Tuesday, May 27, 2014

What's Happening in the Stars? ~ Contributed by Hillory Skott May 26- June 1, 2014

What's Happening in the Stars?  ~ Contributed by Hillory Skott
May 26- June 1, 2014

The moon is new in curious Gemini- This is a lovely week of smoothly
moving potent energy. Shortly after the new moon, Venus moves into
its own sign of Taurus and  clever Mercury moves from intellectual
Gemini to sensitive Cancer. This is your chance to begin again, your
monthly resolutions need to be set.  Harnessing the power of the
monthly new moon makes growing easy. Enjoy the easy good feelings
available this week. Stability and beauty, nurturing and understanding
are yours to be had-pass it around.

The New moon is exact at 11:40 am PST on Wednesday the 28th-
our intentions and actions have a lot of zoom when we take time to
get clear about what we are choosing to manifest in our lives.  Not
choosing is also choosing in a powerless kind of way.  So sit yourself
down and get clear.  Who are you? What will make you happy in all
your moments?  How can you make others happy? Gemini is a very
changeable air sign, tricky to pin down.  With the moon in Gemini
issues of communication, short trips, writing, speaking and connecting
on day to day topics are all enjoyable now. Be Spontaneous!
Follow your curiosity.

The same day we have a square between the Sun and Dreamy Neptune. 
You might feel stretched by your very own perceptions of reality. Neptune
perceives and receives information that may not always be clear.  Nothing
is as it seems with Neptune influencing- yet the purpose of this is to dissolve
what is no longer needed and allow you to dream a little dream.  It can get
you in touch with your deeply feeling self.  The one we often have to shut
off to survive the 'real world'.  So we could be getting a flashy vision of what
is possible. Or connect with loved ones in other realms.  People who have
a lot of Neptune in their charts tend to be super sensitive to all energy.  Learn
to call in protection when you feel vulnerable and steer clear of vexatious people.
Your golden shield of light is just a thought away from activated.  Imagine
yourself surrounded in a bubble of light- purple works great too.  This simple
technique is powerful.

Later that day Venus Moves into Taurus. Venus rules the sign of Taurus.
Anything that soothes the sense will be very much enjoyed.  There is an
ability to settle in and be content with things exactly as they are. Taurus
energy isn't really into changing anything it would much prefer to maintain
things as they are.  Surround yourself with people who make you feel loved
and secure. Indulge your senses with delicious food and fabulous fabric.
Taurus digs gardening and making things beautiful so get busy with bringing
beauty. Essential oils and pedicures and dinners out will make you feel like
a million bucks. Venus will be in Taurus until June 23, 2014. Enjoy it.

Thursday Mercury heads into Cancer. Your thought will turn to home and
family. This ties in perfectly with the Venus in Taurus energy.  Family B-B-Q's
and get togethers with loved ones. Home improvements and long walks,
holding hands are all great ways to pass the time while you communicate
with your favorite people, ideally this would be your family- but let's face it-
Not too many people really feel like family is family.  Find your people and
be with them: Loving support, loyalty and like mindedness go a long long
way to filling any gaps we have from crappy relationships with parental units.
The sooner we let go the sooner we can find our real family. Remember,
you can't drink from an empty cup.  An important, yet often hard-won lesson.

It's a great week ahead.  Even the weekend has an energizing aspect between
Mars and the Sun.  Fiery- do lots of stuff on Saturday- Build a fence, hike, move
furniture, dance. Get that motor running.  Head out on the highway . Life is
moving along unhindered.  Participation brings satisfaction.  Amplify the good
and release the rest. Deepak Chopra uses these guidelines to decide what
stays-ask yourself: Am I having fun? Am I seeing results? And, Is it easy?
If you can't say yes to at least one of these things- drop that potato and move
into new and energized directions.  Blessed Be!

~Contributed by Hillory Skott~

Much Love and Many Blessings!

Karen & Salma

Be more...Love more....Live more
and Never Settle for Less
Go Beyond!

Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.


You sent us requests to re-open the replay and special offer

for Modern Day Mystic & Energy Healer Peter Schenk so we

went ahead and did just that!

Replay here:


Check out Peter Schenk’s special offer details here:


Peter delivers, what we believe, is some of the most useful

and important information we’ve heard in a very, very long time.

He has developed computer software programs that programs

your water by first erasing the water's stored memories,

then preparing it's "user", then finally re-programming the water

(that you use) with your intentions, big or small. How fascinating

is that!

To further answer any questions you may have....

Peter is joining us on Tuesday May 27th on a

Special Go Beyond Interview Q and A Session.

Please plan on joining us...and have your questions ready.

Tuesday , May 27th 2014

9 pm Eastern, 8 pm Central, 7 pm Mountain, 6 pm Pacific


Click here to access the Time Zone Converter

Phone Number to Dial: Phone: (425) 440-5100
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