension Energies – Earth Family

June 2018 Ascension Energies – Earth Family

The accompanying video to this article can be found here.

May Review
May had the energy of Peaceful Heart, and it was an interesting flow. I had a deep processing prior to the monthly energies teleclass. I had a flash of feeling like my heart area was a vacuum, a deep magnetic pull.

Then my head and crown chakra were so activated it was uncomfortable and I just had to rest and zone out for the day. Concentration or focus was not possible. During the teleclass, there was a transmission where the energy was similar. Heart healing, crown activation. Anchoring more of your divine nature.

I also noticed in May that grounding was not as easy. Our frequency is constantly amplifying (in this Year of Amplification according to Areon) so I would find myself ungrounded, but not in a big way. Have you noticed something similar recently?

The focus on grounding helps you to anchor or embody the higher frequencies and truly transform this world—just by living your life and letting your powerful Love flow into your world. It is the only way it really occurs.

June Energies
Tuning into the energies this month was interesting. Areon showed me that June had an overall energy of healing humanity’s fall into deception, but the energy focus wasn’t established yet—then they went silent on the subject. That’s a big topic, and one that just doesn’t heal overnight. It comes in phases of empowerment.

Finally they started showing me our perspective of family, which is another way of saying connection or DNA/Akashic information. They brought in a 3 month template that begins with our earth family in June, our universal family in July and our heart family in August. This trinity is part of transcending duality into triality, where we consciously integrate the “invisible” connection. Ascension.

Earth Family

June’s energy of Earth encompasses your immediate family, ancestral and cultural DNA, even your past-life DNA that may not have any connection to your current family history. It extends out to your family of like mind and heart—friends and co-creators that you are interacting with. It also extends out to those that seem so opposite from you, the family of humanity.

Of course it also includes animals, Earth and the elements that comprise life on earth; though we are going to focus on it predominantly from the human standpoint.

The June energies will call you to release past pain, trauma or resistance. You need not immerse in it, just observe your life and nurture any fear or resistance into new courage and new choice. Be patient with yourself and life.

June will call you to hold more of your divine Love and embody the future of humanity’s connection more and more, in all of its facets. How you manifest that will be influenced by your focus and desires.

“But I’ve already done that work.”

Cool. You’ll know you’re finished with it because you can be around your family or not and feel a detached compassion that embraces the perfection of your past. You’ll observe or experience any kind of human behavior or challenge and feel the peace that passes all understanding.

Not just a mental understanding—an emotional appreciation for the perfection of the challenges. You’ll feel deep love and compassion for each human angel that supported your growth so perfectly or continues to awaken humanity through suppression or deception.

If there is one thing I’ve noticed about this Year of Amplification, we are getting into the details of any discordant energy, the spiral is breaking down the weak bonds of fear, resistance, pain, resentment, disempowerment, etc.

It is offering an empowered strength of Love that is the foundation for changing the human experience. It is time for the compassionate ones to prepare to lead. But the old structures will continue breaking down. Allow your courage to participate in Love pave the way for new potentials.

Family Separation

Family creates a strong bond of connection. That can be a wonderful thing. But when fear leads—greed, deception and domination become the currency of “connection” which actually creates separation. The historical form of “royal” leadership and separation of classes could have positive benefits as humanity evolves through it, or it could have negative effects as humanity resists evolving past it.

Of course, the positive way for humanity to evolve through this means that leadership truly has a desire to support and empower those they lead. This applies to all aspects of life—even teachers, CEOs, government, parents, friends, mates, etc.

While there have been some leaders that have come along and supported that, most have not or could not based on the pervading structure of domination. The Avalon story represents that potential lost in our past.

But the inherent pull of life is toward love. That is what the spiraling energies are evolving us into. Empowered Sovereign beings that are ready to lead with Love. To truly change the human experience step by step. Old patterns are no longer being tolerated.

The changes never happen fast enough, and for those of us that are sensitive, the destructive aspects are difficult. But as you strengthen into more loving potentials in your own life, you are progressing the entire journey of humanity.

