Sunday, May 25, 2014

"WHAT ARE YOU SEEKING TO EMBODY?" CHANNELED ASCENSION MESSAGE FROM THE HIGH COUNCIL OF ORION 25th May 2014 ~ Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood ~ Transcribed by Paul Marwood




Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood

“Greetings Dear Ones. We are the High Council of Orion.

What is it that you are seeking to embody?

We specifically use these words of “seeking to embody”, rather than what it is that you desire, because, in your world at this time, desiring tends to be more about the things in your world. You desire a better job, a better boss, a different partner, a more loving experience, more money, less stress, happier children, whatever it might be. For in each of those human desires there is an unseen, unspoken understanding that when those things are in place you will have something else: peace of mind, less stress, a greater experience of love. Those higher-level emotions may not be at the forefront of your desires, for you’re looking at the desires from the point of view of changing your life circumstances. Yet we would suggest, beyond that, if we asked you “When those things are in place, what is it that your life will embody that you feel is not embodied at this time?

So, digging behind your human desires, moving deeper past that, to look at those high-level human qualities that you are really craving. That craving is coming from your Soul level; your Soul level of desiring to be expressed as those embodiments of joy, peace, love, trust, understanding. Those are the qualities that your Soul is calling out to infuse in your human experience through your desires, through your human experience. Understanding that your human condition, if you will, will not bring to you that which your Soul is asking you to embody at this time.

We go back to our original question and say “What is it that you wish to embody in your life at this time? What’s beyond your human desires? What’s that end goal of these human desires?” As you begin to work with and identify what those human desires are and then look past the human desires to the Soul level embodiment, connecting with that. What we’re going to ask you to do is first of all, embrace your awareness of what that embodiment might be. Perhaps it is Trust in the goodness of the world or Trust that things are working out the way they are intended to on a Soul level, despite what your human experience is. Perhaps it’s this unending connection, a steadfast awareness, of the constancy of Love in your life, despite outward appearances. Perhaps it’s that effervescent bubbling of Joy that’s always there within you, that you can connect to at a moment’s notice, just by drawing your awareness to it.

Once you identify those qualities that your Soul is asking you to embody, at this point in time, what we ask you to do is just allow that awareness to be present to you at this moment in time. Instead of reaching out and struggling to hope to, in one moment in time, capture Joy for a fleeting moment, Trust for a fleeting moment, Love for a fleeting moment… What if you just feel your way into the awareness of the embodiment of each and every one of those qualities that your Soul is desiring for you to embody right now?

What if you draw your awareness to the essence of Love that always exists at the Soul level, not looking for evidence of it in the world around you? What if you decide to trust in the flow of nature and the universe in a way that defies your human experience? Even when your mind begins to argue with you because it has a very large pile of the “evidence” to the contrary, you steadfastly hold the idea of choosing to Trust, knowing that it’s there despite the evidence in your human existence. As you begin to just draw your awareness to those high-level qualities that your Soul is asking you to embody at this point in time, knowing and trusting that it is a foundational energy within you, you will then begin to see evidence of it popping up in your life. Is this going to happen all at once and all those human experiences that you are wishing would just disappear in a moment, are they can be gone instantaneously? Most likely not. But as you connect with those moments of what your Soul is asking you to embody, they ripple out very quickly and you can find more and more evidence of it.

For understand that at the core of our message today is the understanding that what you are truly seeking has nothing to do with the human experiences that you are having.
Ceasing to look at human experiences as evidence of where you are on a spiritual journey or in a spiritual scale would be helpful. For that which you are seeking to embody is not evidenced always in the human realm first. If you embody it, then it shows up in the human realm, instead of hoping the human realm shows up with it and, therefore then, you can embody it. So we’re turning the tables on this idea that as you connect with the Truth of your Soul’s expression in your human life, just by allowing that it might be true initially, it then flows out to manifest in human experiences.

What if just for even one day you decided not to use the evidence in your human experience as a judgment about your Soul level truth? What if you, on your human level, gave yourself a break and stopped judging your human experiences in terms of your spiritual and Soul level “failure”.
You’ll be surprised at the insights in the shifts that you will feel as you begin to practice this, first one day, and then the next, and then the next. Until you’ve had many days strung together where you have an opportunity to bring your awareness to these truths that exist and are there despite evidence to the contrary in your everyday human life.

We will address this more for this is a very large topic. In the meantime, and as always, ask us for assistance and we will be there in a moment, in the way that is most appropriate for you, always helping you turn the spotlight of who you are on your Soul level truth.

Be Blessed.

We are the High Council of Orion.”

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