Saturday, August 17, 2019



Published on Aug 15, 2019

#ServiceToOthers #Logos

5D is a shift in perception, which gives you access to new "tools" spiritually. 5D is the beginning point. It is not a destination.. more like a linking point. To connect to your higher self so then your higher self can connect to your Oversoul, Monad & the group consciousness. We have to get to the "13th gate" my ancestors call it... beyond higher dimensional manipulation & direct connection to the Logos/Source/All That Is. Well beyond the 9th dimensional as well. Aluna Ash 9D is a geometric pattern.... I know many assume "9D" in my name youtube means 9D.

**And no one can be left behind because an aspect of you ALREADY exists there (higher dimensions-beyond linear time & 3D plane) we are just merging with more of ourselves. 5D is a linking point. So the higher part of you is always there & its just about removing the ego/personality aspect to be able to connect with that part. The Personality & Soul aspect work together with higher dimensional aspects to decide "fated" "karmic" or "destined" events based of Universal Laws. Living in the present moment, feeling love, joy, compassion & listening to your heart is aligning with your True Self.

Happy Full Moon😘 I know things have felt intense for many.. as these timelines keep collapsing. Theres alot of clearing & activating we are all doing. We are getting closer to the new Sun cycle & peak of that cycle in the coming years, so the waves pick up. Some feels these more then others. And we did have some light/flare released from beyond our Sun which I feel many are picking up on along with the Full Moon frequencies. This new galactic year is the beginning of the Feminine cycle & living more beyond linear time as a collective, which means past-present-future fold. Synchronicities, Deja Vu type experiences, Mandela effect, manifestations, etc.. all start to speed up.

FOR KIMBERLY (SPIRITUAL MATERIAL GIRL ON YOUTUBE) Kimberly's Video: Please feel free to Share her video if it resonates in your heart💜 Kimberly is hoping to seek alternative treatments.. she has done alot for the collective and is humbly asking for help as she moves through this next stage of her path/journey. She had given me guidance not too long ago about a name that was coming through & she was 100% on point.. weeks later this person showed up in my reality. I also wanted to mention when I came across a video of hers months ago- it was a Soul recognition, I didn't see her face, I saw a title of a video & her youtube name w the circle pic.

Divine Feminines & Divine Masculines, If you feel guided to donate for Kimberly's treatment, all is helpful... including sending the energy of love and support, tips, guidance, etc... all of it is helpful during this next stage of her path. Kimberly's Website for Donations:



#13thGate #NewSunCycle #NewCosmicCycle

I'll still be going live on Patreon at 7:30pm EST to chat about DNA Activations. When I log on Live, you will get an emsil alert to join the livestream ☺

**We are all connected at the deepest part of our psyche as a mass consciousness, one of the best ways to integrate your/our shadow and the shadow of the collective/which is also ourselves😂 is by seeing the symbology of everything that shows up in your/our reality. When we truly surrender and accept things from a neutral place, we can create the new & become more empowered... instead of giving our power away and believing that everything is unfair and unjust and dualistic and horrible... If theres a dualistic consciousness- the reality will only mimic that. Believe, expect, know from within. Ive also been noticing alot more "hive-minding" or "trending" within the collective consciousness lately. One person talks about something, then many follow. Or something is shared in the news- boom, everyone on youtube makes a video almost instantly. Like the Hive mind is in warp speed.

And also listen to your body and give your body what it's asking for... there is no "one system fits all" for Ascension/Shifts in consciousness. Our bodies are unique and what works for one person may not work for another. Follow your heart, body, soul with what feels right.

We are in Cycles within Cycles within Cycles. August is thr beginning of a 13 year cycle (last galactic year was a tone 13, there are 13 tones, meaning it was the end of a 13 yr cycle. This galactic year is a tone 1. So its the first year of a new 13 year cycle within a much larger cycle- a Cosmic cycle & beginning of the new Sun cycle!


You can imagine putting your neg energy into a small glass of water or breathing it into the water, you can then transmute the energy in the water w the sun & then give it back to the earth & thank the earth w gratitude. You can hold water at specific points of your body where you are tense as well. I would clear your water before drinking too. I remember touching a gallon of water awhile ago & i saw everything that water went through in a flash begore it got to the store, the memory it hold. As if i was the water.

I know I have mentioned quite a bit over this last year on the channel how this galactic year is so pivotal in the collective shift, new cosmic cycle and this timeline shift to the 13 20 timing frequency- but I was not expecting it to start unfolding so rapidly like right off the bat July 26th 2019- the first day of the New Cosmic Cycle & Galactic Year.  And the New Moon July 31st 2019, during a magnetic day, and in the magnetic moon cycle ,and the magnetic year- was the starting point for the first light codes of the new cycle.

It feels like we are constantly being prepped energetically for the next shift, but really we're just accessing timelines that our existing or running simultaneously from a higher Consciousness space, as more of a group. So our realities are communicating with one another so we're having a group experience to validate what we are experiencing.

We have massive light codes/cosmic energy coming in in December 2019 which is linked to the energy coming in June 2020!! I would say this is pretty massive compared to what we have been experiencing with Cosmic energy.

Please know that you are never stuck in one timeline because there are aspects of you that our existing simultaneously in higher and lower vibrational realities.. which you were shifting in and out of all the time even if you're not aware of it your soul is experiencing multiple realities to gain as much experience as possible. The more we aligned with our higher Consciousness we experience these realities simultaneously while being able to choose in collaboration with our souls so this would be merging the personality aspect with the soul aspect and connecting to the cosmic consciousness/Logos. Anytime you feel down/off.. connect back into the energy field of a time/experience  where are felt trust/guidance or saw a manifestation or had an experience that was proof that you are creating your reality.

Alot of the collective is cleansing & filtering through the physical body right now too. Our bodies are integrating our higher consciousness- which changes/cleanses our bodies or can bting things to the surface in order to see what programs are running on a parallel timeline subconsciously.



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