It’s not your job to fix them, you focus on your energy and you strengthen connection. The Law of Resonance (Law of Attraction) does the heavy lifting. This is becoming the change you want to see in the world. Changing your inner vibration and effecting the world around you.

June supports you stepping into a leadership role with your Light of Love. Lead by example of courageous Love.

The Royalty Within All
The energies of Earth Family had an interesting flow of amplification with the royal wedding. It brought a beautiful influx of potential. The polarity that has been becoming more obvious (less hidden) is merging through Love. It was beautiful to watch such a tradition-steeped affair be softly nurtured into strength by a young couple.

For example, I loved that Megan Markle chose to walk down the aisle alone, allowed some interweaving with Charles meeting her for part of the journey, then again choosing her sovereignty to connect with Prince Harry, rather than being “given” to him. There is so many beautiful potentials of connection weaving into the consciousness of humanity through the representation of the royal wedding.

They created a lovely bridge between the old and new, and helping to connect races through the Love that is natural to us when fear does not dominate. As Bishop Curry said, “When Love is the way, the Earth will become a sanctuary.” You, dear Lightworker, are creating that way.

Evolution is inevitable. Each generation is born into the biosphere of the previous generations desires, hopes and fears. They are born with the potentials to manifest desires, heal fears and continue the process of evolution. That potential is in you and being continually activated now by the energies around you and within you.

The Evolution of Connection
During the Light Language transmission this month, I was shown a beautiful inner earth connection that is activating our DNA to hold a higher aspect of our connection. The Law of Resonance determines connection, attraction, evolution. The Earth, our loving nurturer, creates a biosphere of information that informs our progress as the feedback loop of our electromagnetic energy concentrates into more clarity.

In June observe changes in your third eye, throat and heart energy flow. You, dear Lightworker, are amplifying your Love to handle the higher aspect of Love that humanity is ready for, though fear and ego will cause many to resist.

As you embody your heart’s desires for Love and connection, you magnetize the human experience into the next layer of the spiral flow. In June, your courage to love the family of humanity to new heights is supported by (and supporting) the Evolution of Connection.

Connection is the Ascension process in application. Connect with your authentic self, connect more deeply with Love, and connect outward through Love.

Enjoy the power of June!

Sarah Varcas: June 2018 Astro-Energy Report: The Alchemy of Emotional Expression

 Astrology of June 2018, Energy Report, Mars in Aquarius, North Node in Leo, Mercury in Cancer, Eris, Uranus in Taurus, new moon in Gemini, Venus in Leo, Saturn in Capricorn, Neptune retrograde, Pluto in Capricorn, Sun in Cancer, Mars retrograde, full moon in Capricorn, Mercury in Leo

June 2018 finds us in the ‘waiting room’ of the next eclipse season beginning in July. How we manage the waiting, the growing sense of anticipation or anxiety, the mounting tension… or is it excitement?….depends largely on how happy we are to let things fall into place. Or would we rather force them there, before discovering we’ve jammed yet another square peg into a round hole?! Mars in Aquarius conjunct the South Node through June and July reminds us detaching from our desires can be useful when progress is slow. It doesn’t mean we must abandon all hope and give up the ghost, but it can be helpful to turn down the heat on our expectations and demands when the universe has a different timetable to our own! Then we can relax despite the stress of waiting while the cosmic dance allows life to unfold in its own time and step.

That said, this Mars comes with a warning too: don’t be so detached as to lose touch with your passion, your fiery core. Remember what sets your heart aflame and continue to nurture that warm glow inside, even when externals aren’t looking so hot! Once the eclipse season is upon us our orientation may change quite significantly, with a focus on inner adjustments necessary for outer change to happen. In the meantime this coming month has a lot to say about relationships and raises some potentially thorny, but enlightening, issues about the role our emotions play in them.

