Sunday, August 4, 2019

Aluna Ash- 9D: SOLAR GRID, THE EVENT, CENTRAL SUN (description box) 7/31

(description box)7/31

Published on Jul 31, 2019

#NewMoon #CentralSun

The Mayan calender, galactic calender and 13 moon calender is based off Sirius. And more people will start using this timing system, the 13 moons, as we continue further on the collective shift. Lion's Gate, is the activation off the new galactic year & new cycle of the Divine Feminine. The Lions gate portal opens on the Galactic activation portal date after the New Moon in Leo on 8/1. From 8/1-8/3 the gate opens for the line up. The Lions gate Light codes begin coming through 8/1-8/3 The Central Sun Solar Grid is being activated from this gateway.

The solar wave thats coming through now will be lingering til after the New Moon. And more energy is coming through then before.

There are people that experienced the Event physically ALREADY on this planet. There is a reason for that. We are all playing our part. It is a binding unit for a higher dimensional reality. The Event took place in March 2018, the timelines are merging for more of the collective to experience the Event physically. I know this is hard to understand, but we all move beyond time. Some were just fully conscious of the experience prior to collective manifestation.

We are all linking up more consciously & subconsciously to the Central Sun. It is a being, that speaks to you. Connect up through your crown to the Sun then to the Central Sun, then back through the Sun and through your crown & down to your heart, then push the stream down thtough your root chakra to the earth and then central earth. You can do these daily.

New Moon- Sun & Moon both at 8 degrees Leo, during the 1st moon cycle of the new galactic year. The Magnetic Bat Moon Tone 1

Galactic Activation Portal Dates 8/1 & 8/3

Lion's Gate 8/8, taking place on Blue Magnetic Hand, Also Tone 1. This galactic year is Tone 1. The moon cycle is Tone 1, and the day is a tone 1

I have gotten alot of guidance on another Event/Wave of Light coming 2020 to prep for the "New Sun" to hit specific points of the new solar grid, linking the Central Sun through the Sacred Cosmic Fire. The energy is from the Central Sun, and comes through the physical Sun. There's a merge of 2 Suns. Could be referencing the new sun cycle. Not sure.

I was sent to Manhattan New York for a couple days for some Central Sun grid work, as this is an access point of the New Earth grid that is activating. The black out in Manhattan was part of this. The heavy energy has to be cleared. New grid points have to be anchored so the ones that were in control, are no longer accessing the energy. Anything that has been hidden, will come to light through all of us doing the work needed. We cant just sit & wait for things to change.

There's been an energy clearing that's taken place in Manhattan, which was beautiful- and Wells Fargo Bank in Manhattan New York. I don't know how this will manifest in the physical 3D as far as Well's Fargo and the clearing/activating of the new grid points.. all I know is what I was shown and why I was brought there. I felt very protected while there & my guidance was pretty happy & excited to have cleared energy & activated the grid, so I am too. We are all doing this in different ways, but it takes a group because we co-create. Higher planes, etheric cities anchor into the lower planes after clearing of the old energy takes place.. Atlantis cities have ascended to the ether, but are descending in consciousness to the physical throigh the clearing & activating of the grid.

#NewParadigm #Healing #NewEarth #PoleShift #Merkaba #Synchronicities #TempleOfTheSun #Maya #DivineFeminine

1 comment:

  1. LION'S GATE LIGHT CODES (description box) 8/1
    Aluna Ash- 9D
    Published on Aug 1, 2019
    #LionsGate #NewEarth #TheEvent

    I had to keep re-recording this because I kept burping 😂 so I think I left things out that I wanted to mention, like the energy of Lion's Gate- Blue Magnetic Hand & this year/moon cycle tones so Ill prob add that in the community tab.

    A loved one that passed over came through telling me:
    "the Celestial Waters are bigger than anything you can imagine..." and "this is bigger then anything you can imagine." Also, our other dimensional selves are much bigger.

    The solar wave coming through is pretty massive, bringing alot of light codes/new consciousness/higher frequencies. We are moving more fully into the density wave.
    And meteor showers which add to the astral currents & consciousness coming in.

    Galactic Activation Portal Dates- 8/1 & 8/3

    Lots of Lght Codes & Solar/Cosmic Rays coming through 8/1 to 8/8

    YOD/Finger of Fate/Finger Of God- known as the 10th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, which means dot/zero point . YOD is considered the starting point of all things and the workings of God & 10 (YOD) forces of the Tree Of Life.
    There are 2 YOD's on this day (8/1) between Mars, Saturn & Neptune. And Mars, Pluto, Neptune. YOD's can bring the unfolding of events that feel/seem very karmic/fated in nature. It is also reaching a zero point field- through events/thoughts/realizations that manifest in conscious awareness or in your physical reality and new timelines begin to branch off.

    There's also a multiple planet square that is finishing up (7/31) that many have been feeling from the New Moon in Leo- between Venus, Uranus, Moon and Sun. This can mean tension due to experiences/situations that leads to deeper self mastery. This can also mean conflict within that is showing up in your reality... the past showing up in the present, to heal & liberate.

    Lion's Gate 8/8 on Blue magnetic hand tone 1, magnetic year tone 1 and magnetic bat moon cycle tone 1 (111)

    I have been writing down visualizations/meditations/activations to share for anyone that is interested.

    I'll be posting in the astrology- Mayan/Tropical, in community tab on this channel each day this week and more indepth on Patreon.

    Patreon August readings will be up tonight.

    The youtube channel Element & Signs August readings will be up soon, along with the DM/DF August Readings.

    **I share my perception of things/experiences/guidance because it's aligned with my Soul & heart but I do not have all the answers. I cannot give anyone anyways to what will happen in their own lives... I don't want anyone to make decisions based off me or put me in an authority position subconsciously just because I share stuff on youtube. I can help & guide but I don't have all the answers, if I did, I wouldn't have surprises and unexpected changes show up in my own life.

    #DivineFeminine #WhiteMagneticWizard #BlueMagneticHand #Mayan #NewGalacticYear #Atlantis #TheEvent #PoleShift #GoldenAge #MonadConsciousness #TreeOfLife
