Lee Harris Energy <3
May 2015 Energy Forecast - Authenticity, Ancestral Clearing and Collective Stress.
(Transcribed and edited from Lee's spoken video message)
Hi everybody, and welcome to the Energy Forecast for May 2015.
Time is flying by and so are the energies. In last month’s forecast, I mentioned to you that April would feel wider than March. March was a bit of a crazy, intense month, and while April wasn’t without its intensity, there was certainly more of a feeling of spaciousness. Until that is, this past week or so; the last week of April.
Sensitivity issues through May
Many of you will have felt sensitivity issues arising in the last week of April and that is expected to carry through at least the first half of May.
So whether that’s your own inner feelings of hypersensitivity; for example, being even more sensitive to the volume of someone’s voice, or the way someone walks into a room. Or more 'outer experiences' that are showing up in the outside world; so perhaps being upset at what someone is doing or saying, or upset at the job that you’re in. Sensitivity is the theme of not only our time, but particularly in this year of 2015, dealing with your sensitivity is the key to getting through planet Earth in this transitionary era.
So, a couple of things to remember when you find yourself in a space of heightened sensitivity.
Space is what’s usually needed, because your nervous system has amplified and so you need to let it calm down before anything. This is because the more you keep running at the same person or the same issue with a heightened nervous system, it’s just going to continue to amplify.
So, do take time alone.
Do ask yourself, have I been working and doing too much?
Do I need to sit still and ‘be’ a little more?
Ask yourself, am I getting support?
Support from yourself, support from others
The support which you can give yourself is nutrition, exercise, good people, your own connection.
Or do you need the support of others at this moment?
To reach out to some people in your life because you’re trying to struggle through it alone?
Not everybody that you reach out to is going to be able to be there for you, but if you’re willing to not take the first ‘no’ as rejection, and keep asking a few other people, you’ll get that support. Support from others is wonderful because our nervous systems do calm down when we live in a more tribal way. Nature is the other great 'energy reset' when you are overstimulated.
So, ask yourself;
How much tribe energy have I got in my life right now that’s supporting me and helping me feel good?
How much personal space am I getting?
If you’re in a city and you can’t get to nature, make sure you’re soothing yourself from that stimulation. Cities have very electrical energy fields compared to nature spaces and the countryside. So you really need to monitor the amount that you are letting yourself get ‘amped-up’ by the energy of a city.
I’m just about to move from Boulder, Colorado to San Francisco. For me personally, San Francisco is absolutely the right place for me right now. So it’s not necessarily a case that city = bad/countryside = good. It’s just that there are different ways of monitoring your energy, and one of the issues that can happen for people who live in more isolated or countryside spaces is they can go through 'people-isolation', and sometimes that’s too much for the nervous system as well.
It's all about balance, and what you personally need on any given day.
Finding your 'balance-point' within the demands of collective energy
So regularly ask yourself;
Where am I on my balance of what I need?
Have I got enough tribe in my life?
Have I got enough space in my life?
Because only we can monitor this and sometimes as a collective, we all get very giddy together. As one big group energy, we collectively get on that hamster wheel and pound it really hard, and the only person who can truly monitor your experience of it, is you.
The reason I say this is that many of you listening to this might be in the role of 'helper' to people in your life. You might be most people’s emergency phone call. The problem is that not many people in that group for whom you’re the emergency phone call, will be considering how many emergency phone calls you might have taken that week. Only you can monitor that. So the helpers and the healers among you, you’re probably a little overwhelmed right now with the requirements of people outside you, if you’re not maintaining your own inner needs.
Now, to go to a different place.
Again, what I’ve spoken about a lot in the last year or two is that many of you, even with some of these sensitivity challenges, will be feeling better than ever before in yourself and in your experience of life.
Releasing Ancient Issues
Life is a strange ride and it has as many challenges and downs as it can have ups, but so much of it is to do with our approach to it, and so if any of you are still in the dying throes of being angry about something in your life or feeling like a victim to something in your life, what will be working through you at this time is ancient history.
It will be your own history around that issue so, for example, you hate your job. How many times in your life have you hated your job and what is it about the job that you really hate? Is it really that building that you go to and that employer that you have, or what is it that makes you feel crushed in that job? And if you start to ask yourself those deeper questions, you might have a breakthrough moment where you go, Oh, I hate having to be nice to people all day. So, try not faking being nice all day!
There’s a real societal pressure that we have to be happy or we have to be nice and friendly, and it’s just not true. It's time for you be who you are, more than ever before, because a lot of you will be running into trouble by trying to be more positive than you feel. Or trying to leave your dark side at home, or whatever difficulty you're processing at home, because you don’t want to throw it at other people.
Being Authentic/Expressing where you are at
There’s a big difference between throwing it at someone else and being authentic with how you’re feeling.
So, I could walk into my office place and, someone says, ‘Hey Lee, how are you doing?’ to which I respond (acting out depressed and angry emotions) ‘Oh, I’m really miserable, I’m really fed up!’
Y’know, that’s me throwing it at them. The other way is, someone could say, ‘Hey Lee, how are you doing?’, and I could just go, ‘Y’know, it’s a bit weird for me at the moment, I’m going through some stuff, I’ve got this going on with my family.....’