June begins with an on-going Grand Trine in Water increasing sensitivities and heightening emotion. Be gentle, choose compassion over conflict and bear in mind the old adage that many are fighting great battles, most of them hidden. The first three days of this month may feel heavy with emotion if we don’t do something proactive about processing our feelings rather than wallowing in them. A Yod focused on Saturn reminds us responsibility for ourselves can’t be abdicated just because we’re not feeling so great. Learning to allow our emotions space whilst placing a boundary around them so we can keep on keeping on is a valuable lesson at times like this.

Come 3rd June sensitivities ease as the Grand Trine in Water and Yod dissolve, life moves on and Pluto in Capricorn begins to oppose Venus in Cancer until 8th June. This opposition highlights the power of love and the love of power, so can be used to enhance our relationships or exploit them!  If you find yourself at odds with loved ones during this time, see it as an opportunity to explore the deeper dynamics of your relationship and learn something about yourself while you do. Whilst a concurrent square between the Sun and Neptune from 4th to 10th June may cause us to doubt ourselves just when we need to be firm and clear, it also invites us to take a different view on a situation which has felt stuck or stagnant for a while. Use this energy to be creative about your viewpoint and welcome uncertainty as a sign that a new perspective is forming.

A quarter moon in Pisces as the Sun conjuncts Mercury on 6th June reminds us that meaningful connections with other people don’t always have to be intense. Hanging out with friends, enjoying a few beers and watching the match can be as important as deep and meaningful discussions beneath the stars. We need a range of intensity in our relationships. This Moon allows for the beautiful alchemy of shared interests, happy moments and light-hearted banter which forges connections that stand the test of time when the going gets rough and we need deeper support from those we love.

Eris sextiles the Sun from 11th – 18th June providing some feisty energy if we have something to say or do that feels onerous or intimidating. Eris is intimidated by nothing and no one and wants us to feel the same! Her mighty heart and fearsome attitude combined with the Sun in Gemini’s gift of the gab can embolden us to reach out to others, step out of our comfort zone and dare to think new thoughts to see how they fit in our familiar world. If you’ve been wondering why something in your life isn’t working out how you’d hoped and no matter the efforts you make it simply won’t shift, this sextile from Eris to the Sun can help you find a new route towards your goal. Preferably one that entails less struggle and more creativity!

Mercury in Cancer from 12th – 29th June invites us to speak openly about our feelings when we know we’re safe to do so. It reminds us not to fear all intimacy because some has been corrupted by deception and betrayal. Most people have been hurt and most have hurt others, unwittingly or otherwise. No one is immune. Accepting this fact of life can go some way to regaining a modicum of trust. A square from Chiron to Mercury between 12th and 15th June challenges us to express our emotions and let others do the same. This may be the only way to ease the pressure of holding it all inside. Chiron in Aries wants healing to be quick and complete. It simply doesn’t have time for lengthy exploration and deep inner work! Whilst in the long run we may need exactly that, right now we can take time to articulate our inner world and benefit greatly from doing so. No analysis needed, no interpretation necessary. The simple power of saying the words can bring healing enough in itself.

As Uranus is squared by Venus from 12th to 17th June we may discover that honest emotional sharing raises some interesting issues! Here we see the consequences of speaking our feelings into the world. It changes things and yes, we may fear those changes which is why we didn’t do it in the first place. But if we keep inside something as powerful as emotion it will change us anyway. The inner twists and turns needed to avoid what we don’t want to see can be significantly more harmful than the consequences of looking it in the eye and owning it. Uranus and Venus remind us that only by engaging with the world around us can we discover what we truly desire and how we can go about getting it. And most emotion is ultimately about desire: our reaction to what we do and don’t want to happen, how we do and don’t want to be and what we do and don’t want to have to deal with. This square identifies desire as the driving force at the heart of all that we are and all that we do. As such, being honest about our desires is a radical act of self-determination and personal sovereignty.

