Monday, September 30, 2019

Jamye Price: October 2019 Ascension Energies - Creative Love

October 2019 Ascension Energies - Creative Love

The accompanying video to this article can be found here.

September Review

Big internal changes. September was a deep and potent shift internally—which often takes time to manifest in the physical—that is helping us to integrate and embody our Infinite Self. This merges the Divine Human more directly and consciously.

As we anchor this higher frequency into physicality, we are amplifying our conscious power to utilize the subtle realm rules of the Law of Resonance. This gives greater access (though we’ve always been working with it, mostly unconsciously) to the vast, subtle, invisible engine that builds worlds.

As you resonate, you create.

September’s energy, even beyond the equinox, was creating more balance within. In the experience of duality, we create (move through time) through the dualistic flow of imbalance/new balance. It’s a neutral expression of creation within this loving universe. More on this in the energies of the final quarter of this Year of Freedom (according to Areon).

Perhaps you noticed old or deep issues “re”surfacing, boundary issues or opportunities for overcoming fears that may have been minor or major from your perspective. The beautiful flow of Life evolving is calling you to a more empowered version of yourself.

Fourth Quarter Freedom

The energies of the fourth quarter will be supporting us to Transcend Duality. This is not about avoiding or obliterating duality, it is about integration. Just like two opposite sides are one coin, or the opposite energy of positive and negative charges are one atom.

For you to Transcend Duality, you are integrating the opposites (or separation) within you. What you resist, or what seems opposite is an opportunity for you to grow and create a new wholeness. This creates a powerful creative flow, less separation, more connective Love.

October Energies

The energy of October was shown to me as Creative Love. I was shown a vision of a heart breaking open, and mending into a stronger structure. When the ego leads, the first reaction to “strengthen” the heart is to build barriers of protection. This can be helpful in the beginning to protect as healing and transformation is occurring—like a cast prohibits movement and access to a broken ankle bone that is mending.

Eventually, you must take the cast off, or instead of helping the healing as it did in the beginning, the cast is now inhibiting the healing. First you may need crutches to support your healing, but you must put a little pressure on it (not too much yet) so it strengthens. Then eventually you need to stop using the crutches altogether in order to best heal.

It’s time to let go of the heart crutches. :o) Love boldly. Love yourself enough to hold healthy boundaries that support your strengthening. Love Life unconditionally within (seek internal forgiveness, which is your internal freedom), even as you honor healthy boundaries in the conditional physical realm.

Honoring the conditions of the physical is the wisdom of “being in the world.” Establishing the unconditionality (freedom) of your inner realm is the wisdom of being “not of” the world.

This interplay is the duality that we experience in the physical realm. Your neutrality is your bridge to connect that duality into the higher layer of Truth that connects those opposites. As you utilize your Creative Love, you are balancing your inner realm with the external experience. Life responds.

I’m seeing energies from September building and supporting, of course. The progression. Asking the question: “Am I loving myself unconditionally in this moment” is helpful to keep nurturing your resonance into a greater flow of Love. When I was filming the monthly video, I saw a deer walk into my backyard, signaling that support of gentleness.

As Areon reminds me often, relax into your flow. Be gentle with the self. Use Love to shift rather than so much effort and you will receive the support that is flow to your more readily. And your effort will feel more inspired, for it is then coming from your infinite wellspring of Love. That’s what you are.

Happy October!

Psychic Sounds by B: B Weeklies ~ Week of Sep 30 thru Oct 13th ~ Reunion/Apologies for some! Others....Bit**y AF!

B Weeklies ~ Week of Sep 30 thru Oct 13th ~ Reunion/Apologies for some! Others....Bit**y AF!

•Sep 29, 2019
64.7K subscribers

This reading is for 2 weeks! Sept 30 through October 13th 2019. This is a general reading. It may or may not apply to your current situation. the creator takes no responsibility for the viewers use of this information.

