Mastering Anxiety during the Ascension Process

The anxiety that many feel as they go through this process can be quite crippling and make one question their sanity. When I started this process intensely a few years ago, I would wake and become overcome with anxiety and have to soothe myself back to sleep with guided meditations or Binaural beats. Now I only experience that anxiety on the rare occasion and when it happens I don’t like it anymore than I did a few years ago.
The other morning I woke and felt fine for the first minute or two as I settled back into my body but then the anxiety and self doubt came flying in. The depth of it surprised me. When I couldn’t shake it after getting ready for the day, I sat in mediation and asked for help. Thankfully, members of my team arrived and the first thing I heard was
“Nature Abhors a Vacuum”
They went on to explain that through the night we release so much density, anchoring new grids and frequencies that we create space within. Upon immediately awakening we feel good, refreshed and clean, but due to the space created the universe fills that vacuum by attracting to us what we still carry inside: the worry, the doubt, the fears.
They showed me that it is our job to awaken and fill ourselves with source energy and that as we do this, the universe sends us more light as like attracts like. Part of our purpose on earth is to master energy, master ourselves and our creation. In other words, we are in charge of our energy and the frequency it attracts. We can either allow it to be a magnet for all the parts that still need healing and working through or we can call to us the frequency that we want.
The fastest way to bring this to yourself is to be in a state of gratitude. Start listing all the things you are grateful for and send blessings to people and places, feel this vibration in your being. Feel how this brings ease back into the body. Then sit and bring light down upon you, see it coming from an endless source above, down through your crown and flowing through every inch of your body, settling deep into the earth. Feel the joy and peace fill you. This is your natural state. The anxiety you feel is the product of the filters, beliefs and experiences of this incarnation that need to go. At any time you can bring yourself back to your natural state by practicing gratitude and sending blessings onto others.
Another reason for the anxiety is directly related to our body. As these light codes flood our earth changing our very structure the body becomes confused and fearful. It does not understand what is taking place and sends signals that something is wrong. We then go into the thinking brain and assign reasons why we feel this way. Once we assign reasons for the feeling we bring it into this Now. We are the ones recreating the old on a daily basis. Just as we are the ones who can consciously choose to vibrate at a different frequency.
The next time you feel this physical anxiety; heart palpitations, shortened breath, or all over body aches; talk to your body as it has consciousness. Tell it that all is well and that what it is feeling is normal. Talk to your body like it is a scared 5 year old child and express gratitude for all your physical form has done to support you on this incarnation. This is an important step in becoming a partner with your body, which is essential for this transition. When the heart chakra opens it can really cause pain much like a panic attack. I notice that when I sit folded into myself with my arms blocking my chest that my heart charka is getting quite a workout. Talking to your body, telling your chakra to open, open fully and to release all that it is holding that no longer serves will help. When this first started for me I would feel these feelings and contact my husband and children to make sure they were safe lol. My mind told me that my heart was breaking and there had to be a reason for it and I immediately went to what I hold so dear.
I do want to make note that if you have concerns over your physical well being and have fear that something is wrong, please go see a doctor. Hearing that they find nothing wrong with you can be comforting in times like this. To handle these energies I am seeing an Acupuncturist and a Chiropractor who is also helping with my changing nutritional needs. The effects of this transition on the body is intense and sometimes we need assistance.
In addition to the above here are other ways to ease the uncomfortable symptoms of solar flares, light codes and emotional clearing:
- Salt & Crystal baths.
I personally like Himalayan Salt and Quartz, Rose Quartz and Amethyst
in my bath. Baking soda is a help for those detoxing their body as it
removes toxins.
- Essential oils. Rose helps to
naturally raise your vibration, lavender can help to calm you, and the
citrus & mint smells can help to energize. Peppermint can also help
with any nausea.
- Flower Essences: I use Bach’s
Rescue Remedy for when I feel energetically fried. For intense periods I
muscle test the other varieties of essences to see what my body needs
in the moment. They make a Rescue remedy for kids as well and my little
one responds very well to it.
- Meditation: Try
different forms, chanting, guided meditations, or binaural beats. Have
fun with it and open yourself to different methodologies. Alternate
nostril breathing can bring such clarity.
- Getting outside.
Nature is here to help us. When you can get outside, go for a walk, sit
in the fresh air and soak up the sun. Sitting against a tree and
connecting to its energy is so very healing as well. Bring in cut
flowers can help with the weather is bad as well.
- Exercise.
I find that my clients who handle the physical strain of ascension with
ease are those who exercise on a regular basis. Walking, yoga, tai chi,
honestly whatever you like to do that moves the energy through you is
good. My husband likes to snow board and mountain bike. I know that when
you feel completely exhausted and the body aches, the thought of
exercising is hard. Try Yin Yoga, which is a combination of meditation
and deep stretching and it brings so much relief. You can find all kinds
of exercise classes on YouTube.
- Writing. Get
all you are feeling out on paper, write and write being brutally honest
until you feel that sigh of release. Then sit and allow spirit to come
in and then write from that point of view.
- Talk with your guidance team:
Each of us has a whole team of guides and angels that love to be called
on. Ask them to give you reassurance, help with the energies, and
synchronicity. Make sure you give permission to be helped in all
ways.Then be present & aware and open to receive all of the
- Watch your thoughts. This is by far
the most important thing. What is your reaction when you hear a solar
flare or portal is coming? Do you dread it and want to lock yourself
away? Or do you meet the challenge with anticipation for the growth that
is coming? It’s OK to feel bad or low, just don’t stay in that place.
You shine far too great for that.
Much love and blessings to you all! <3 <3 <3
Join the facebook page and keep up to date on the energy fluctuations!https://www.facebook.com/channelingthemasters/
To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com
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