Dear Ones, Before the closure of a complete moon phase
there is a direct and very powerful vibrational energy that can be used
for the completion of old patterns of consciousness. Even though this
attribute is available at other times it is more naturally available as
the moon energy nears its New Moon activation.
We are speaking of the Gracious Presence of Light Fields of Completion.
When you allow the powerful frequencies within this concept to work in
your personal power field, you can activate the energy for completion in
any area of your life.
Consider the patterns of old thought and behavior within your energy system.
They are like old vines clinging to a tree, sucking the life force.
With your imagination, you can consciously place these patterns in the
light field generated by the new frequency grids represented in the
Gracious Presence of Completions.
Get a sense of the power within this field of Light radiating the frequencies of Graciousness.
There is a gentle awareness that allows a flow of the Divine Presence
to be within you. This glowing expanse of Graciousness can be seen as a
field of Golden Light. Let it expand all around your body illuminating
your auric field. Let yourself get a sense of relaxing into a very
vibrant energy that is supporting you in a gracious manner.
Be aware of the grounding cords below your base and let them root gently into the Earth to drain any old emotional energy. Know that you are in alignment from Heaven to Earth as you attune yourself to the fields of Light above and below you.
When you bring this energy of Gracious Completion into the center of your head
and let it permeate your thought processes, it lifts and expands the
field of your perceptions with Light. Allow any outdated patterns of
thought to surface into your awareness. You may consider the way you
work in the world, or the energy you bring to your projects. You can
envision the old patterns in relationships that you are ready to
complete. You might imagine any issues of health and self-care that
don’t serve you.
Know that as you let these old patterns enter your field of Gracious Completion,
they can dissipate very gracefully. The frequencies in this activated
field are stronger than the vibrations of old patterns because they
carry the Graciousness inherent in the Divine.
Once you practice entering a field of Gracious Completion,
you will become very adept at using the energy to dispel the
vibrational energy in the patterns. Because of the dimensional shift in
frequencies it makes it possible to use Divine energy to change your
life – one thought at a time.
A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and personal growth leader, Tania Gabrielle inspires legions of praise from her clients and followers. Tania introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names and numbers to facilitate wealth and well-being with a primary focus on teaching spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results.
recently talked about the effect of Pluto, Saturn and the South Node
being together in the skies this year. Today we’re going to focus on
Saturn and the South Node as these two are pretty much side by side for
the next 4 months until the end of September. This is a huge time for
getting your act together, letting go of what needs to be let go of, and
moving forward with purpose.
by choice or through circumstance it will feel like you are coming face
to face with the past over and over again. You may be confronted to
look at:
What old baggage am I still carrying around?
What old stories and beliefs am I holding that no longer serve me?
What patterns do I keep repeating that I am DONE with?
this baggage, with these stories, beliefs and patterns, some of them
might be connected to your past in this life, others are connected to
your family and their story, or your ancestral
lineage/multi-generational patterns. Some could be past life related
(soul lineage).
old stuff like this, it can often be the case that we’ve cleared/healed
our beliefs on a conscious level but on a subconscious level or on an
“emotional set-point” level we’re still lugging them around. For
example, consciously you may genuinely believe that you’re always taken
care of, and that you always have enough. However you might find
yourself constantly repeating old money patterns, or old emotional
reactions to those money patterns. The emotional reaction is part of
your OLD emotional set-point (your emotional set-point is the emotion
you keep falling back down to time and again be it disappointment,
anger, frustration etc) and it’s this emotional reaction that keeps
habits/actions/energy alive that keep the whole cycle going!!
repeating cycle is a result of decades, if not lifetimes, of a certain
groove being conditioned to act and respond a certain way. Whatever your
old groove is, whatever that old wound is that keeps getting poked and
prodded, Saturn and the South Node are joining forces to help you say
All this is happening in the sign of Capricorn
which is about being an adult. It’s happening opposite Cancer which
represents our inner child. So for a lot of us, wherever we have been
acting through the lens of our inner child, wherever we have felt like
the victim, wherever we are in blame mode, wherever we feel dependent,
needy, not good enough or overly sensitive, it’s time to emotionally
grow up. It’s time to be the parent that we perhaps never had, or wish
we had.
represents the father so for some of us our 2019 healing story could be
related to our father or anyone who was in a father role when we were
growing up. It also represents authority in any form, so if you have any
sort of entanglement with authority this year it would be very
beneficial to look within and ask:
Where am I ready to own my inner authority in a greater way?
Where am I ready to step into greater responsibility?
Where am I apologising for being who I am?