Intro/Psychic Astro: 0:00
Tarot: 9:27
Earth Love: 31:10
Air Love: 33:05
Water Love: 35:10
Fire Love: 36:10

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Sasha Bonasin: Weekly Horoscope Tarot | 30th Sept - 6th October 2019 - FINANCES | HEALTH & LOVE - Geopolitics Horoscope Tarot

Weekly Horoscope Tarot | 30th Sept - 6th October 2019 - FINANCES | HEALTH & LOVE - Horoscope Tarot

•Sep 29, 2019

134K subscribers

This week will be VERY REFRESHING indeed, what our subconscious mind was focusing on for the past nine month will most certainly become rather significant this week BECAUSE we are about to find ourselves 'somewhere in between' feeling really, really good with NEW INSPIRATION, MOTIVATION, strength is about to start returning to all of us and especially to those who have been struggling to find new inspiration. This week will be very important when it comes to global spiritual awakening and will affect people around the world.

Weekly horoscope tarot readings from the 30th September - 6th October 2019, by psychic medium Sasha Bonasin. Weekly career, finances, health, love, relationships, spirituality, spiritual guidance and advice.

This horoscope tarot readings are for all twelve signs of Zodiac: Libra, Aquarius, Leo, Gemini, Virgo, Aries, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius, Scorpio & Pisces.

34:45 aries ♈
taurus ♉
gemini ♊
cancer ♋
Leo ♌
1:35:27 virgo ♍
libra ♎
scorpio ♏
sagittarius ♐
capricorn ♑
aquarius ♒
3:10:56 pisces ♓

NorthPoint Astrology Journal: Your weekly guide to planetary influences September 30 to October 6, 2019 by Pam Younghans

Aspects of Note This Week
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours. 
MON: Venus square Pluto
WED: Pluto stations direct 11:38 p.m. PDT
THU: Mercury enters Scorpio 1:14 a.m. PDT, Venus opposite Eris, Mars enters Libra 9:21 p.m. PDT
SAT: Mercury quincunx Chiron, Mercury semisquare Jupiter
SAT: Sun square Nodes, Mercury opposite Uranus

