Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Tale of Two Timelines by laura bruno

A Tale of Two Timelines
Posted May 17, 2014 by laura bruno

"I know it has become rather vogue to declare that “we’re all on one timeline now” because “we’re all one;” however, from my vantage point, this world continues to polarize in ever more dramatic ways. Clients, friends, family members, people I know through community volunteering — lately everyone seems to be receiving a mega-phoned, “Are you sure?!”

Revelations of betrayals have become so absurdly obvious that the levels of denial now required to ignore them truly boggle both mind and heart. Personal relationships reveal evidence of in-your-face double lives and months or years of deliberate, calculated lies. Companies that have demanded loyalty from good employees reveal themselves as totalitarian versions of the same old, same old, regardless of lip service to their “different way of doing business.” The US government isn’t even hiding its plans to wage war on US citizens: the USDA has now joined agencies like the IRS and BLM, arming themselves with semi-automatic weapons and protecting themselves with bullet proof vests. Leaks from worldwide whistleblowers continue to reveal the sick underbelly of military-industrial complex power and plans.

Yet somehow, even amidst revelations that have grown surreal in magnitude, some people continue to live in complete denial of the importance and responsibility of choosing something better. This choice hasn’t yet affected everyone; I’m not talking about people who are truly too busy to look at anything beyond their own three jobs to put food on the table. I’m talking about otherwise intelligent, reasonably capable and conscious people who’ve had their worldview rocked by what would be a rude awakening, if only that awakening occurred. It’s quite shocking how deep the Pollyanna programming can go, and meanwhile, their world creeps or runs ever closer to tyranny and dystopia.

This theme of betrayal is on the upswing. As Mark Twain said, “It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” Betrayal not only hurts our hearts; it hurts our pride. It begs questions like “How could I have been so stupid?” or “How could I have missed those signs?” It takes courage to answer those questions as real ones rather than rhetorical invitations to self pity and the downward spiral. Approaching betrayal as an opportunity to learn what went awry and how — and as an invitation to troubleshoot for a preferred future — also requires swallowing some humble pie. But the question of “getting one’s just desserts” has become so very urgent in our times!

When the Universe approaches you with a neon lighted, mega-phoned, smack upside the head, “Are you sure?!” please carefully consider your answer. The “elite” psychopaths running rough shod over our planet do engage in their own bizarre code of honor, which requires people give them permission to proceed with their diabolical plans. Through leaks, Hollywood films, best selling novels, symbolic actions, or direct quotes of elected officials, these “elites” broadcast their intentions. Similarly, everyday, run of the mill sociopaths, philanderers, thieves and cheats drop clues via behavior, Freudian slips, circumstantial evidence or those mysterious “can’t put my finger on it” triggers that unsettle our stomach, ring all the anxiety alarm bells, and put our intuition on hyperalert. If we feel ourselves saying and feeling, “Something’s just not right about this,” but we refuse to investigate and discover what isn’t right, then by the psycho’s code of “honor,” we become fair game. They’ve duly warned us; our taking and acting upon the warning is our responsibility, not theirs.

I don’t know how this experiment called 21st century planet Earth will play out. All I can do is observe and extrapolate, but what I see happening worldwide is a sharpening of the divide between realities, not the blending of everything together into what I call the New Age Borg.

Some people — quite a high percentage in my sphere of influence — continue to experience incredible breakthroughs and freedom in areas that previously refused to budge, sometimes for decades. Those who make something of the breakthrough go on to experience exponentially faster and more powerful breakthroughs. By contrast, those who refuse to use the original breaking through of information as a catalyst to major change, become even more committed to the controllers’ trajectory of totalitarian dystopia and a drugged, brainwashed, Pollyanna populous to slave away on behalf of the self proclaimed elite. They continue to excuse those who reject the Golden Rule, and they continue to wonder why life keeps throwing drama at them. What they conveniently edit from their awareness is the reality of that blaring question: “Are you sure?!”

I don’t know when or if the deadline will arrive for making such decisions, but the frequency and intensity of that question seems to indicate that it will, and soon. What kind of world do you wish to live in, and what illusions are you willing to give up in order to embody it? Are you willing to transmute the increased effort it takes to continue lying to yourself and instead turn such efforts into creating a better life and world? Effort is effort. One type of effort maintains dissatisfaction and gives permission for misery and tyranny; the other effort actually generates new worlds and allows you to create a real version of your imagined potential.

A Tale of Two Timelines: which will it be? The choice — and the responsibility — are yours."

in Uncategorized. Tagged: Be the Change, Betrayal, Denial, Revelations, Timelines. 8 Comments

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