There are two very different ways of using energy in my demonstrations, and being present in energy. But the second one I demonstrated, tells the person that I know where I’m at, and it’s me communicating who I am today in a peaceful way. But a clear way, and that’s very, very important for those of you who are helpers, healers, trying to keep the light and the strength going for others.
These are rocky times in many ways, and for all of us in these rocky times, we have to be authentic about the stuff we’re going through that’s really difficult, as much as the stuff that we’re going through that might be feeling good or liberating to us. So this month, invite yourself to more authentic communication.
People don't need all the details
As I say that, I feel a whole bunch of you go, I don’t want to share all my personal details with everybody, and the point is, you don’t.
There’s a big difference between me saying ‘Y’know, I’ve got some funny things going on in life and I’m struggling’ versus ‘Well, my mum’s got this illness…' and giving a whole detailed list of things in my life.
You can always just give people a headline as to how you feel if you don’t want to go into the details.
But in giving them that headline, you help the less sensitive around you understand where you’re at a bit more. It doesn’t mean they'll necessarily wrap you in a blanket and treat you exactly the way you might want them to, but it means you won’t feel so unseen or invisible or unhelped by the people that you perhaps are bringing your helper energy to.
And this will create balance for you in a new way.
So authenticity is a big theme for the sensitive among you at the moment; being authentic with how you feel, being authentic with your communication and inviting that in at a whole new level.
The 'Opening' among people
We’re opening more and more as a people. We’re opening our hearts, we’re opening our minds, we’re opening our communication; I wanted to say (communication) devices, which is hilarious ‘cos of course it’s (our voice), not a device. But sometimes communication is a device, in terms of how you navigate the world via the way you communicate with other people.
Now, this opening I speak of, happens in stages. And as much as any of us would love to have a breakthrough because of a book that we’ve read, or a really potent conversation we’ve just had, or a workshop we just went to, and immediately return to our life and apply that whole breakthrough the very next day, it doesn’t work like that.
We do a piece at a time, and with that said, there are several of you who are missing the point around some of the shadows you’ve gone through in the last few months. You feel like, I’m not growing, I’ve felt really crappy or dense so there’s surely something going wrong. No, this is just this time on Earth and it's speed. It compresses everything and then lets it rise to the surface.
So if what’s compressed in you was ancestral issues around feeling like a victim or feeling angry at the world, angry at the planet, that’s going to get compressed in you and rise up.
So try and get conscious of it rather than just throwing it at all the people at your workplace like I demonstrated earlier, because that just recycles the energy and makes you feel worse.
Try and get in touch with yourself, perhaps, 'Ah, OK, today I feel angry and that’s OK. I don’t need to add a story to that, I don’t need to judge that, I don’t need to think therefore I’m regressing on my growth path…'
If you’re alive, you’re growing! Even people who seem unconscious to you are growing, because the experiences they need to learn through will keep coming at them in a different way until they become more conscious.
Going against/inviting non-historical patterns
So try and be peaceful with yourself as much as you can. That is not the historical society-inbuilt way of being, granted, but it is the way that will support your opening at this time to the best of your ability.
Because if you keep running out into the madness and trying to keep up with the madness, you’ll not only get exhausted on the hamster wheel, but you’ll catch your foot in one of the grates and go head first into the hamster wheel. So look at how chaotic things feel for you and if they do feel chaotic, keep stepping back and taking breathing space.
Some of you will be in tricky circumstances you can’t step back from – you may have family members who are ill, you may have real financial or work difficulties right now. So then you need to minimise everything else in your life and you recognize, I can only be around supportive people for a while, I just need to take care of me in the middle of taking care of everyone else and minimize all other stresses.
The new energy that exists above the 'stress-line'
The stress point in the collective is rising, so what you have to do is get really good at noticing and managing your own stress levels.
There is so much potential at the moment for ‘New’, and if you can keep managing everything that I have said here, in this video, then you’ll find that opening to the new - new connections, new relationships, new experiences, new moments of just Aaah, I’m alive, look at this amazing planet’ - then you’re going to find it all a lot easier to flow with it rather than bang your head on a wall with the intensity.
So, this is the final video I’ll be recording here in Boulder before I leave for San Francisco next month. It’s been almost three years I’ve lived here and been making videos for you guys out here on the hill.
So I just want to honour this place and thank it for not only being a support to me in my life the last few years, but more importantly, for these videos, we’ve all been here on this energy, on this land, having these messages monthly, so thank you Boulder for everything.
I also want to say thank you to those of you who financially donate for the forecasts – it really helps make everything possible here so thank you. To those of you who don’t donate financially but do send in lovely messages or comments, thank you for those too – they mean the world.
And finally I’m going to be doing a new Energy Mastery Retreat in Norway in August. This will be the final Energy Mastery Retreat in Europe of 2015. We just did the Colorado one and it was a total blast. We’re two-thirds sold out at the moment, but if you’d like to check it out and get more info, you can click for that here.
So, Big Love everyone.
Take care and see you in June.
For more from lee, visit www.leeharrisenergy.com
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