Wednesday, August 7, 2019

A message from 8chan founder Jim Watkins

8chan, who hosts many discussion boards, including QAnon + Patriots Fight groups, unjustly terminated by Cloudflare:

"At the 4 minute mark, 8chan founder explains how it was SOMEONE ELSE who uploaded the El Paso shooter's manifesto to 8chan. GET IT?"

The shooter uploaded it himself to Instagram..owned by FB..shouldn't THEY be the ones shut down?

No photo description available.


Sorry for the inconvenience, common sense will prevail

Published on Aug 6, 2019

What a sad weekend. I just finished watching the President of the United States give his condolences to the families of the victims of the El Paso Walmart Shooting, and the Dayton Ohio Shooting. It is a tragedy for those families. It is a tragedy for Mexico, and the United States of America. It is indeed such a sad day, and time in the history of the world.

The worst sort of monster shoots up random people, that it is the fact that insanity is obviously involved. One of these shooters even shot his own sister. It is terribly sad. We are lucky that at least he was not able to continue shooting, because quick acting law enforcement was able to kill him within a minute of his attack in Dayton.

Hopefully service will be restored shortly. Again my thoughts and prayers are for the victims of violence everywhere.

#Prince #Jim

Would be nice if Twitter was held to the same standard as 8 Chan. God bless you all.
Remember when the Christchurch massmurderer livestreamed his massacre on Facebook? I strongly believe that Facebook should be shut down because of this! Not to mention that it was not the first time that horrific acts have been livestreamed on Facebook!
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny''
I'm sorry for everyone's loss. May everyone in America stay safe.

Thank you very much for defending the freedom of speech. You and 8chan are a lighthouse of freedom in a dark world. WWG1WGA
“A perverse man spreads strife, And a slanderer separates intimate friends.” “A man of violence entices his neighbor And leads him in a way that is not good.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16:28, 29‬
God Bless you Jim and thank you for your hard work and continued commitment to your strong beliefs in a great place to set our pen and paper... May your company continue to prosper and be a place to let everyone express their thoughts and Information to be shared .
go to 4 minute marker: "First of all, the El Paso shooter posted on INSTAGRAM, NOT 8Chan. Later, someone uploaded a manifesto, however, that manifesto was NOT UPLOADED BY THE WALMART SHOOTER. I don't know if he wrote it or not but it was NOT uploaded by the murderer, that is Clear, and Law Enforcement was made aware of this before most people had even heard the horrific news." who owns Instagram? Facebook.
Jim you need to make a new video with the title being something like "El Paso Shooter Posted Manifesto to Instragram NOT 8Chan" and then address that FIRST. The most important point is being completely lost because of the title and the fact it is not addressed until the 4:00 mark. Also see if you can turn out a press release announcing it CLEARLY.
Thank you Mr. Watkins. You are making a difference Sir.

1 comment:

  1. About Vice News Breaking into my Home
    Watkins Xerxes
    Published on May 21, 2019

    I need to make a statement because a lot of other news people are. Well this is what happened. Thanks @Styxhexenhammer666 I appreciate the support. Thank you as well Vincent of the Red Elephants. Bart, you are just a shill. 8chan doesn't work that way. Everyone can make their own boards. If you want to talk about Biden go for it. Make a /biden/ board have a good time. Don't change the narrative, and don't lose focus. This is serious what is happening now. Or the Whitehouse would not be asking for the the support of folks that have had their social media accounts suspended.
