Friday, August 9, 2019

8:8 STARGATE + SIRIUS RISING 2019: Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


As the energies of the summer light heighten and grow like an un-mowed weed, we are escorted to a new conjunction of time and im-possibilities. We are asked to expand our horizons and expectations and our ability to receive. We are asked to become more, to do more, to see more, and to be more. Our gifts that come on the winds of change escort us into new understandings of how we are to boost our innate abilities. You are commander and chief of your cellular content; you are a directional for human consciousness. Your body seeks your direction and wisdom. Place this newly freed power/energy/light/ into any section of your life that needs and extra boost. It is pure energy, spend it well.

As we round the corner into the den of the Lioness in the month of Leo, we find ourselves face to face with our ancient future and our past.  Reflections in our world mirror our inner needs on all levels bringing to the surface all that has been buried alive.  Emanations from the light behind the sun rearrange our brain waves, readjusting the thinking patterns that have kept us hostage in an elliptical orbit.  The blue light from the star Sirius shines down onto all of our choices.  Stellar gateways open conduits are created.  Everything we do or do not do will be felt in all sections of the universe.

It is time for the solar lion to rise from her enigmatic posture of guardian and unleash what has been subjugated to human restriction.  A full positioning of this event transpires within the secret chamber of the left hemisphere of the brain for females and the right hemisphere of the brain for males.  Like an unexpected tsunami the ocean floor parts to release a surge and clear the mental shorelines of self.  Emanations from the stars reach down to work there healing magic upon all of us.  The light behind our Sun lifts her skirt exposing her stellar body for all to see. The dance of the seven veils of eternal time cleverly keeps most concealed.

On August 8, a living power will once again move into material form.  Like a cool breeze on a hot day just allow the solar emanations to encircle you without trying to corral them and tie them down.  The 8:8 is symbolic of the human DNA.  The star Sirius rises every midsummer this rising is associated with new thought, new light, and new beginnings.  It rises before the sun purposefully after being in stellar hiding for about 70 days.  Sirius houses the Great White Brotherhood, the Lemurian Elders and the Christ Consciousness. As the sun sends forth her rays of clarity a personal and planetary sonic boom is heard throughout the land.

Explosions of the old are atomic as they are cast off the old paradigm like dust in a dirt devil.  Truth unfolds itself to be seen in the long and short of it, Narrating a new bedtime story that can only be learned by heart.  Sleep beckons but the energy shouts so loud and is so demanding that sleep is short and not so sweet.

As the vibrations of the 8:8 Stargate is birthed the human body bucks at the thought of housing more light, downloading more encodings, or receiving any more truths. What was once hidden is seen, what was once seen is changed.  The eyes of the soul see with a new clarity redefining what was once considered dark.  The overlapping of the two suns creates a portal  for all to enter or exit depending upon choice.The tiredness comes to slow down the body and the ancient angers that stir in the emotional layer. The gravitational pull has increased as earth begins a new evolutionary spin.  Centrifugal force fails as all that was within the spinning bucket falls changing scientific truths to a point beyond confusion.


The heliacal rising of a star occurs when it first becomes visible above the eastern horizon, for a single moment just before sunrise.  Each day after the heliacal rising, the star will rise slightly earlier and remain visible for longer before the light from the rising sun makes it disappear. The same star will reappear in the eastern sky at dawn approximately one year after its previous heliacal rising. Because the heliacal rising depends on the observation of the object, its exact timing can be dependent on weather conditions.

Sirius rising is different for every latitude, for the Smokey mts of Tennessee, it is on 8:8 this year. this date is a powerful doorway of unequaled opportunity to swim forward into a place of understanding your divine light skills.

Sirius has been honored since ancient times. In Atlantis, the mysteries were created on information received from the Sirian Star Masters. After the third fall of Atlantis, the Sirian mysteries spread into ancient Egypt. As early as 3000 BC the Egyptians started celebrating the helical rising of the star Sirius declaring this the New Year as the Nile flooded its banks in the time of the great lion, in the month of Leo.

Sirius is the home of Cosmic Christ for this entire Galaxy. It has ‘always’ been a spiritual prototype for Earth.  As the rays from Sirius arc onto earth via the sun, we have another opportunity to activate the Cosmic Christ seed within. The little solar jewels that are dormant DNA encodings, wait for stellar emanations to open sealed cellular files. When Sirius rises in your part of the world go out before dawn and look to the east. Whether cloudy or dark seen or unseen, the star Sirius will rise to meet you energetically. It is in the quiet times in-between words and thoughts that you will find the key that unlocks what has been sealed until now. Go outside, face east, and allow the pre-dawn energies to enter you. Ask to be released of all that no longer serves you and be filled in completion with that which serves your highest soul path and spiritual evolution.

Visualize the emanations and radiance of Sirius coming forth into your earth Heart from your star heart. Sirius gives you the gift of the ‘cycles of Time’, reconnecting all sacred spaces through time and space, on and off planet. The tone of creation sounds in every cell of your body on earth and cycles through all 144 levels of your light body. Without humans, the light from deep space, far off galaxies and event horizons would just continue to travel endlessly without ever stopping to gather and share the teachings and truths from other places of time and space. Light needs you as much as you need light; you are a receiving vessel.

This August 8, 2019 before the star Sirius rises, the winged messenger planet Mercury will make a morning appearance, escorting brilliant Sirius just before sunrise.  For Dandridge Tennessee latitude this would be August 8, 2019.  For locations farther south, this occurs days earlier and later for latitudes farther north. Go to this link for your actual date of Sirius rising per your latitude.

Start looking for Mercury and Sirius about 30 minutes before sunrise.  A binocular may help in viewing them.  Mercury is low in the east-northeast, about 10 degrees up.  Sirius is very low, in the east-southeast about 3 degrees up when first visible.  Sirius may twinkle wildly this low in the sky.Sirius, the Dog Star, is sometimes called the Nile Star because of its heliacal rising coincided with the flooding of the Nile River.  The first sighting of Sirius and its association with the rebirth of the Nile was so important that its heliacal rising marked the start of the Egyptian calendar year. Heliacal relates to the star’s proximity to the Sun. in the ancient past, Sirius made its first appearance in early July as seen from the ancient capital of Memphis, but due to the precession of the equinoxes, the star now rises in early August.

Support Where You Receive Your Spiritual Truths

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee 

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