Saturday, August 9, 2014

Energy Update & 8:8 Report a message from Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer

Energy Update & 8:8 Report
a message from Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer

Friday, 8 August, 2014

Hello friends. Whoa. How are you doing? This has been one mother of a week. It tends to be that way on the road to a Stargate, as the Universe has an uncanny way of putting whatever impediment to our greater brilliance and expansion front and center. After my own experiences and talking to a few fine folks here, I can see that it is definitely going around.

If you are one of the folks finding peace in the center of the hurricane at the moment, please do take a moment to radiate that out on the grid. The collective thanks you.

I'm not going to go into too much detail on the exact astrological aspects, as we cover them daily at this page (Cosmic Weather,) but just to say there has been some rather intense square dancing going on involving a Leo (stellium) and Scorpio energies; both "executive" and both fixed, throw a sizable vibrational upgrade in the mix, and you get the picture.

The shadow: to huff and puff and blow your own (or someone else's house) down, to be overcome with anger and/or aggression. To succumb to feelings of fear, depression defeat or frustration.

The antidote: meditation, breathwork, healing work of all kinds, laughter, time with children, getting "unplugged," finding your humor and letting go of seriousness, reconnecting with Truth and the Higher Self, rest, quality self-care.

Energetically/physically you may be feeling more blown out than necessary, mostly due to the overall intensity and also the "busyness" of the dreamtime at the moment. You may also be waking up not feeling particularly rested.

The 8:8 Stargate most always has personal sovereignty as its theme. I have been following them closely since 2010, and that has been the case so far. This year however, the teaching and lessons are going much deeper, as in right down to a core/soul level; in greater lessons and reflections in the form of exactly how we are "selling ourselves out" in subtle and not-so-subtle ways.

It reminds me of this great Walt Whitman quote: Re-examine all that you have been told, dismiss that which insults your soul.

So what can I say? Be dangerous. For certain folks, especially those walking the talk of awakening it's not really like you have much of a choice, as one door has closed behind you. Not really a problem though, there's little back there that you want anymore anyway.

The Real Self is dangerous: dangerous to the established church, dangerous to the state, dangerous to the crowd, dangerous to tradition, because once a man/woman knows his/her real self, s/he becomes an individual. (aho!) ~ Osho

Happy 8:8 Stargate friends!

© Irma Kaye Sawyer 2011-2014. Please feel free to share these messages as you are guided with author and copyright information included. Thank you.

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