Where do I feel I have to justify my very being?
Where am I still acting like a child/living in child-mode?
Where do I need to claim my adulthood (and autonomy)?
is about taking responsibility. Saturn requires discipline, patience,
hard work, practical action, taking one step at a time to reach
long-term rewards and goals. There is no cutting corners here.
Is there something you have been wanting for a long time?
Something you’ve wanted to do, become or accomplish? This Saturn/South
Node energy is ideal for seeing very clearly what’s been holding you
back, knowing exactly what you need to do to let that go, and take steps
to move in the direction of your choice.
is about consistency and commitment. It’s about showing up – especially
for yourself. If you want something, go for it – but you have to show
up and do what needs to be done.
Here’s an exercise to help:
Write a list of things that you want to do, become or accomplish.
Next write a list with 2 columns:
Column 1: Why do I want this?
helps to get clear on why you want what you want. Sometimes things have
been on our want/to do list for so long, but they’re actually no longer
relevant to our current version of who we are. Time to ditch those
things. Sometimes we realise hang on, I only wanted this to prove
something to my parents/society. Actually I really don’t want this!
Knowing why you want something helps you to stay motivated even when the
fruits of your efforts aren’t yet here in their full form.
Column 2: Why I don’t want this.
column can be a tough one if you think “no part of me doesn’t want
this!!” Trust me, if something is not in your life that you want, there
is a part of you that for some reason either doesn’t want it, OR doesn’t
want it yet (right timing is everything!!!) Be open to whatever wants
to come through onto the page. With things we really want, there are
usually conflicting thoughts within us eg if I have, let’s say, more
success, then that means I will have less time, I’ll be more open to
criticism, online attacks etc etc. Working through those conflicting
thoughts will help soften them, so that what you really want can come to
you in an easier way. You don’t necessarily have to let go of
conflicting thoughts. Using the above example, yes, more success will
likely mean that at times you’ll have less time! (Other times it will
mean you have more time!). So it’s more about just acknowledging the
conflicting thought and saying well yeah, that’s true, but I’m okay with
might see that the conflicting belief is trying to help you. For
example: The belief might be: “a new relationship will mean I have less
time to myself”. Maybe right now time with yourself is super important
to you. Maybe your soul very much needs time outside of being in a
relationship. So in this case you might agree that this no-relationship
time is a gift, and thus enjoy it while it lasts instead of resisting
Restriction and Control
can manifest as “restriction” in some area of your life. If that’s the
case for you, ask: “How is this restriction serving me?” Lack of money
for example is a good motivator for finally going for that promotion we
would otherwise be too scared to ask for, or that new job, or finally
getting some business idea off the ground. Lack of freedom is a good
motivator for finally leaving home, or any situation you’ve outgrown.
Obviously we don’t want to always attract “lack” in order to manifest
“more” (if that’s your emotional set-point, it’s time to change that).
Finding the gift in restriction is often the very thing that helps to
shift it.
can also manifest as the control that ‘someone’ or ‘something’ has over
you. With the karmic South Node on Saturn it’s time to come out from
under this control. (This can include our own thoughts just as much as
any external factors). You will feel a new liberation as these control
layers start flying off you. This frees you up to live life much more in
alignment with who you really are.
Saturn is all about being real – bye bye to anything built on illusion. Which brings us to the global stage…..
Where have we been controlled?
Who is trying (and in many ways succeeding) to control us?
Where have we given away our authority?
South Node will help us see, in a clearer way, things we haven’t been
able to see before. Just like we’re now able to see our personal wounds
in a clearer way, our collective/global workings are being revealed
helping us to understand why the world really is as it is. More on that
in the next blog.
now, when your old stuff/past stuff comes up, find the gift so that you
can learn the lesson and move on from the pattern, OR if you feel
you’ve already got the lesson it’s fine to say “Hey old pattern/old
belief/old reality influencers, I don’t believe you anymore.” Most
importantly: CHANGE your actions. If you are used to saying yes to
something you don't want to do, how does it feel to say no? If you are
used to procrastinating about something you want to do, how does it feel
to start taking regular action steps, even if it's just tiny steps?
Has this Saturn//South Node conjunction started to affect your life already? How?
I was recently part of the Energy Medicine Summit, and many took the time to write and comment about how useful you found the interview.
I am so grateful to Dondi Dahlin and the Energy Medicine Summit for allowing me to freely share the whole video interview with you here. It’s all about HOW TO FIND YOUR POWER AS A SENSITIVE, which we all know is a journey, so I share this in the hope you will find something useful or helpful in it today.