This emphasis on authentic communication is further enhanced on 13th June by a New Moon in the 23rd degree of Gemini which occurs just a couple of hours prior to Venus entering Leo (where she remains until 10th July). This Moon encourages openness and honesty, whilst helping to keep things light. It reminds us relationships don’t have to be a battle ground or an endless therapy session. They can also be fun, creative places where we get to know ourselves and others through mutual exploration and revelation. Bringing a more light-hearted attitude to any challenging inter-personal issues we encounter may be just what’s needed to ease the tension preventing their resolution. Once Venus is in Leo we’ll all benefit from some affection and acknowledgement along the way so using this new moon to shift heavier dynamics and brighten things up will put it to good use indeed.

Once in Leo, Venus invites us to celebrate ourselves and embrace the sheer pleasure of unapologetically being who we are. She recognises the wonder of our individuality, the nuance of our speech, that certain way we approach other people, the glint in our eye and the lilt in our walk. She loves us just as we are, whoever we are, and bids us look in her mirror to see ourselves through her eyes. She sees behind the uncertainties and fear, lack of confidence, social faux pas, embarrassing moments and deepest shame to the sacred humanity at our heart. She celebrates us all and urges us to do the same. In a busy world where life rushes by at a lightening pace it’s easy to overlook the importance of appreciative moments: a compliment here, a kind word there, a vote of thanks or a gesture of gratitude. She reminds us to acknowledge each other and ourselves, to focus on the best of humanity and accentuate the positive in our relationships. Not as some Pollyanna act of denial but because in doing so we can find a balanced view which might just save the day.

Saturn in Capricorn opposing Mercury in Cancer between 14th and 17th June adds some grounding ‘common sense’ into the mix, encouraging us to share our wisdom and insight as well as our emotions. ‘I feel this way and I think it’s about something that’s happening between us’ can be an easier message to hear than ‘I feel this way and it’s all YOUR fault!’. If we want others to listen we need to present a message they can hear, especially if it challenges their own perceptions, feelings and security. This opposition helps us take responsibility for the expression of our feelings, by being clear where they’re coming from and knowing what’s ours and what’s someone else’s to address. In doing so we can take communication to the next level, exploring our thoughts and feelings in greater depth without others feeling threatened or our retreating into denial because owning up to who we are comes at too high a price.

Between 16th and 24th June the theme of relationship dynamics continues with Venus conjunct the North Node while Mars is conjunct the South Node, reminding us that all healthy relationships require a balance of opposites, an acceptance of contradictions and the embracing of paradox. It’s helpful to examine and learn from the past but not to carry it with us like a pack on our back weighing us down. We’re not destined to repeat the past if we choose to do things differently this time around. And no matter what’s happened before, we can opt for a positive and hopeful attitude towards the present rather than a negative or combative one. True positivity is born of awareness and realism, not a denial of the challenges we face. Negativity isn’t ‘common sense’, it’s a decision to allow past struggles to define our future rather than choosing a new approach to how our life unfolds.

Neptune begins five months retrograde in Pisces on 18th June reminding us that no matter the cacophony of the world, inner silence remains, patiently waiting. It calls us into stillness where we are nothing, no one and yet in all things everywhere. Stillness itself can overwhelm, however, threatening our sense of identity and meaning, in which case life’s demands come as a welcome distraction from disappearing into the void! But when Neptune’s retrograde it’s important we find time to do exactly that when we can. Trined by Jupiter as it changes direction, we have deep and powerful support to explore life aside from the world, from who we think we are and believe others to be. Extraneous distractions can be seen for what they are, we can pare life down to what matters and unlock great riches within.

A Grand Trine in Water formed by Mercury, Neptune and Jupiter from 19th to 21st June encourages us to walk gently and with grace in the world. Let our words be comforting, our actions wise and our wisdom humble. Battles fought now may wound deeply so they’re best avoided. Conflicts engaged in will hurt so if we can step around them or postpone them for another day this would be best. The Sun begins its month in the sign of Cancer on 21st July. Squaring Chiron in Aries as it does so, it sets, in part, the theme of the solar eclipse in Cancer next month. The power of emotional healing is emphasised and the influence of emotional wounds highlighted. The world can be a hurtful place and we can cause much pain to one another. The Sun’s journey through Cancer helps us acknowledge this fact and turn to face, rather than avoid, our own wounds. Emotional pain isn’t a sign of weakness or an indicator of not being ‘spiritual’ enough. It simply means we’re human and so we suffer, and then we heal, and then we suffer, and then we heal, and so it is in this realm as we let go those things that bind us and blossom into who we truly are.

