Thursday, August 22, 2019

Aluna Ash- 9D: MASSIVE SHIFTS! 8/2


#LOGOS #NewMoon #LightCodes

Oops- 2nd moon cycle begins 8/23 not 8/22** 8/22 is the last day of the 1st moon cycle.

Changes with the Trees video:

I believe what I started seeing w the trees etheric bodies starting 3 1/2 weeks ago nonstop was the Amazon coming to the collective consciousness. I couldn't figure out exactly why I was seeing the aetheric body of the trees looking dead I thought maybe I was seeing the transformation of the seasons that hasn't fully manifested in the physical tree yet in the etheric body. But im seeing energy shifts w insects/plants/everything so maybe its both. Seeing the changes w the trees as group consciousness clairvoyantly/ in mind's eye & the change on the kingdoms taking place.

So with this timing shift, you may have to check what matrix day it is more often..or the "time" which is all just a construct of thought. We developed a web of thoughtforms that created a grid system and an artificial timing frequency that has kept us out of sync with the natural rhythms of synchronicity and the ebb and flow of our multidimensional energy. Now we are re-merging with that. In sense, the false timing construct is dissolved that has kept the artificial timing frequency of the matrix "alive" for many.

Another thing that I wanted to mention is you can bring tools that are connected to your 3rd dimensional experience to your higher dimensional timeline, 5D & beyond.. as long as it's in alignment with you at a heart and soul level. Example: Tarot, tarot is aligned with me but in a different way now than it once was.. I don't watch tarot readings anymore but I enjoy doing readings & I enjoy the energy and archetypes and the symbolism... and the way I do readings is evolving with me as I evolve. Same thing with astrology.. my view on the energy and archetypes has changed so much that I no longer resonate with watching astrology videos like I once did, unless it shows up in my reality (through synchronicity, not really seeking or looking for it) but I still use/talk about astrology. So what I'm saying is if something's aligned with you but you have changed me fall if you can still take that with you and incorporate that into your life in a different way.

We have a couple of massive periods of constant 6D Light Codes coming in soon🤗🤗 basically from about October 23rd to the December 25th Solar Eclipse, which is a pivotal point in this multi-dimensional timeline merge. All in connection to the new cosmic cycle of the Divine Feminine, the tone of this Galactic year & what it represents and re-merging with the 13th gate which has been blocked off during our descending cycle within the Gregorian calendar timing system- 12:60 timing frequency which is a looping system, that in a way, kept many blocked off from the natural rhythms of synchronicity, our multidimensional selves, the natural rhythm of energy and what we call planets, Stars Sun, Moon, Astroids, etc..

In this cycle, more of the collective is moving beyond time & aware of it, so how we measure "time" will change with it. 2012 was the galactic link up to this timing system... there's been a lot of different things said about what 2012 actually was/is/represented. I know it to be the galactic link up of the new system/new paradigm connected to the natural timing frequency & creation point of a new construct through sovereignty that we are experiencing now among other things

8/23-8/24 influx of Light Codes

New moon portal- 8/27- 8/30

Rays coming in through the New Moon- 8/30-9/2

Shifts 9/21-923 Equinox to balance the feminine and masculine energies before we have more of the cosmic energy coming in from Mid October to December 25th Solar Eclipse.

This is a powerful & beautiful time. YOU choose your timeline, we're multidimensional & you can move out of any situation!

#LunarMoonCycle #divineMasculine #DivineFeminine #DivineMother #Equinox #NewMoon #LightCodes #Comet

My tags: Aluna Ash- 9D, MASSIVE SHIFTS!, Changes with the Trees, The Matrix, Synchronicity, 3D/4D/5D/6D, Tarot, Astrology, Light Codes, Multidimensional, Timeline Merge, New Moon Portal, Equinox, Divine Feminine/Masculine, Choice, Intent, Deep Integration, Energy Update, Balance


  1. Group Visualization & 2nd Moon Cycle Chat
    Aluna Ash- 9D
    Streamed live on Aug 21, 2019
    #Agni @7:30pm EST

    *I do not see the energy shifts with the Amazon as a "bad" thing. The Divine Mother is always in full control. All we can do is aid her by seeing her in her high loving vibrant state, see her new transformed & refreshed... not just the Amazon or trees, but ALL of her. And allowing Shakti to move freely within the body, the innate intelligence. We have polluted her aura through the descending cycle of consciousness. She's purifying she always has. Agni, the purifying fire. Which is also spirit. She's performing Agni Yoga.
    Trees are changing video:
    When I started seeing the trees aura in my area 3 1/2 weeks ago, (not in the Amazon- i live in new england US), they looked like they were dying. I thought i was seeing the energy body of the trees before the change of the season, when the leaves fall... then i started seeing changes with the auras of the insects/bees/plants too. So i started thinking I was seeing the restructing of energy. But now i think i was seeing the collective consciousness of the trees clairvoyantly/in my minds eye, through the aura of the trees in my enviorment. I believe im seeing the group consciousness of each kingdom through the etheric body of each living thing. Bees- all the bees through one aura. Trees- all the trees in one aura. Etc..
