Archangel Hilarion:
"Greetings everyone! It is a great pleasure coming through this
channel for the first time, although I am not a stranger to the work
that is being done here. I am delighted for the chance to speak with
all of you. Mother God let us know that we would have a special
opportunity to come through, since Kathryn has agreed to do a message
every day until the Revaluation of Currencies. I suppose you are aware
that the purpose behind these messages is to provide a challenging
lesson for you every day, one which will help you to clear away an old
remnant of darkness and replace it with Light. I am happy to be a part
of such an uplifting project.
We are all interested in the path of humankind toward their
Ascension. We watch carefully as the dance is acted out - the thrust
and parry between the Light and Dark on your planet. Of course the deck
is stacked in favor of the Light, since the appearance of darkness (and
what you sometimes call evil) is really just an illusion. Are you
really in full understanding of how that is possible? Perhaps I can
give you another perspective on it.
Let us take the example of the minions of dark ones who are now
carrying out the terrible assassination plots against the bankers who
have worked for the largest of the corrupt financial institutions. Of
course these 38 and counting bankers whose deaths have been counted as
"suicides" are nothing of the kind. Not one of them had any psychiatric
problems, they were all successful and highly paid, and had absolutely
no motive for suicide, unless you consider the possibility that they all
suddenly had a fit of conscience and could not live with their own
participation with the cabal systems. That is highly unlikely, since
the kind of high life they were all living generally becomes addictive
and difficult to leave - all the more likely that it was not suicide.
Most of the deaths were people who worked in the area of IT or
communications in their banking companies. They therefore are the ones
at high levels of responsibility who had access to the information about
the fraud being committed every day. Is it not obvious to you that
these would be the ones who need to be eliminated, just as the Treasury
Department comes searching around looking for evidence of the extreme
and unethical practices they know are epidemic in recent years? These
are the men (they are all men) who have the evidence needed to shut down
all the major banking corporations on the globe.
Now, why do I, Hilarion, who is usually concerned with the natural
world, bring up this issue right now? Because I am also interested in
the new governance coming to the Earth which will allow many of you to
be free to support your Mother Earth and the precious Kingdoms of
Elementals, Animals and Plants which have suffered along with you for so
many years.
Do you see the fundamental connection between the kind of greed that
drives a cabal leader and the ongoing devastation of the natural world?
Of course you do. Where there is a connection between power and money
there is greed, and where there is greed there is corruption, and where
there is corruption one of the first things to go is any concern for
protections for Mother Earth's health and well-being.
This is why we who are the protectors and healers of the non-human
Kingdoms are so involved right now with our Galactic Brothers and
Sisters who come to work with us on removing toxins and nuclear waste
from the environment. We are watching hopefully as the humans who were
trained - brainwashed, really - by the Reptilian-controlled cabal, to
see how they will carry forward now that their leaders are gone from the
planet. We continue to hope that in spite of the ruthless programs
under which they were trained, they will gradually find their hearts and
begin to question the use of murder, blackmail, extortion and threats
when they deal with the threat to their power base, which is dwindling.
As the energies of Light on the planet increase, the pressure is on
for everyone, even those who have prided themselves in being completely
immune to feelings of compassion or generosity, which they consider
weakness. As they go through their days priding themselves in being
callous, others around them are beginning to soften, awaken, and
question whether they wish to continue on the path they were seduced
into when they were young.
There are developing schisms between the most powerful leaders, who
formed the tight-knit family connections by calculated marriage and
business arrangements, not out of Love for one another, but because of
the power they could accrue by creating tightly-controlled secret
organizations. There are cracks forming in the foundations of their
structures, as younger family members begin to defect in opposition to
the status quo. Just as in the natural world, it is the young who are
the promise of the future for their parents, and the Universal Laws
which govern all are beginning to be felt, especially by those who still
have a glimmer of connection to Creator.
A few have "slipped through the cracks" by pretending to be
interested in the dark religious practices they were raised in, while
secretly exploring the internet sites which have proliferated like this
one, offering a different view of what Life can be. You see, Light will
out, always. Once one begins to question and absorb these lessons,
there is no turning back. Have you not noticed this? The more of these
messages you read, the more it all begins to fall into place, to form a
larger understanding of the Universe than you ever dreamed of a few
years ago.
Now, let me sketch the rest of the picture for you. The
military-industrial complex is owned and operated by the same people who
control the financial institutions. The military-industrial complex is
the source of the worst toxins and invasive practices which harm the
beautiful beings who have always lived in peace with humans, doing their
service of nurturing and protecting the natural world. So you see, the
war between the banksters and their minions is going to soon spread to
the military leaders and their officers and troops.