Big love X
This interview is part of the Energy Medicine and Healing Summit, a free online event where you can discover leading-edge Energy practices and unleash your body's ability to heal.
For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
You might be wondering how you can possibly stay positive around a negative person, or in a chaotic world.
If you are anything like me, you’re sensitive to other people’s
energy. You can walk into a room and feel what’s been go on there. Or
when you meet someone, you immediately know what they’re about.
This is a real gift, though it does have its challenges. For me,
being sensitive to other people’s energy has been a lifelong lesson in boundaries and self-care. It always amazed me when people could be around anyone in any environment and remain undaunted.
I used to take things very personally. In fact, I took on other people’s energy as if it was my own!
Letting things, “roll off my back”, as others would encourage me to do, just wasn’t possible.
I’m an empath.
This means that I feel people’s emotions (and sometimes physical
pain) as if they were my own. My guess is that you have some degree of
this too. If you’ve ever struggled with any of the following, then you
are most likely an empath too:
feeling exhausted after being around groups
being drained after you help others
experiencing dramatic mood shifts
wanting to please everyone
compassion fatigue
If you weren’t hardwired to be sensitive to other people’s energy,
you wouldn’t experience these things. Trying to brush things off or move
on as if you don’t care is not how you roll!
Being an empath is a remarkable gift. You have emotional intelligence.
When channeled correctly, you have an intuitive awareness that guides
you toward amazing opportunities. You have the ability to heal yourself
and others.
If you’re unskilled about managing the energy you’re receiving, it can wreak havoc on your life.
In order to stay positive around other people, you must do the following:
Cleanse your aura every day
Your aura is interacting with other people’s energy. An empath’s aura
is more porous than most people’s. Therefore you pick up energy like a
sponge. If you keep absorbing energy without cleansing it from your
aura, it will weigh you down and deplete you.
Make a conscious choice to bring light to your aura every day to wash
away what doesn’t belong to you, and make your aura shiny and bright.
Bringing light to your chakras can help heal them too.
Stay grounded in your body
A tree that is rooted firmly in the Earth is not blown away by
storms. Similarly, a person who is rooted in their body can remain
healthy and happy without getting emotionally uprooted by other people’s
dramas. The more firmly your energy is grounded, the more easily you
can remain healthy and secure.
Tune into your inner voice rather than others
Empaths tend to be people pleasers. In order to keep relationship
harmony, empaths have a tendency to over-give and make choices based on
other people’s happiness rather than their own. In time, it becomes more
challenging to know what you want, because you’re making choices for
other people instead.
A healthy solution is to focus on what you want before you think
about how it affects everyone else. This isn’t selfish (although if
you’re not used to it you might feel like it is).
As an empath, you can ultimately have more clarity about what’s right for the good of all by first knowing what’s right for you.
Be direct instead of nice
Once you have clarity about what’s you truly want and what’s best for
you, you can communicate that clearly and directly with others.
You might feel as if you’ll rock the boat by doing this. Ultimately, when people are honest and direct,
it’s more harmonious for everyone involved. People will appreciate the
clarity and you’ll feel better knowing you’re being true to yourself.
Raise your vibration to love
Love is the strongest energy in the Universe.
If other people around you are fearful or negative, it can wear you
down. However, if you are elevating YOUR energy to the frequency of
love, it can lift up others around you instead.
You’ve got a gift for raising the vibration of the planet!
I’ve spent my life developing these skills. I know the power of
harnessing my energy to benefit me and others, rather than deplete me.
Being aware of my own needs, feelings and energy is a daily practice,
and one with infinitely positive results. I encourage you to take up
this practice immediately and watch your world change from chaos to
If you’d like to know more about managing your energy so you can feel
wonderful every day, I encourage you to take my tele-class, How to Stay Positive Around Negative People. It can change your life forever.
Additional Resources for You:
Grounding Meditation – Get Connected To The Earth
In this guided meditation you will calm and center your energy and connect to Mother Earth.
With this guided meditation you can feel calm and connected, manifest
more quickly, relieve anxiety and stress, and receive intuitive
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters,
Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known
as the Collective [originally channeled live for the May 14, 2019 Ashtar Legacy Call]:
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this chance to speak with you today.
And so, as you hear this beautiful piece of music [that had just been played on the call], just a bit of this piece titled “Trillium,”
by the wonderful Tom Kenyon, who is a sound healer, there are aspects
of your vibration which are coming forward, asking first to be
acknowledged by you, asking to be fully integrated into your everyday
thought and feeling and realization—into the body, into every cell.
And asking to reach higher into the Light. This is what you yourselves have been doing.