Pluto opposes Mercury from 21st to 25th July. Words have power and ideas can change the world, so what we say and how we think are key factors in how we impact others. Mercury in Cancer seeks common ground, emotional sharing and a sense of belonging. Pluto in Capricorn sees these priorities as sentimental hogwash when change is necessary and truths need to be aired! This opposition can augur harsh words and cutting speech or exchanges which get to the root of a problem so completely that it never need recur. Which of these results we get is largely up to us. If we can use Mercury’s ability to create a safe space in which to have difficult conversations, and then embrace Pluto’s life-changing truths about how we move through this world, use our inherent power and respond to that of others, we could experience some truly profound exchanges during this time, capable of shifting not only our relationships but also our perception of how the world really works and what’s actually going on around us. Pluto reminds us that what looks like destruction is purification and what feels too hard to bear is our spirit rising up anew to reclaim its own. Keeping this in mind now can help us stay with emotionally challenging situations and see them through into renewal.

From 24th to 30th June an opposition between Saturn in Capricorn and the Sun in Cancer takes over from Mercury and Pluto, affirming that emotional sensitivity, when accepted and understood, can be a source of wisdom rather than a liability to be controlled at all costs! This world rarely welcomes those who feel deeply and live life without emotional armour. This opposition may augur a suppressive or punitive response to emotional sensitivity, or a supportive effort to contain and make sense of emotional pain. For those we encounter who are struggling now we can be a safe witness for their pain. And if it is we who struggle, we can seek out that safety for ourselves. But finding it isn’t a given. A square from Chiron in Aries to the Sun reminds us that at the end of the day it is we who must contain ourselves and know ourselves as whole. We cannot forever seek to pour ourselves into another’s cup but must become our own chalice, offering up our difficult emotions, challenging circumstances and painful experiences to be transmuted by the restorative capacity of life itself which makes all things new eventually. If we find that safe space and grounded person who can help us allow and make sense of emotional pain now all well and good. But if not, Saturn reminds us we can be that person for ourselves, and there is a wise and grounded self wanting now to emerge.

From 26th June to 27th August Mars is retrograde, first in Aquarius and then in Capricorn, giving us five retrograde planets to end the month (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune & Pluto). With so much retrograde activity our inner life takes on great importance and needs careful attention. Whilst external progress can falter when Mars is retrograde, inside we can make great strides in self-knowledge which will serve us well for a long time to come. Mars only turns retrograde once every two to two and half years so it’s worth making the most of this opportunity to explore issues of motivation and hone our clarity about what’s really driving us. Are we pursuing one thing on the surface but in fact sabotaged by more hidden forces in our psyche which undermine our stated goals? Are we wholeheartedly pursuing our dreams only to find they’re not actually ours but someone else’s that we somehow co-opted along the way? Are we intent on proving ourselves to others according to their values and losing touch with our own in the process? Mars retrograde blows the cover on the many ways in which we work against ourselves, clarifying issues of motivation and intent and bringing them into line with a more authentic expression of who we actually are.

A Full Moon in the 7th degree of Capricorn on 28th June conjunct Saturn affirms the importance of honouring process rather than seeking after premature outcomes. It cautions patience and rewards those who respect the natural order which necessitates firm foundations before we reach for the sky! We may have to let go of unrealistic notions at this moon, recognising that our previous timetable for an important project may be flawed. Alternatively results achieved now may fall short of what we’d anticipated and require a grudging return to the drawing board. However this full moon manifests in your life, take heart and don’t give up hope. This isn’t an unsatisfactory end, but a staging post on a longer and altogether more significant journey. There is much wisdom available in the light of this Moon. Those who are willing to look with eyes wide open will see with greater clarity where they’ve sought to side-step responsibility in favour of an easier road or more naive approach to matters of gravity. Sometimes we must simply walk through the flames to reach the other side, for they are purifying and strengthening, even as they burn through our egoic defences. If we’ve tried to rise above rather than journey through them, this Moon gets our feet back on the ground and reminds us this time we must walk to where we’re going and learn along the way. If, however, you’re rewarded with blessings at this moon, pat yourself on the back and enjoy the moment for these rewards have truly been earned with commitment, hard graft and a refusal to back down no matter what. You deserve this moment, so enjoy it!