The U.S. Navy has resumed their irresponsible testing of sonar
technology, even after the people's letter-writing campaign which
brought a halt to the testing and a supposed "rethinking" of destructive
practices. When the cetaceans begin leaving in large numbers because
they cannot stand the pain and hostilities toward them, it will create
an even greater outcry from the people, and it will become difficult for
even the previously hard-nosed bureaucrats to maintain their
Whales, dolphins and even merpeople are considering a mass exodus
from the planet at this time. The attacks on them will no longer be
able to be kept secret when they begin washing up on beaches. It is
difficult to hide or quickly dispose of a dead whale, and there are
activists everywhere watching the beaches and creating protests around
the world to protect their Brothers and Sisters of the oceans.
So you see, Beloved Ones, everything hinges on all of you raising
your vibration to a point so high that it sweeps everything before you
in a great upsurge of Light, making it impossible for the
banking/military leaders and their troops to continue their dark
practices. In doing so, you will rescue the Kingdoms of the Earth from
the destruction they are suffering right now. In creating this powerful
tsunami of Light, you will reach the tipping point, beyond which no
destruction will be possible because the higher dimensions are
completely intolerable for anyone invested in darkness.
The dark minions will be forced by the simple physics of Light to
drop their weapons and close the doors of their greed-fueled
establishments. They will experience exactly the same overwhelming,
painful vibration which has driven the cetaceans to beach themselves. A
whale cannot cover its ears and scream, but the humans who harbor
destructive energy will feel that way.
So, Dear Ones, here is my challenge to you: Envision your friends and
fellow travelers in their ocean, air and forest habitats. See them
close to you, joyfully swimming, flying and bounding toward you to greet
you and look into your eyes. Feel your exhilaration and joyful
laughter as you see emerging around you the fairies, elves and other
nature spirits who are so gentle and filled with Love. Watch in your
mind's eye the playful leaping and splashing of the dolphins with their
young. Revel in the sense of intimate connection with these beautiful
Creations of God.
Picture in the distance the scheming and calculating managers of
money and power, engrossed in their dirty dealings. See their sallow
skin, their hollow smiles and contrived gestures. Notice how empty of
joy or real camaraderie they are. Do not draw close to them; they are
not of your vibration. Instead, focus your attention on the overflowing
Love you feel in the company of your Brethren, and create a Light
channel to focus and direct your joyful and loving feelings toward them.
See the Light and Love wash over them, seeping into every pore of
their being, pouring directly into their hearts. As they fight against
the onslaught of Light, see them stiffen and try to fight off the
feelings of Love they are absorbing. Some will double over, others will
cover their ears and close their eyes, others will cry out in pain as
they fight against the Light.
Soon, it will be impossible for them to fend off the great power of
Love, and they will find themselves, weak and overcome, helplessly
falling to the floor, submitting to the feelings of joy that fills every
part of their soul, their bodies and minds.
They will feel themselves hopelessly in Love, weak in the knees with
the deep and powerful energies which course through their veins, opening
all their channels to receive Light. They will arise from their faint
with the sound of a song in their ears and in their hearts. It will be a
song of joy and celebration for the deep and abiding connection with
All Things.
They will be brought to tears by the emotions of compassion,
gratitude and Love, and they will fall to their knees to ask forgiveness
for the pain they have caused their precious Brothers and Sisters.
God's great Light of forgiveness will fill their souls with relief and
happiness, and the gratitude they feel will remain with them as the new
and permanent feeling which will guide their actions henceforth.
You, Beloved Ones, are going to change the world. These
newly-awakened people will become the next wave of impassioned
activists, and they have the skill and know-how to change all the things
you have prayed would be removed from your world. You. You have the
power to create this massive shift.
Join with your friends on your internet Facebook site, Healing for
Ascension Tour,* and set a time for all of you to create a meditation
such as I have described above, and create a Love Blast so powerful that
you will bring on the immediate announcement of the RV, and drive
everyone to who has been playing on the dark side to make the leap into
the Light.
What fun you have ahead, Dear Ones, you who are gladiators and
warriors for the Light. Exercise your great power of Oneness. Feel the
thrill of conquest, as you vanquish all darkness with your great
tsunami of Love. Know that in doing this, you will create a new energy
on the planet which can never again be defeated. You are on the
upswing, with powerful help from the blast of energies from the Central
Sun to buoy you up and carry you across the line into the New Golden
Age. You will arrive hand-in-hand, so to speak, with all the beings,
all the humans and all the spirit world into the loving embrace of our
Great Creator.
Hallelujah! Let the celebration begin!
I am your Hilarion, in great joy, savoring the Vision of Life we have just created together."
*Facebook: Healing for Ascension Tour
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, Aug. 1, 2014, 8 PM, New York
My tags: Ascension, Hilarion, Dark, Banking Deaths, Corruption, IT Fraud,
High-Frequency Traders, Elemental Kingdom, Natural World, Earth
Cleansing, Cabals, Occult, Cetaceans, Navy Sonar, Higher Vibrations,
Envision Optimal Outcome, Transmute, Love, Lightwarriors
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