Now, we would like you to begin to look at your lives a little bit differently.
Because what we tend to see in most of the Light Bringers we work
with and speak with, is this feeling that things haven’t changed very
That you are still existing day to day in a system that is
a bit of a trap. That you don’t have much freedom of movement or much
choice—you have to stick with the job you don’t like.
You have
to stick with the partner you’re not very sure about, or can’t really
stand anymore, because you’re raising children together or you have no
other income, or you’re ill, etc.
And we see you, in many ways, now powerfully working with Light and
energy in your sleep state, as well as sort of unconsciously during the
day. And we see you becoming these very conscious, very powerful Light
Beings who happen to be in the human body for a while.
Photo by Renee Turcotte
Meanwhile, your conscious mind is saying, “I still feel a bit weak
and disempowered. I still feel unsure of myself . . . I still feel
really fed up about this situation and that, too many bills to pay.”
“I don’t know what to make of this health situation.” Or, “I can’t
believe I’m alone at my age,” or “I’m stuck with somebody I don’t really
care for anymore.” Or “I can’t stand my co-workers!” Or “They’re OK,
but the job is meaningless!”
And it goes on and on. And then it spreads further, to your view of the world.
We would suggest and request—can you just take a moment? Sit quietly in your body.
Ask your higher self, “What has changed lately, that I’m coming more and more into my power? What has shifted?
new level of Light, what higher vibration has integrated into my
mind-body-spirit lately, that I’ve been so busy trying to just deal with
this Earth life that I haven’t really noticed or given myself credit
for that amazing integration?
“What’s new with me, in other words?”
Just go ahead and ask that for a moment. [PAUSE]
So we’re picking up on a few things. An increased empowerment, is one term. We’re listening to different peoples’ higher selves.
Increased knowledge of the tools and processes to use, to create a higher vibrational life experience.
Wonderful! Increased awarenessthat you have choices. That you’re neverstuck, that only your imagination is the limit.
Perhaps the forms might be a bit different than you are expecting, but the Joy—there’s no end to it, the joy that awaits you!
The realization that you can work with life and energy consciously
during the day as you do at night in your sleep state, when you are in
your true form, traveling etherically, completing bits of your Earth
mission that you really can’t do during the day.
All of this is crucial, all of it is important!
There’s not a person within the sound of our voice and beyond, who doesn’t have an Earth mission that’s invaluable and crucial.
Now, some are choosing to leave the planet. You might think, “Oh no, they didn’t get a chance to fulfill their Earth mission!”
We assure you, they’ll carry on with it from where they are, as dear Susan Leland is doing, and so many others.
There’s this wonderful fellow who used to be on The Carol Burnett Show, called Tim Conway.
That was his Earth name [in this latest incarnation]. And he specialized in making people laugh at the ridiculous.
And in that moment, as they were giggling and laughing joyfully, they forgot the heaviness in their life.
What a beautiful gift! What an absolutely beautiful gift!
There are a lot of wonderful performers who have left recently. Some were in their 90s and older.
the gifts they imparted, they’re still going to be sharing, just in a
slightly more elevated way, in a slightly different way.
It won’t be lost; it can’t be lost! There’s nothing you’re transmitting that isn’t felt all the way around the world.
But let’s go back to your individual life for a moment. We’re going
to ask the higher selves this time to impart—if you don’t hear words,
that’s all right—[we’re asking them to] impart the energies of the
realization of how far you’ve come, and Who you really are.
[To everyone’s higher self] Can you give each dear one listening, live or recorded, an image, a word, a feeling of who they really are?
listeners] Now, stay open! Stay very open. If you’re pulling back
because you’re thinking. “I don’t want to end up being a green alien,”
that’s all right! Let’s not trouble ourselves about that right now.
If you’re an Earth Angel, you should know it! If you’re an elven lord or a faery queen, you should know!
you’re actually an Earth elemental who stepped into human form for a
while to help purify the earth, wonderful! You should know that! Almost
endless choices.
Photo by Lynne Newman
So some of you are being told your purpose or your role, such as “you’re a healer.”
that’s an interesting term, because it doesn’t necessarily mean you put
a hand on someone and their ulcer is healed, or their cancer is gone in
an instant.
It can mean you’re assisting them in releasing whatever is holding them back.
It can mean you’re assisting them in viewing themselves as incredibly
empowered and blessed, and [that they are] here to let other people
know that they are likewise incredibly empowered and blessed.
They just haven’t claimed it yet.
Too many of you, the vast majority we would say, have
incredible riches, incredible blessings, incredible abilities you just
haven’t claimed yet.
