Well this has been intense to say the least…
| Taryn Crimi ~ Angelic Guides
Wow, when the Angels said “this year was going to be filled with intense energy that will assist us in closing many chapters in our life so that new beginnings can manifest” they sure weren’t kidding! This year started out with a bang with a full moon right smack in the middle of mercury in retrograde. We are still feeling some of the after affects, likely for another week or two. I don’t know about all of you but this energy has felt a lot like being sucked into a riptide in the middle of the ocean and not being able to tell which way is up or down! Whew! We will have a few days to catch our breathe but the intensity will continue on for much of this year so hang on tight! Well actually its time to let go really
It’s an odd feeling, I can’t believe it’s already February and yet it feels like New Years Day was months ago! Time is compressing and we are feeling the squeeze now more than ever! The Angels also remind us that we must be very careful about what we focus upon because our thoughts will manifest in rapid speed this year. Have you noticed?? I sure have!
A wonderful tip that they gave me that I thought I would share with all of you is to get into the habit of taking a “snapshot” of the thoughts that you have throughout your day. Would you be ok if that manifested right now? Or would you like to change your order with the universe before it manifests?
Also, be mindful that children are incredibly sensitive to all energy naturally, if we are feeling this energy quite intensely, imagine how impactful this energy is on young children. They often do not have the stresses or concerns that plague many of us on a daily basis but that doesn’t mean that they don’t feel the intensity of the energy of those around them.
Letting go, seems to be one of the more challenging things for humans to do. The Angels always share their fascination with how humans respond to change. Wouldn’t it be lovely to live as they do in the higher realms, free from any doubt or fears. We do have the ability to live that way here as well, but learning how to trust that our desires will manifest through the path of least resistance seems to be the difficult part. We have to let go of the old before the new has room to manifest.
Each of us will undoubtably face numerous chapters ending and many new beginnings in our lives of all sorts. The Angels remind us that its important that we do not get stuck on “how” something is allowed to manifest, as this blocks the energy; but rather that we simply become very clear about “what” we want to manifest and allow the universe to support us using the path of least resistance!
Remember, “what you seek, is also seeking you”
Happy Manifesting!
Do you have questions for the Angels? Schedule a private session with the angels here: http://www.angelic-guides.com/private-sessions/
Much Love,
Copyright © 2012-2016 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://www.Angelic-Guides.com
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