 reigns over the heavens this week, and over our earth-plane experiences as well. Pluto is the Great Revelator, god of the Underworld, agent of Divine Will, and arguably the most powerful change-maker of the solar system, in spite of its demotion to dwarf planet status in 2006.
Pluto's strengthened influence this week is because it comes to a standstill on Wednesday. It is completing its five-month retrograde phase (which began on April 24) and preparing to move forward once again. As I've written before, when a planet comes to a standstill to change direction, its effect on our lives is heightened--similar to the way in which we feel a train's vibration more intensely when the locomotive has come into the train station and is standing still, engine running, right in front of us as we stand on the platform.
IT'S ALSO been my experience, in observing both my life and the lives of my clients, that we start to work with upcoming Pluto transits as soon as the dwarf planet goes direct and sets its sights on the road ahead. In other words, if you will be working with a major Pluto transit in 2020, even if the exact transit is many months from now, you may start feeling its influence as early as this coming week.
(If you have your natal astrology chart: Check your chart for planets and points between 20 and 26 degrees of cardinal signs--Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn. These planets/points will be receiving a direct Pluto transit over the course of the next 15 months.)  
This also means that the energies of the Saturn-Pluto alignment, which perfects on January 12, 2020, are going to start strengthening now, and increasing with each week that passes. We've already been working with bits and pieces of this life-altering/paradigm-changing influence since early 2019, but now is when we begin to see even more clearly what issues we will be dealing with, that will ultimately transform the landscape of our collective experience.
I'VE CHOSEN today's image of crumbling bricks because it represents one of the ways that Pluto in Capricorn can manifest--through the dismantling of structures, systems, and foundations that are outdated, out of integrity, and no longer adequate to meet the needs of the greater good. These systems may be social or governmental, or more personal.
In many ways, Pluto helps us purge toxins from our lives. It reveals places where darkness has infiltrated and exposes the effects of that darkness. Pluto requires that we do the work of energy transmutation, in which we change the fundamental elements of that which has become infested. This is an alchemical process, through which we symbolically change lead into gold.
Pluto's higher purpose always has to do with the reclaiming of power that has been given away or usurped. With Pluto in Capricorn, it is time for each of us to reclaim our authority, to take back the reins of our lives in some way, in some area of life. Wherever we have abdicated our power--whether it has been to other people, the status quo, or even to our own emotional reactivity--we will be feeling the pressure to make deep changes in the months ahead.
AS VENUS squares Pluto on Monday of this week, we may be feeling that pressure either within our personal relationships or in our financial situation, since these are both areas that Venus rules. And, given that this square is still "within orb" (in effect) when Pluto stations on Wednesday, there could be significant developments in these areas throughout the work week.
Adding to the tension, Venus opposes disgruntled Eris on Thursday. This aspect is likely to manifest through literal tugs-of-war between those who were once allies. Venus in Libra may attempt to mollycoddle, placate, or even manipulate the situation to bring about harmony, but Eris in Aries is not likely to be waylaid by tactics of distraction.
TWO PLANETS change signs on Thursday, further indications that we are shifting our perspective as well as our trajectory. Mercury, which represents our capacity for reasoning and our ability to communicate, enters truth-seeking Scorpio, setting aside Libra's need to see both sides of an argument. Mercury in Scorpio unleashes the investigator aspect of our beings, the part of us that is unafraid of darkness and passionate about finding the answers.
On the other hand, Mars is entering conciliatory Libra on Thursday. In the positive, this placement of Mars--which represents our capacity for individual action and application of personal will--indicates that we are more willing now to work side-by-side with others, to collaborate on mutually-shared agendas. Mars in Libra could also invigorate the need for fairness and equality. But, we will need to be on the watch for the dark side of Libra, which can manifest as indecisiveness and an excessive focus on an "eye-for-an-eye" application of justice.
NEXT WEEKEND appears to be a bit rocky, with several hard aspects involving Mercury in Scorpio. On Saturday, Mercury is quincunx Chiron and semisquare Jupiter, so we are paradoxically both uncertain of what we're really thinking while also being more likely to blurt out potentially hurtful words without taking the time to consider the ramifications.
Then, on Sunday, Mercury opposes Uranus in Taurus. On one end of this polarity is the planet that represents rational thought, and on the other end is the planet that symbolizes higher consciousness. If we are openminded, this can actually be a great time to open our awareness to receive new insights and inspirations that will lead us forward. However, this opposition can also manifest as very nervous mental energy, making it hard to focus. It may also be a time of fractured thinking and convoluted communications, or problems with computers and other electronic devices.
WITH THE SUN activating the nodal axis on Sunday, this could be a pivotal day in our collective evolutionary process. We should be able to see even more clearly the two choices before us: We can default to the South Node in Capricorn, which draws us into old patterns of fear and control, or we can align with the North Node in Cancer, which opens our hearts in trust and empathy.
As each of us makes our personal choice in the matter, we inform and influence the collective. Do we walk through Door #1 or Door #2? What do we want our legacy to be?
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Over this past year, you have been challenged to take a serious look at how your life and your relationships have unfolded. This reality check has required you to consider what you are ready to leave behind and what you want to create going forward. At the same time, you have been healing old wounds that have convinced you that your needs are not as important as the desires of others. As you look back over the past twelve months, you may be able to see where fears have blocked you from making certain choices. Going forward from here, you will have opportunities to act upon the insights you have gained, which will open up your life to new experiences. You may even surprise yourself by making more spur-of-the-moment decisions, a rarity for most Librans! Taking these risks brings new experiences into your life, and helps you see potentials that were once hidden. (Solar Return Sun square Saturn, opposite Chiron, square nodal axis)

In Gratitude and Light,

Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2019. All Rights Reserved.
 About the NorthPoint Journal

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and guidance received. Her hope is to offer perspectives and insights that will assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.