Could you please do us a huge favor, and your higher selves a huge
favor, and say right now—say it aloud if you can—if not, that’s OK—maybe
write it down at some point:
“I hereby claim every gift, every blessing, every bit of
empowerment I was sent to the Earth to enjoy—all of it! I claim all the
beauty! I claim all the Joy!
“I claim all the Love, including self-Love!”
Just say something to that effect right now:
of the blessings, all of the beauty, all of the gifts, abilities,
treasures and Abundance. I claim it all now! I accept it all now! I am
receiving it all now, in perfect ways.”
Wonderful! Now we would like you to claim your Divinity.
“I AM the Divine itself in human form. I claim and accept
this joyfully now! I bless every gift. I bless every challenge. They
birth within me a new strength, a new level of empowerment. I give
thanks! So mote it be.”
So the energies we’re flowing to you, dear ones, really have to do
with this claiming we’re talking about. This accepting, this receiving
and allowing which we’ve been talking about on the Abundance Group calls
as well.
Because too often, what a Light Bearer does, once in human form, is only believe what they see around them.
you’ve been carefully trained as human beings for many, many
centuries—millennia—to only see what’s going on around you physically
and feel that that’s the end, that’s the final word, that’s the
(quote-unquote) “reality.”
So if you don’t claim these incredible gifts of empowerment, the
sight that shows you the endless potential that they call the quantum
field—the endless sea of energy waiting to be molded by you with your
joy and your thoughts, your beliefs, your expectations—if you don’t see
all that and claim it, move into it, and give thanks for it, and say,
“Wow, I can’t wait! All this beautiful stuff is manifesting for me!”—then it tends not to come forward, because you haven’t called on it yet.
That’s how powerful you are!
You are the one to say when and where, sometimes even how.
so you accidentally manifest by default, through that shortened sight
and that expectation of “things can’t get much better.”
That goes on and on. And it puts you in a position to feel that “this is how it is, and this is how it’s always going to be.”
As we were saying to a dear one today in a channeling session, people
think when they comment on the situation around them, that they’re just
commenting on What Is, at that moment.
They don’t mean to exclude the possibility of things changing! And yet, bizarrely, they’ve accidently done just that.
There’s no such thing as past/present/future. There’s only NOW. RIGHT NOW!
So when you say, “I don’t have enough of this,” or “I haven’t got enough of that,” you’re laying a path for the days ahead of you, unless you shift that view and start proclaiming something else.
All the Universe is ever going to do is say Yes to what you say reality is.
doesn’t know how to do any different. And all that each of us, and
every higher being, is ever going to do, is allow you that freedom.
Because you were born on a free will planet.
Now, you can say, “Well, that free will has been usurped!” And we
would say, “We understand. But you live in Transformative times. If
there was ever a time to claim your power and your freedom, friends,
it’s now. It’s right now!”
So will you promise us that you will at least give it a try?
wake up tomorrow morning and say, “I can’t wait to see all the
phenomenal, beautiful things that are going to manifest for me today!
They’re already coming into form—I can feel it!”
Can you promise us you’ll give it a try?
Say it right now, in fact, just to practice: “I
can’t wait to see all the amazingly beautiful things that are
manifesting for me right now! They’re already taking form—I can feel it!
I’m fullof thanks and appreciation!”
Put your hand on your heart, and if you’ve had even one meal today, give thanks.
If you have more than three changes of clothing, give thanks.
you have a roof over your head, if you have any form of income
whatsoever, even if it’s just someone else’s kindness for the moment,
give thanks.
All of these things are in scarce quantity
in certain places in the world. So to someone else, you’re as rich as a
king or a queen!
And that includes the self-esteem that helps you get up in the
morning and get showered and dressed, and get on with your day, even if
you’re not too sure how it’s going to turn out.
You have the inner strength to give it a try and, for that, we applaud you!
in this powerful life, this astounding Earth life, you’re cleansing, as
we say often, not only the trauma and the shock and the grief you’ve
experienced in this life, but in hundreds and hundreds of lives.
you’re releasing every presence, every interference, every device or
implant, every influence that isn’t you, and shouldn’t be there.
Say right now, “If you’re not for my higher good, leave
now! Only that which belongs to Divine Love and Divine Light is welcome
in my life and energies!”
Wonderful! So we’re going to just flow energies right now, dear ones, to assist each of you in your individual challenges.
And we would like you to turn to your biggest challenge right now, and say to it, “Thank you for the hidden gifts you are giving me now.”
Wonderful! Just open your heart to receive.
