Thursday, December 21, 2017

Energy Update: Winter Solstice Offers New Earth In The HERE And NOW | SoulFullHeart Way Of Life

Energy Update: Winter Solstice Offers New Earth In The HERE And NOW


This doesn’t feel like an ordinary Winter Solstice….is there such thing as ‘ordinary’ anymore? So much is accelerating in activity on in the collective, on a Galactic level with Star BEings, and from within each of of us on the Ascension path.

This Winter Solstice is the beginning of a NEW season where it feels like rapid change will become more of the new normal in the year 2018. Change on all levels inside of your bodies becoming crystal; your chakras becoming crystal; your hearts becoming crystal; your emotional bodies becoming crystal; your Merkabahs becoming crystal. Clearer, brighter, and freer, you feel more and more and on deeper levels than ever before!

You may be amazed at how much is moving from within you in just one ‘day’ and how much you are integrating, letting in, and letting go. What has previously been ‘lived with’ on some level, still anchored to 3D, is straining and fading. Maybe you are able to LET GO more quickly, more easily with less protest and resistance from parts of you and more sense of Ethereal, Star BEing/Star Family, and Higher Self support. Hiding anything becomes impossible as your frequency shifts more into 4D in all areas of your life.

The Divine Feminine opened UP even more on 12:12, illuminating us all in the glow of Her Supermoon. She continues to beacon us into the deeper regions of ourselves, into our emotional bodies, into the places inside that need the light of our love. She sometimes lights the match to burn away what is false in our lives and within ourselves, yet always, too, She is there to provide a balm of comfort to sooth the mourning pains.

The Divine Feminine makes it safer for disclosures to begin or accelerate on all levels; for the revealing of what has been hidden to come forward for healing. No more hiding. She holds and responds to this disclosure process with a steady compassion that forgives, allowing for genuine remorse from the masculine to flow. She brings out the King that has been hiding in the woundedness of the boy. She supports the continuation of the process of transforming the wounded masculine (in both men and women) into its sacred human essence.

She has invited us into Her womb to INtegrate, to yintegrate, so much of these activations and upgrades that we’ve been receiving and being gifted by the Great Cosmic Sun/Divine Masculine. Her activations are more emotional, about making space and holding space, creating a womb space for the parts of us that need us and our tender care and love. The Divine Masculine gifts seemed to come in more bounty and in earnest acceleration with the total Solar Eclipse in August, as if Her moon blocking the light brought more into alignment.

And, alignment is here during this time of Galactic Alignment over the last days and continuing through the Solstice…as the center of our outer galaxy lines up with the Sun and Gaia, so is the invitation for our inner galaxies to align through the feeling and healing of ALL aspects of ourselves in ALL timelines.

What is of lower frequency, heavy, dark, painful, and frustrated is not so easily suppressed or held away or covered over by parts of you anymore. Your Inner Protector is probably getting tired and wants deeply to rest. Things are leaking through that sometimes they would rather didn’t, yet that need to come up. Other lifetime ‘memories’ are bleeding through, along with childhood/teenage emotional energy congestions formed in parts of you that are often stuck there and want to be freed. Dreams are more intense, plus increase in what feels like ‘outside of you’ activities and energies.

All this could bring up temporarily even more vigilance and guarding from your Protector yet also can lead to burn out and overwhelm. The Protector is tired of guarding and being so vigilant and wants to transition to your guide and Gatekeeper of your Metasoul, channel to Divine love and all your other lifetime/timelines. More about the Gatekeeper healing process here through SoulFullHeart:

Loving your physical body, loving your emotional body, loving the parts of you that are afraid and resistance, loving your 3D anchors, loving even what feels dark and demonic through these intense energies and with the help of these energies….this becomes easier in the Now. This will just BEcome more natural as we vibrate more and more out of the old fear-based frequencies and into more New Earth/5D.

New Earth is more in the HERE and the NOW on this Solstice and available in ALL moments as you continue to integrate and align from within into your Sacred Human Self!!

Jelelle Awen is Co-creator/Facilitator/Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is a Soul Scribe and author of three books about Ascension, Divine Feminine and Masculine, emotional body integration through parts work, quantum healing through Metasoul Aspect connection, sacred union, light body transformation, and much more! 
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