The month comes to a close with Mercury entering Leo on 29th June, where it remains until 6th September, turning retrograde in July. Aspecting Uranus and Chiron, Mercury’s arrival in Leo awakens the lion in us all, with its need to roar, make its presence felt and establish its territory.
Uranus now in Taurus is working away on all that has been resistant to recent forces of change. We can use this Mercury to stamp our feet and resist the inexorable march of progress or climb on board and spread its message far and wide! Chiron in Aries reminds us that sometimes we simply have to get over ourselves and get on with life, even and especially when it’s tough and challenging and not looking how we hoped it would. Feeling hard done by or insisting life is unfair is simply a waste of energy that could be invested in finding better solutions to current problems or quicker ways to change our state and feel differently about the world around us. Mercury’s journey through Leo will test our commitment to pursuing a purposeful life rather than a frustrated one. We can use it to insist we know best no matter what and impose our ideas and values on everything and everyone. Or we can use it to contribute positive energy and ideas, perspectives and insights, into the ongoing process of change occurring personally, locally and globally. We may, in fact, find ourselves swinging between these two extremes, in which case observing how each makes us feel will be time well spent.

As June ends this Mercury reminds us of the radical healing power in self-expression. Others may not like what we have to say and the feeling may be mutual! But it’s time to speak openly and honestly, with integrity and grit. For only then can the truth be aired and its rectifying power radiate through the world around us. With Mercury turning retrograde next month and three eclipses approaching, now is the time to think deeply about what truly matters and how best to express its importance to the world. This may require some inner adjustments as well as outer ones. The current abundance of retrograde planets will help us make them if we harbour an enduring commitment to authenticity and truth.

Sarah Varcas

Previous post:

Recent articles about Julian Assange / Wikileaks

This Sat: new series of online Vigils for Julian Assange is going LIVE: Press release: Media resources: Join the movement:

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9 hours ago
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    Kate Spreckley: Energy Report - May / June 2018 | Spirit Pathways

    Energy Report - May / June 2018

    by Kate Spreckley

    It’s been a ‘dark night of the soul’ kind of time recently with many feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated. The fact is our experience of life is changing, reality is transforming and our perceptions are shifting. Consciousness is expanding as humanity rises to a new level of awareness and understanding.  How we view our lives, our relationship and our world is altering.  The structures of the past are collapsing and a deeper awareness of our purpose on this planet is emerging.  As a result, everything is changing and nothing is certain.
    These changes are being supported by planet Uranus’ move into the astrological sign of Taurus.  This is a significant shift, which is calling for a new consciousness to develop around how we physically exist on the Earth. Uranus is the planet of radical revolution. Its move into Taurus means that over the next 7 and a half years we can expect a reformation, a reinvention and a radical revolution in how we live on the Earth, how we regard the Earth’s natural resources and how we value ourselves, each other and all of life. As a result, a whole range of new expressions and manifestations will begin to emerge to support the building of an entirely new reality. A new reality which supports nurtures and honours all of life.

    Consequently, it is time that we come to respect the Earth, respect each other and respect ourselves enough to stop the abuse. Abuse comes in many different forms, verbal, emotional, physical and economic.  Greed, poverty, hunger and religious discriminations are subtler forms of abuse used to gain power of people, communities and countries.  Planetary abuse is seen in our addiction to oil, our consumption of all resources, pollution and waste.  Add the wars, unstable governments, corporate greed, crime and a lack of basic human rights to the mix and we can see the abuse on a global scale.

