Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Heavenletter #4925 Think Blue Skies a message from God channeled by Gloria Wendroff

Heavenletter #4925 Think Blue Skies
a message from God channeled by Gloria Wendroff

Tuesday, 20 May, 2014  (posted 21 May, 2014)

Where do your thoughts come from, and where do they take you? What do you have your sights on? What do you predicate in your life? What snacks do you give your mind, your beautiful mind?

Thoughts arise. They come to you, yes, some invited, some not. Sometimes you do make your thoughts from the bottom up. That is, sometimes you think up thoughts, and, sometimes, the thoughts are in front of you, just popping in. And, yet, even so, you have choice over what thoughts you think.

Consider that thoughts are like a selection of ice cream. The ice cream store offers many flavors, many tempting, and, yet from the many flavors, you pick one this time. There are choices of thoughts bombarding you right and left. You pick up thoughts as well as you are engineering them.

If life were a bowling alley, and thoughts were the pins, you would knock out the thoughts that pull you down. Yet life is not a bowling alley, for, in life you have the privilege of setting up your own pins. It is you who thinks your thoughts.

Thoughts are like rays of electricity. There are circuits of thoughts. So many currents go on in that head of yours. There are many thoughts as yet un-thought.  So many junctions. Many of your thoughts seem random.

First there is Being, and from Being come your thoughts, and, from your thoughts, you go into action. Some thoughts are not acted on, yet they are present. Some thoughts peek around the corner, and some thoughts land on you full-blown. Some thoughts seem minor, and some thoughts seem major. Some thoughts bring you blessings, and some thoughts mire you and take you to dark places and carry repercussions like weeds in a beautiful garden. Thoughts generate. Choose the thoughts you want to be the making of you.

Your thoughts are the making of you. Your thoughts have an outreach. The world you live in is a conglomeration of thoughts. Like drops of rain falling unto a pool, your thoughts plop eddies into the pool of your mind, resonate and then, seemingly disappear. Where do your thoughts go when they no longer rise to the fore within you? Do they expunge themselves? What can you do with your thoughts when you don’t want them? When they pop up seemingly unbidden, how do you bid them adieu? Sometimes you are very glad that your thoughts are unspoken. Then, beloveds, why have them?

Some thoughts seem to enter from within, and some thoughts seem to enter from outside. If impressions from outside are taken into your mind and reverberate in your mind, take some care as to what words and pictures you frequent. Cactus bear cactus. Think blue skies, beloveds.

Thoughts are born, and thoughts are echoed, and beautiful thoughts create beautiful minds. A beautiful mind can be trampled on by unseemly thoughts picked up from what you put before you. You live where your thoughts travel. Take care what you feed your mind. Find the green pastures and graze there. Have the idea – here I am giving you a thought – to nourish your mind. Choose good fodder. What you take into your mind is digested. Take love into your mind, beloveds, and not tawdriness. Find companionship that uplifts whether it is people or books or anything at all. Lesser choices are lesser choices. I ask you not to frequent speakeasies of thoughts that don’t uplift you.

The mind is a beautiful thing. It will pick up on what you put before it. Waken your mind. Fill your mind with the fruit that you would like to multiply. Plant the fields of your mind in good soil from which your mind will soar high.

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This message was originally posted here

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