Feel free to share this NorthPoint Journal with others who may enjoy it! When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including all contact and copyright information.

To learn more about private astrology sessions, please visit the "Personal Readings" page at To schedule a reading, please email
Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2019. All Rights Reserved.

NorthPoint Astrology, 15000 Block 75th, Kenmore, WA 98028, USA

Dorothy Morgan: Weekly Astrology September 30th - October 6th Mercury Scorpio - Mars Libra

Weekly Astrology September 30th - October 6th Mercury Scorpio - Mars Libra

•Sep 26, 2019

On Monday the 30th we have the moon in Scorpio which is a very deep intense feeling place for our moon to be in. While she's in the sign for the next two and a half days we tend to feel more intensely and are seeking deeper connections with those around us.

Dorothy Morgan is an experienced Professional Astrologer - Personal Consultant – Astrology Mentor and teacher to many. She has been studying Astrology since 1988 and it has been her profession since 2003. She is also a skilled intuitive and Angel Healing Practitioner. She currently runs a Boston based Astrology meetup group and is the current President of The Seacoast Astrological Association in Southern New Hampshire. This group has been around since the 1990’s and they meet once a month, 8 months in the year. Visit her website for more information & join her email newsletter list for a chance at a free 15 minute session; chosen once a month. Consultations are easy to understand and practical, keeping the astrology jargon to a minimum, allowing you to gain a better understanding.

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Sunday, September 29, 2019



•Sep 26, 2019

#DivineMasculine #DivineFeminine #September

This reading for the Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine for the end of September 2019-

I will be posting element DM/DF readings on Patreon for October soon and am working on posting a sleep meditation on Patreon within the next few days :)

Thank you to Patrons for your channel support!

Thank you to anyone that has donated to the channel, I am grateful.

#DivineFeminine #September #reading #twinsouls #Twinflames #Trinity #awakening #polarityShift #Tarot

Tania Gabrielle: [Sept. 30 - Oct. 6] Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast + Power Surge! Pluto Turns DIRECT [Oct 3, 2019 - May 10, 2020]

[Sept. 30 - Oct. 6] Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast

•Sep 28, 2019
34.9K subscribers

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A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and personal growth leader, Tania Gabrielle inspires legions of praise from her clients and followers. Tania introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names and numbers to facilitate wealth and well-being with a primary focus on teaching spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results.


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Power Surge! Pluto Turns DIRECT [Oct 3, 2019 - May 10, 2020] Astrology Numerology Forecast

•Sep 26, 2019

34.9K subscribers

Bombshell: CNBC Anchor says Building 7 a 'Controlled Implosion'

Sharing this email, as requested. ~PB

911 Truth Action Project

Hi Friends,

I hope you are sitting down when you watch the video below, because it is going to blow your mind!

And don’t you wonder why this is not “Front Page News” in every USA paper?!

Patience, Persistence and Solidarity,

Christopher Gruener MA, LMHC
Secretary for Boston 9/11 Truth
New England and Northeast US Region 9/11 Truth Action Project Coordinator  and 

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From: []
On Behalf Of AE911Truth

Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 7:56 PM
Subject: Bombshell: CNBC Anchor says Building 7 a 'Controlled Implosion'

CNBC’s Ron Insana: Building 7 a ‘Controlled Implosion’

CNBC Anchor Ron Insana:
Building 7 a ‘Controlled Implosion’

Insana’s story suggests he was told of Building 7’s demolition

On the 18th anniversary of 9/11, CNBC senior analyst and former anchor Ron Insana went on Bernie and Sid In the Morning on New York’s 77 WABC Radio to share his
haunting experience of that horrible day.

Approximately eight minutes into the interview,
Insana made a statement regarding the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7
— which collapsed late in the afternoon of 9/11 — that is truly stunning, especially considering his access to the scene and his job as a prominent news anchor. . .



