Monday, May 26, 2014

NorthPoint Astrology blog by Pam Youhans Sunday, May 25, 2014 ~ Early Mercury retrograde

NorthPoint Astrology blog by Pam Youhans
Sunday, May 25, 2014 ~ Early Mercury retrograde

OK, so I just did it again -- sent out this week's journal with last week's dates in the masthead.

It must be that I'm just so excited about the Neptunian New Moon and Mercury retrograde that I've already leapt into the effects!

I'm sure it's my reminder about the need to let go of certain aspects of this reality, especially that Virgoan need for perfection. Still, my Moon in Virgo is absolutely SURE I should send out another email with the correct dates...

Have a good week!



Astrology Journal

Your Guide to Planetary Energies for
By Pam Younghans

Today's photo is from the National Geographic website, chosen as one of their "favorite space photos." I agree!
THE FINAL WEEK of May brings remnants of the past into the present. Venus, Mercury and the Moon's nodes are working together for the first three days of the week to reconnect us with old friends and lovers.

Venus conjunct the South Node (Tuesday) is the energy of remembering the relationships of the past -- either from this lifetime or from other lifetimes. Mercury's trine to the North Node (Monday) and sextile to Venus (Wednesday) indicate that these relationships will, at the very least, reach our conscious awareness. At the most, we may have direct interaction with certain people from our past, in particular those with whom we share karmic connections or unresolved issues.

IT APPEARS, since the South Node is in Aries, that the reconnections and rememberings that occur early in the week are our opportunity for a "do-over." Perhaps we ended things in anger, or we acted from the belief that the other person was like us in some regard, instead of seeing them (and accepting them) for who they really are.

This convergence of Venus, Mercury, and the nodes this week provides a view into our relationship history and offers new roads for us to travel. The North Node in Libra tells us that we can now resolve and more fully let go of what was, both by communicating clearly from a place of truth and by being able to see reality through the other's eyes.

OUR NEW MOON on Wednesday is in Gemini. Usually, a New Moon in the sign of the Twins emphasizes the logical, intellectual, and communicative aspects of our personalities. However, Neptune strongly squares (is 90 degrees away from) the Sun and the Moon at the time of the lunation -- so, instead of our brains being fully "in gear," we may find our thinking to be foggy and our perspective more imaginative than realistic.

In other words, although Mercury does not go retrograde (backward) until next week (on June 7), we're probably getting a head start on some of that influence as soon as this new lunar cycle begins. In response to the groans I just heard, let's take a look at the positive potentials of this Neptune square (and the upcoming Mercury retro phase).

MOST OF US spend two-thirds of our lives in conscious mode, consumed with processing the events of daily life, and one-third of our time asleep and unconscious. We are aware of variations in those states of consciousness primarily in times of meditation, heightened creativity, or lucid dreaming. 

Neptune, being the planet most associated with the creative process and spiritual growth, always reminds us of the importance of those states of altered awareness for our physical, emotional, and mental health -- and for our spiritual evolution. Mercury's retrograde phase, occurring for about three times a year or about 24 days, steps in and helps with those reminders as well. 

IT OCCURS to me that the Universe is being very compassionate by scheduling a Neptunian New Moon and Mercury's retrograde phase at this time. We've just been through a LOT. The recent Cardinal Grand Cross brought great change to many lives. And, for those less obviously affected, the intensity of the energy waves required, at the very least, each of us to adapt and find new ways to stay in balance. 

In other words, we need the healing allowed by those altered states of consciousness. We need to let go of the worries and concerns, and to drift for a while. For most of June, we will benefit from being less attached to concrete, external reality and being more in a place of expectant listening, waiting for the whispers of our higher minds and intuition to come into our awareness.

Finding the Trail Home
Your guide to planetary influences
for July through December 2014
Attend live on Thursday, June 12, either online or by phone, at these times:
4 to 5:30pm PDT  |  5 to 6:30pm MDT 
6 to 7:30pm CDT  |  7 to 8:30pm EDT
The class will be recorded for replay for those who cannot attend live.

ONLY THREE WEEKS until my next teleclass on Thursday, June 12! I'm calling it "Finding the Trail Home" because, now that we've made it through the tumultuous energies of the Cardinal Grand Cross, we have the opportunity to move forward in new ways -- to come "Home" to ourselves in ways that we've not found possible up to this point.

During the teleclass, I will share with you my thoughts about the planetary energies for the next six months. I'm once again teaming up with Elsie Kerns, Wellness Educator, who does such a great job of handling all the technological and organizational side of the event. 

As always, you can either attend live or just download the replay afterward at your convenience. For more information, or to register, here's the link: 
I hope you can join us!



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