    We are at a crucial time in our human history where our understanding of how nature evolves is changing.  We are moving from an unconscious evolutionary process, which is governed by natural selection, to a conscious evolutionary process, which is a choice.  It is a powerful choice of destruction or co-creation.  With this choice, we are given the power to destroy humanity or to participate in creating a future of infinite dimensions. Conscious evolution demands that we expand our perspective beyond our immediate needs and take into consideration the planet and all of life.

    The total abuse of the Earth is no longer an option.  The harsh reality is that unless we change our ways and shift our focus to more sustainable ways of living humanity will not survive.  The abuse and disruption to the planet is leading to natural disasters. At the beginning of May we saw Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii erupting and a resulting earthquake which occurred close to the volcano. Kilauea Volcano is said to be the home of Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of fire. She is known as both a creator and a destroyer. Rather apt that she should erupt at this time as we shift realities with the choice of destruction or co-creation.

    The cosmic energy flooding the planet is supporting this process and calling for the Earth’s energy to rise and meet the incoming Divine energies.  As a result, a revolution in how we live on the body of the planet is being initiated. This is generating an exciting flow of new inspiration and new ideas.  New social processes and structure are emerging to restore the natural environment.  Better educational, health and governmental systems are being created as a deep sense of life purpose awakens in many.  We are all being driven to explore and express the vital part we have to play in humanity’s evolution.

    As you stabilise yourself in the new Earth reality you will come to know and understand that change must happen for new life to emerge and thrive. You will find meaning in your existence and recognise that you are here to make a difference, to serve humanity and the planet.  As a result, you will become more conscious of the active role you need to take in co-creating a new Earth reality.  As co-creator, you must work with the Divine Creator, the Earth and the cosmic forces of creation to create and manifest that which is best for all of life everywhere.

    To change the outer manifestation of life a profound inner transformation needs to occur. This entails you exploring the essence of your nature and to remember that you are a microcosm of nature.  At your deepest core your soul, which is ether, inhabits the four worlds of water (emotions), Earth (physical world), air (mind) and fire (spirit).  It is these five elements that inextricably link humanity to the rest of creation.  Exploring these elemental forces and reawakening your connection to them reintroduces you to the cycles of the Earth’s evolution and to the sacredness of all life.  Correctly applying the creative force of these elements is key to effectively manifesting a new reality.

    Currently the energetic nature of the elements is evolving. This evolutionary process is literally changing the molecular structure of the planet to restore balance.  As a result, our human molecular structure is changing creating an alchemical reaction, which is enabling you to fully embody your soul and ground its cosmic blueprint into the roots of the Earth.  This alchemical process is generating a powerful energetic creative force, which is allowing you to retrieve, from your soul blueprint, the wisdom, truth, understanding and revelations crucial to the building of the new Earth reality.  These valuable tools will enable you to manifest creations based on healthy values such as integrity, honour, respect, balance, consciousness and community. Thus, you are able to manifest a reality that is able to grow and meet your personal needs while also respecting the Earth and all who dwell upon her.

    Everything is changing and everything is new.  Powerful, unexpected events are at work which ask you to look deeply at yourself, your life, your relationships and your world. Look beyond the cliffs edge and expand your horizons beyond what you are able to see and perceive. Align yourself with the events that are occurring and move into right action.  Explore your intuition and your interests.  Go where they lead you.  Trust in yourself and the changes you need to make and you will set into motion a chain of events which will create rewarding new life.

    This is just the beginning. A new journey lies before you. A journey which is vital for the evolutionary growth of your soul. See this journey as a beautiful path of growth, transformation and evolution. Expect many beautiful rewards along the way with many new experiences and opportunities. Explore your new reality, your thoughts and your feelings. Discover who you are now and how to continue your Earth walk. You may find that a deeper understanding of your path and purpose begins to emerge as you become aware of the larger journey, the total journey of humanity. Take time, gather yourself and clarify your path.  Move with the incoming energies and learn to direct, build and weave together your new life using the natural forces of creation.
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