We’re opening the heart chakra, the third chakra, crown chakra—balancing, lifting, activating all the chakras, aligning them.
We’re going to continue flowing those energies, dear ones. Even just
thinking of them will reactivate them powerfully.
Beautiful. And so we send, as always, much Love and many blessings, dear ones. We are with you at all times.
You are never alone—your higher self, your guides, your Angels are with you at every moment.
And as always, we are honored to assist you on your path.
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.
Oceana Ryan is an author, speaker, and channneler, and host of "The
Empowered Lightworker." She currently channels the higher wisdom and
guidance of the Collective, a group of higher beings assisting humanity
as we Ascend into fifth dimensional life.
I will make another video and go over some of the messages & June energy
**everyone will experience the acension process differently. And perceive reality differently.
We are all conduits to energy. But we experience it differently based off our elemental makeup, Soul path, past lives, etc..
A message that I got is there has been a new agreement- to "turn up" the ascension process... this will cause a rapid acceleration in awareness and perception. Right now is the tipping point where things are culminating or reaching a climax connected to the last collective agreement. I am also seeing the energy/aura of planets/animals/earth looking different, a subtle difference.
New Moon Portal opens as the moon enters the electromagnetic field connecting the Sun & Earth on 5/31 right as the next wave of Cosmic energy is coming in/hitting (hitting Earth, if you tune into Cosmic energy & planetary field/aura you may feel this now- or before the 30th) and 5/31 is also a Galactic Activation Portal. The next Galactic Activation Portal date is June 4th, after the New Moon in Gemini.
The next Galactic Activation Portal after the New Moon in Gemini is on Soltice, June 21st.
The “Shift” or “Event” as some call it
and expect it to happen, has been happening continually inch by painful
and difficult inch for the past thirty physical linear years on Earth.
Intensely so in the physical dimension since 1998–1999. I’ve referred to
this constant “Shift” “Event” process energetic Stair-steps
that the First Everything-ers, Foreunners, Pathpavers, Embodiers,
Wayshowers have been traversing for the past 20–30 or more years in this
life. However, many people believe and expect some instant
special-effects type of external singular “Event” and/or “Shift” to
happen all at once that will shift them and their physical bodies into a
much higher state and reality. If it happened that way, no one alive on
Earth would physically survive it because the frequency range
difference between what has been and what we’re evolving into
is too extreme for anyone in a physical body to survive in-tact in a
single “Shift” or “Event”. Mass humanity is nowhere near evolved enough
to be able to make a single evolutionary leap “Shift” or “Event” and
ascend to a higher level of being. No, this “Shift”/”Event” has been
unfolding quite differently for decades already.
2018 Triple Crowns Process
First Everything-ers and Forerunners, do you remember Embodying
increasing amounts of Crystalline Christ frequency during 2017 and 2018?
Do you remember Embodying the Triple Crowns process
in 2018? If you weren’t conscious of that particular phase it doesn’t
matter, only that you went through it and were further Rewired by it.
The Triple Crowns process was, as has always been the case with the
Ascension Process, very compressed the last three months (Trinity, Triality instead of lower frequency Duality) of 2018. Three
stages of Embodying the first, second and third “Crowns” that year so
you’d be able to move up a few more Stair-steps and Embody more NEW in
the near future in a NEW way with very NEW results. That future
is 2019, and as usual, a different multiple stage process continues
this year. Such has been the entire Ascension Process; steadily laboring
our ways up higher frequency stair-steps transmuting all that needed to
be, releasing more lower old, while each higher step caused and
continues to cause us to embody and Embody increasingly higher frequency
Light energies, more NEW codes (templates) and NEW DNA and then run them through our bodies in these NEW ways.
What I suspected last year but wasn’t absolutely positive about the 2018 Triple Crowns process was that each of those “Crowns” had to do with three
important brain glands; the Pineal Crown gland, the Pituitary Brow
gland, and the Hypothalamus gland which works with the other two forming
a higher NEW energetic Trinity system in our brains. Those three
brain glands were a big part of the Triple Crowns and evolutionary
Rewiring they went through last year all to prepare them, us to Embody
and run the 2019 (and beyond) higher NEW codes and energies in NEW ways
at NEW levels. Stair-steps, always stair-steps as we constantly build
upon, expand, evolve and survive the entire Ascension Process physically
and in all other ways as well.
