Energy Update 2-1-16

The energy is high and it will continue at this intensity for a few more days. We entered a portal area and while intense it is really a great opportunity. With this portal we are able to integrate very high frequencies that change everything about us. This energy is asking that we put away our masks, face our shadow, and start co-creating from the heart space.
are receiving tremendous support at this time and many are experiencing
visions, dreams, and messages. Pay attention. Pay attention to the
animal messages, the angel numbers, the thoughts you have that inspire,
the images we perceive with our third eye. Write these moments down,
they are here to help you, to guide you into the new.
that is out of balance within you is coming to a head to be seen. That
quiet whisper is becoming a roar so that you can no longer deny it. It
is in these moments that we choose to either see and act or bury it down
again. Sometimes simply acknowledging the truth of a situation brings
about tremendous growth. This portal is a choice point, how ready are we
to move beyond the thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that are keeping us
from our truth. How far we grow, how far we reach during this time is up
to us.
energy can make one feel very anxious and fearful. Talk to your body
and tell it that it will be fine, that all is as it should be.
Headaches, neck, teeth, moments of blurry vision and jaw pain not
uncommon with these super high energies, our body is doing its best to
keep up. Do what your body asks. If you have nervous energy, go for a
walk, do yoga or some other exercise program. For those stuck in house
with the weather, go on youtube and find a yoga class and do this with
the intention of moving energy through you. For those who can barely
keep your eyes open, REST. It is how the body integrates the higher
ways to cope are salt and crystal baths, using flower essences,
mediation and other energy work. I find that smelling cut flowers always
calms me down when I can’t get outside.
Much love & Blessings to you all! We are in amazing times <3
To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to
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