On the 18th anniversary of 9/11, CNBC senior analyst and former anchor Ron Insana went on Bernie and Sid In the Morning on New York’s 77 WABC Radio to share his haunting experience of that horrible day.

Approximately eight minutes into the interview, Insana made a statement regarding the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7 — which collapsed late in the afternoon of 9/11 — that is truly stunning, especially considering his access to the scene and his job as a prominent news anchor:

“Well, remember 7 World Trade had not yet come down. And so when I went down to the [New York Stock] Exchange that Wednesday morning [September 12], I was standing with some military and police officers, and we were looking over in that direction. And if it had come down in the way in which it was tilting, it would have wiped out everything from where it stood to Trinity Church to the Exchange to, effectively, you know, the mouth of the Hudson. And so there were still fears that if that building had fallen sideways, you were going to wipe out a good part of Lower Manhattan. So they did manage for one to take that down in a controlled implosion later on. And the Exchange was up and running the following Monday.”
[Emphasis added.]

Before addressing questions about Insana’s timeline, let us establish the aspects of his story that are clear and unambiguous. First, he clearly identifies Building 7 as the building he is talking about. Second, he clearly states that Building 7 was taken down in a “controlled implosion,” which flatly contradicts the official explanation that it collapsed due to office fires.

ron insana quote 768 v3

On the 18th anniversary of 9/11, CNBC senior analyst and former anchor Ron Insana went on Bernie and Sid In the Morning on New York’s 77 WABC Radio to share his haunting experience of that horrible day.

Insana’s matter-of-fact remark is particularly significant because the manner in which he delivers it and the context in which he came to believe that Building 7 was brought down in a "controlled implosion" suggest that he was told this information and that it may have been fairly common knowledge at the scene. (The only other possibility is that he deduced it was a “controlled implosion” based on his own observation of it.) Indeed, Insana is not the only person to report that a demolition of Building 7 was being considered or was imminent.

For instance, FDNY Lieutenant David Restuccio told MSNBC’s Brian Williams just minutes after the collapse: “We had heard reports that the building was unstable and that eventually it would either come down on its own or it would be taken down.”

Another is volunteer EMT Indira Singh, who, in 2005, told radio host Bonnie Faulkner: “All I can attest to is that by noon or one o’clock they told us we had to move from that triage site up to Pace University a little further away because Building 7 was going to come down or being brought down.” Faulker replied, “Did they actually use the word ‘brought down,’ and who was it that was telling you this?” “The fire department, the fire department,” Singh answered. “And they did use the word ‘we’re going to have to bring it down.’”

Then there are the unidentified construction workers and law enforcement officers captured on video just moments before the collapse, saying: “You hear that?” “Keep your eye on that building. It’ll be coming down.” “The building is about to blow up, move it back.” “We are walking back. There’s a building about to blow up. Flame, debris coming down.”

Insana’s statement is all the more remarkable because it appears that he is unaware of the debunked official story of Building 7’s collapse — according to which office fires leveled a skyscraper for the first time in history — and of the controversy that this story has caused over the past 18 years. Insana might be surprised to learn that there is controversy at all, given what he appears to have been told during his reporting and given the manner in which Building 7 came down — namely, that of a perfectly executed controlled demolition.

Ron Insana, covered in pulverized concrete from the explosive demolition of the Twin Towers earlier that morning, reports from NBC’s studios on September 11, 2001.

Now for the confusing aspects of Insana’s timeline. Building 7 collapsed at 5:20 PM on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. He says he went down to the Financial District on the morning of Wednesday, September 12, where he looked in the direction of Building 7.

There appear to be three ways to make sense of what he said (assuming he is speaking honestly, which there seems little reason to doubt).

One, when he talks about looking in the direction of Building 7, he could mean that he was looking at the debris pile of Building 7, which had already been brought down neatly into its own footprint. In this scenario, he and others were inferring that if the building had tipped over instead of having been brought down, which had already occurred, it would have done significant damage to the surrounding area.