Many times over the years I’ve shared how
this and related energy processes feel in my body and head. Typically
whenever NEW energy Waves and/or solar transmissions—CME’s, solar
storms, flares, winds—are present I feel them enter through the etheric
area above the top of my physical head. From that level they descend
into my physical head and swirl and ping around in there for a while
causing different transformational head pains, pressures and those very
distinct energy headaches while they evolve certain endocrine brain
glands (and chakras) being energetically worked on at the time. While
this further head, brain and brain glands Rewiring is happening, those
energies typically flow down from my head into my entire HighHeart area
and Thymus gland. [The physical Thymus gland is located in the center of
your upper chest well above the physical heart.] The farthest below my
HighHeart I feel these energies is around my diaphragm, which causes it
to instantly bloat again. It’s been an ongoing Process in the First
Everythingers, Forerunners, Embodiers having these Trinity group of
brain glands Rewired, not just one and done but
multiple times over the past twenty years and counting. Stair-steps,
multiple layers, continuously higher frequencies, expanding abilities,
higher awareness and so on. Never a one and done thing
but an ongoing expansion and uplifting Ascension Process to higher and
more complex completely NEW levels with NEW codes and DNA and matching
NEW awareness and abilities.
All of April and most of May 2019 have
been unusually energetically intense, physically and emotionally painful
and psychologically trying for me at times, and then the complete
opposite at other times. This is certainly not the first time these
extremes have been experienced during my personal Ascension and
Embodiment Processes, but it is the first time for meat this level.
The same is true for many of you reading this. You, me, we have never
been were we are now and we’ve never experienced these NEW higher level
energies functioning within us in these very NEW ways. It’s wonderful,
shocking, disturbing, intense and can be traumatic for a bit as you make
these profound evolutionary transitions into a higher way of being and
functioning due to the NEW codes and DNA and other NEW energy Waves
we’ve been embodying and Embodying recently.
It was in December 2018 when the rain
started (here in California) after so many long horrible ascension years
of extreme heat and drought. And it’s cold and raining here today, May
26, 2019 as I write this. Because I’ve always loved the rain this was a
special treat for me anyway, but once the rain started last December, I
knew it was going to continue and was happening because the water was going to help embed and hold these latest NEW Trinity codes which are the NEW energy templates for ascending humanity, Earth, reality and beyond.
We’ve had a constant increase over the
past few years of greater Crystalline (Christ frequency) energies
present and being Embodied by the First Everythingers and our internal
grid systems, and into Earth and Earth’s grid system. Once the needed
levels of this were reached we automatically moved up another energy
Stair-step and began the next level of this ongoing process. In this
case it was the 2018 Triple Crowns transformations; the triple brain
glands being greatly evolved up to a Trinity frequency and state that’s
Crystalline going into Diamond. After that it’s been the super
compressed, intense and at times downright extreme April and May 2019
stair-step phase of our three NEW Trinity frequency brain glands
connecting and operating with our HighHearts and Thymus gland.
How many of you noticed during April and
May 2019 that most every time your head hurt from embodying these NEW
Trinity codes (many have been Seeing them everywhere since the rains,
and flooding, began last December as pastel colored triangles and/or darker gemstone colored triangles and also other energy 6D template patterns too),
your HighHeart area began pounding hard and nearly rattling your
teeth!? I exaggerate only slightly about this because this May round has
been like no other in this regard. (1) Severe head energy headaches and
head pressures that move around your head and skull and (2) that energy
then moves down into your entire HighHeart area which causes your heart
to pound very hard for longer than you think it can survive. The head
business hurts and the HighHeart expansions make you feel exhausted,
weak and very close to God… in a good way.
It’s not an easy or painless task getting
the NEW Trinity Crystalline Diamond codes into our physical heads, our
brain glands, then our HighHearts where they’re now activated to run and
are now running our bodies, consciousness, lives and reality and Embody
them all so they’re anchored and available for mass humanity to evolve
into when they are able to do so. Every time the First Everythingers (I
know it’s a ridiculous term and I’ll replace it the moment I think of
something better, promise) Embody more NEW Trinity, integrated, unified,
evolved beyond old lower frequency Duality codes and energies, our
ongoing Embodiment actions assist in another timeline Shift into higher
Divine organic reality with NEW matching codes—6D geometric, morphogenic
energy templates for humans and all else that are evolving, ascending
Another very important aspect of these
latest 2019 changes was when the Embodiers reached the Shift Event
changeover from the old lower everything is focused EXTERNALLY to a much higher and organic level of everything is now focused INTERNALLY which causes individuals to become increasingly more energeticallysovereign,
self-empowered, self-aware and so on. The old lower 3D patriarchal ways
of humanity being constantly focused on all things external and
therefore perpetually disempowered themselves meant everyone was
parasitic in what’s been a totally parasitic world. That however is
another hugely important evolutionary Shift Event that’s happened
recently which will force humanity back into a Divine organic state of
being, living, reality and consciousness. Humanity will individually
rediscover that they themselves are Self-as-Source and that all they
need and want to know about etc. can be accessed right inside of
themselves. This was another really big and potent Shift Event to
finally happen on Earth this year.
