Friday, August 9, 2019

Praying Medic: 8chan is Down – 10 Days of Darkness?

During the last week, due to pressure from various entities, several companies that provide technical services for 8chan stopped providing services to them. That caused 8chan to go offline and it caused Q to stop posting. I believe Q will return at some point.

Some people have wondered if perhaps, the de-platforming of 8chan and Q’s current absence is the “10 days of darkness” that Q referred to on November 5, 2017. (This reference can actually be found in 2 different posts from that day).

darkness 10 days praying medic qanon

I don’t think the current situation was referenced in the November post about 10 days darkness.
Q’s ability to forecast future events is, by his own admission, possible because he and the President have the ability to control the timing of events such as military operations and the release of executive orders.

how do you know the future qanon

For the sake of argument, if Q had access to the NSA’s database, he could know what events were being planned by his opponents. Accurately predicting their plans would be possible as long as an opponent didn’t change their plans without communicating it to someone. Once again, control is the key, and specifically control of information.

Was the current situation referenced in Q’s post about “10 days of darkness?”

I don’t believe so. It seems unlikely that in November of 2017, Q would have had access to information about 8chan’s service providers cutting off their services during the last week which caused Q to stop posting.

A more likely interpretation of “10 days of darkness” would be a period of time when Q did not post for 10 days—a period over which he had direct control. Such a period of time happened between December 25th, 2017 and January 4th, 2018. The post by Q below even had a suggestion that a ten-day countdown had begun. Note the top line: 10, [10-9]. If we follow the logical progression, we get [8,7,6…]

operational window qanon

I believe Q anticipated a number of problems during the course of the operation, including infiltration by rogue CIA operatives, hacking, media attacks and perhaps 8chan losing their platform. But I don’t think Q would have anticipated the exact timing of the last weeks’ events in November of 2017.
Q is not in charge of providing a platform for his information to be disseminated. His role has always been to provide information, while anons and board owners have been responsible for providing a secure platform on which he can post.

future dumps here qanon

Board Owners (BOs) can suggest a board for Q to post on but Q must first perform security testing to determine if a board is safe.

In December of 2017, Q switched from one board to another (and from 8chan to 4chan) because the platforms and boards in use at that time had been compromised by the CIA (Snow White).

we may have exhausted qanon

Codemonkey and the people at 8chan are working to make their platform operational again. The goal is to set up the new platform in a way that prevents these problems from happening again.

Note: There is a research board on ZeroNet but it was not set up by Codemonekey and I would advise not using it.

If you’d like to follow updates on their progress, I would suggest following 8chan (@infinitechan) and Codemonkey (@CodeMonkeyZ) on Twitter.

When the new platform is operational, Q will likely test it out to see if it meets security requirements. If it does, we’ll be back in business.

Until then, please keep them in all prayer.

FYI: Jim Watkins, the owner of 8chan has come to the US to testify before Congress. I have not heard of a date for the hearing yet as Congress is at recess. This is a recent statement regarding the accusations that have been made against 8chan.

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