Two, he may have gone down to the Financial District and had the conversation he describes before 5:20 PM on September 11, rather than on September 12. This scenario seems the least likely, though, because he is very specific about not going back down to the stock exchange until September 12, having already made his way up from the scene to NBC’s midtown headquarters by midday on September 11. (Insana’s first appearance in the studio on September 11 was around 12:41 PM, when he vividly described how the first tower had “started to explode.”)

Three, he may have observed the damage to Building 7 or somehow learned about it on September 11, but he is incorrectly placing that observation or the receipt of that information within his experiences on September 12. One possibility is that the conversation he remembers having with military and police officers and/or his observation of the damage to Building 7 actually took place before he left the scene on September 11.

One can only hope that Insana clarifies his story, but the real question for Insana and CNBC is this: Who told him that Building 7 was brought down in a “controlled implosion”? And, for the countless reporters and government officials who were at Ground Zero in the hours and days after the attacks, how many of them were told that Building 7 would be demolished or had been demolished, and why have they not come forward with that information?

Sadly, it is all too likely that the same media malfeasance that has managed to suppress the truth about the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7 for 18 years will manage once again to ignore or explain away this newest revelation. But for those of us who exist in reality and care about truth, this revelation — which is merely one of countless corroborating pieces of evidence — will not be ignored or misconstrued.

The only correct way to understand this revelation is that Ron Insana — a reporter who intimately covered the events in New York City on 9/11, such that those events are seared into his mind and he received an Emmy nomination for his reporting — believes that Building 7 was brought down in a “controlled implosion,” most likely based on what he was told by authorities at the scene.

Help spread this news far and wide by donating to our Ron Insana video and press release. Your gift will help recoup the cost of producing the video and issuing the press release — and will enable AE911Truth to continue carrying out these projects in the future. Donate Today >

AE911Truth is grateful to our supporter who heard Ron Insana’s interview and sent it to us on September 17, 2019. The full interview can be heard on Bernie and Sid in the Morning. So far, Mr. Insana has not responded to our request for comment.

Spread this bombshell far and wide.
Donate to our Ron Insana video and press release.


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Kari Samuels: Supermoon in Libra - Reclaim Your Energy

Image may contain: text

Our lovely Libra New Moon is upon us!

At 11:27am PST our Sun and Moon will be meeting at 5 degrees Libra.

We have LOTS of Libra today with personal planets Mercury and Venus in this relationship-oriented sign as well.

This is a SUPERMOON. So, the Moon's emotional impact will have extra resonance.

New Moons always bring fresh starts and new beginnings.

Today's lunation even more so, because we just experienced a major karmic reckoning!

We experienced today the final conjunction between Saturn, the Lord of Karma, and the Moon's South Node (which represents past life karmic patterns).


The timing of this couldn't be more impeccable.


You might be culminating a relationship with a person, place or your career. One thing is sure, your life is going to be different.

Mind you, YOU need to take action to make positive changes in your life.

One thing the past few months have taught you is that you need to reclaim your time and energy.

Saturn teaches you boundaries!

Since the Equnox, Chiron (the wounded healer) has been opposing our Sun. This tension has shed light on any wounds you have regarding your relationships.

By doing so, you can take your power back!

During this New Moon, it benefits you to declare some crystal clear intentions:

  • How can you reclaim your time to benefit your well-being?
  • Where can you shore up energy leaks around money or relationships?
  • How can you honor your heart's desires more?
  • Who are the people who truly support you?
  • Who are the people who drain you? Can you let them go?
  • What structures can you put in place to help you build your dreams?

Enjoy this extraordinary energy!

~ Kari

PS - You can still take advantage of the September Celebration Sale in my Happiness Store.

I highly recommend you learn about your The Magic of Your Moon Sign and how to Manifest with the Moon's energies. It will change your life forever. You can also take advantage of a deep discount on my Numerology Masterclass.