I know and you know
that all this is far more complex, beautiful and cosmically
jaw-dropping than what I’ve very simply described here. This is the best
I can do at the moment because, as always, I’m still living and
embodying and Embodying all this and more myself just as most of you
reading this are. The main reason I’ve wanted to get something written
about April and May 2019 is because of what we’ve lived and Embodied we
have made a really important and significant Shift Event. We
have Embodied more NEW Trinity codes and energies etc. in our Trinity
brain glands that are directly connected to our HighHearts making them
and the rest of our bodies capable of Embodying and running, housing,
containing, maintaining and circulating the NEW Crystalline Diamond
Trinity (three not the old lower two of Duality)
HighHeart organic systems that are must-haves for life on NEW ascended
Earth. We just did one massive Shift Event, again, but this one dwarfs
all previous ones because we’ve finally crossed an invisible Ascension
line because we’re carrying all NEW now and we’re doing it in NEW ways
and at NEW levels we’ve never be able to reach until now.
Also wanted to mention about awful April
2019 as I call it because the entire month the physical pains I’d had
off and on for over a year before this were amplified so severely I
could hardly walk most of April. The bone and joint structures in
our physical bodies have been going through massive Shifts and Events
for a few years now because each time we Embody more NEW codes and DNA
etc., so too does Earth and the grids in and around Earth. It’s not just
our inner structures undergoing tremendous evolutionary transformations but Earth and her grid systems and structures too. That’s your Saturn Pluto Capricorn conjunction energies hard at Work for you and All. If you’re sensitive to Earth and/or ‘Earth Changes’
and the constant Ascension Process stair-step upgrading of Earth’s grid
structures, then you are more likely to feel those energies and changes
taking place within your physical bones and skeletal structure. How
many of you have had it feel like the bones and joints in your feet and
ankles, the bones in your whole body from the waist down for that
matter, were literally broken or breaking lately? NEW codes, NEW DNA,
NEW grids. This will settle down and hurt less as we and Earth and
everything else adjusts to having Embodied this latest round of NEW
Trinity codes and other big energy Waves and solar transmissions.
The Separation of Worlds Is Happening Inside You & Your Physical Body
At some point during these bigger than usual April and May 2019 evolutionary Shift Events, I became conscious that the Separation of Worlds
is taking place inside of me and my body and inside all Embodiers. It
was one of those furrowed brow moments where you cringe slightly over
the truth of the unpleasant matter but simultaneously realize it’s why
you’ve felt so terrible and struggled so with certain things,
situations, people and on and on. Macro micro business again. I and the
Creator are one and I and the evolutionary shitstorm of extreme constant
Shifting changes are one too. How is this any different from Embodying
the NEW? It isn’t really. It’s just another perspective of what’s been
unfolding all along. Deep breath, stop feeling unworthy or like you’ve
done “something wrong” and keep doing what you’ve been doing this entire
time because it’s working really well.
Yes it’s been brutal lately but, and this
is super important and we all need to remember this when the next layer
arrives, and it most certainly will, we have Embodied and are now
running, circulating and radiating enough of the NEW Crystalline Diamond
Trinity triangular shaped codes, templates and energies in our physical
bodies, HighHearts and heads that we’ve Shifted up another few energy
stair-steps and reached a higher organic ascension timeline in May 2019.
Does this mean we’re “there” and we’re “done” with all this now? Not
hardly but it does mean that once we recuperate from what we’ve just
gone through in April and May 2019, things are going to increasingly
become better, easier, safer, more pleasant, more creative and so on.
Despite all the severe physical, emotional and sometimes psychological
pains we go through embodying and Embodying first, I’ve been very aware
of big positive improvements happening simultaneously. It’s not all pain
and misery, nor is it all constant bliss and perfection. It’s a
transitional little bit of both which is normal for what’s happening.
The pain and misery will now dissipate much more quickly for us because
of these latest Shifts and Embodiment Processes. Hang in there First
Everythingers, Embodiers and Forerunners because we’re steering this
thing from our ever expanding, ever more radiant HighHearts. The rest
will follow and unfold just as it has been. Thank you All for your Great
and ongoing Works. More discussions about this in Comments.
May 26, 2019
Donations can be made here and thank you for the energy exchange.