Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What's Happening in the Stars? May 19-25, 2014 ~ Contributed by Hillory Skott

Indeed, spring is in full force....finally!

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What's Happening in the Stars?  May 19-25, 2014
~ Contributed by Hillory Skott

Mars finally gets moving forward in peace loving Libra and the Sun
skips into curious Gemini. The Shift in energy will be noticeable. 
You are charged up and ready to take action. Make your plans clear,
all this back and forth over the last couple months has caused an
energetic impasse- You are a powerful co-creator. Use your magical
powers of focus, feeling, and imagination to create the most prosperous
life you can imagine for yourself.

On Monday May 19, 2014 Mars make its move forward.  Yippee. 
It is traveling through Libra. Lovely Libra.  It's been backtracking
there since March and when planets retrograde t hey say their energy
is turned inward. But Mars feels best moving forward and Libra is
too wishy-washy for Mars to meet it's fast acting potential.  Now though,
it should pick up the pace of things and helping you become certain and decisive.

In July, when Mars finally shifts from its unusually long stay in Libra
it will be moving into penetrating Scorpio. You will get clear on things
that have been uncertain for months. Scorpio is decisive in an all or
nothing off with the head kind of way. Use the next couple of months
to see all sides of the story so when it comes time to make the choice
you will be confident that you have done the groundwork. There is
potential for things to develop very quickly soon-  Reminder yourself:
You are poised and receptive to your good fortune. Remember you are

The Sun, one of my favorite planets, certainly the most well known next
to that beautiful moon of ours, is moving into Gemini on Tuesday the
20th pst- Yay!  Witty banter is super fun with the Gemini energy. 
Visits and little trips and getting out in the world is such a joy when the
sun is in Gemini.  If you have writing or speaking that needs doing,
take notes.  A recorder might be a great way to capture your brilliance
with the least effort.  The focus of Gemini is not the most laser like- it’s more

The spring is magnificent there is so much growth so mind bogglingly fast-
I could just stay in one spot and marvel at the things effortlessly coming
into being for days.  Spring makes growing look like a breeze.  The Gemini
sun gives us the energy  to garden and hang laundry on clothes lines and clean
closets and drawers and meet funny friends for brunch and a little non-
dysfunctional day drinking.   Life is busy and full and fantastic with Gemini.
No dull moments.

While you are adapting to the Sun and Mars shifting generous Jupiter and
wise Saturn connect in a trine, a triangle aspect of ease and contentment.
Any effort will be rewarded.  Now you can stick with it and see clearly
what steps to take to arrive at the future you choose.  Write this down!
We are not always this clear headed so be sure to capture hopes and
wishes in words.  Words are the first step towards manifesting.

A wonderful way to get in touch with your true heart’s desire is to write a
letter as your future self, to your present self. Give yourself advice, explain
how fortunate and grateful you are for the amazing life you have managed
to create.  Give details about the home you have, the kind of work you are
doing, the relationships in your life.  Make it as real as possible. You can
make the letter twenty years in the future or ten.  Five is the most challenging,
but in many ways the most important.

What does your wise future self want you to know?  You'll be happy you took
the time to write this letter, magic happens when you call upon your wisest
self for guidance. Enjoy the newness this week.  Change is so reliable,
embrace it!

Contributed by Hillory Skott

Enjoy your week!

Karen & Salma

Be more...Love more...Live more and
Never Settle for Less
Go Beyond!

Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.

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