Monday, December 25, 2017

NorthPoint Journal  Your guide to planetary energies for December 25 to 31, 2017 By Pam Younghans

By Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects this Week
MON: Venus conjunct Saturn, Venus semisquare Jupiter 
WED: Mars trine Neptune
SUN: Mercury trine Ceres

IT SEEMS the universe is giving us time to reflect during these last days of 2017 -- although we do have some planetary activity to discuss, this week’s list of major aspects is quite short. 

The Moon's activity always becomes more noticeable when the other planets are quiet. But because the Moon moves so quickly, its effects mostly manifest as moods that last for a few hours (unless we're working with a New or Full Moon).

With that in mind, we can consider that many of the highs and lows we experience this week will be temporary (unless, of course, you're going through a personal transit that is longer lasting). So enjoy the highs, and know that the lows will soon pass -- and, of course, see if you can find the lessons and gifts in both ends of the spectrum.

WE BEGIN THE WEEK on a serious note. Venus is aligned with Saturn in Capricorn on Monday, compelling us to look more objectively -- and perhaps pessimistically -- at relationships, values, and financial issues. While we might still feel the urge to splurge in some of these areas (Venus is also semisquare Jupiter), Saturn is the stronger influence of the day. This means that reason and reality will likely emerge as victors over the dream.

One more important note about Monday -- it's the two-weeks-and-counting mark for my teleclass covering the first six months of 2018!

The title of the class is "From Fire to Earth, From Inspiration to Form" -- and it will air live on Monday, January 8. If you already know that you want to register, here's a quick link:

For more information about the class, please read the full description below.

ON WEDNESDAY, the heavens open to assist our spiritual growth and creative process. Mars in Scorpio is in harmonious trine aspect with Neptune in Pisces, helping us transcend the ego's need for drama. We find it easier to align personal will with the soul's higher intentions with this aspect. It also helps us find the courage and faith needed to take action on a higher vision for our lives -- assisted, perhaps, by Monday's Venus-Saturn alignment that helped us more clearly define what we want to create, making real-world manifestation more likely.

Mercury's trine to Ceres next Sunday is the only other notable non-lunar aspect for the week. This influence may be subtle, representing an increase in our ability to communicate empathetically with those we care about, including our animal companions. But it is a lovely way to tie the bow on 2017 -- and to prepare for the spiritually and emotionally profound Full Moon that occurs on January 1!


From Fire to Earth, From Inspiration to Form
Astrological guidance for January to June 2018

Airing live and recorded for playback on January 8 at 4 p.m. PST  |  7 p.m. EST  |  12 midnight GMT

IN THE YEAR 2018, we will experience a significant shift in planetary energies. Two very influential planets are moving from fire signs to earth signs: Saturn from Sagittarius into Capricorn, and Uranus from Aries into Taurus. This represents a shift from the archetypal masculine traits of inspiration, independence, and movement, to the feminine qualities of interdependence, creation, and stability.

How will these changes play out – on the world stage and in our personal lives?

And what happens when Chiron, the Wounded Healer, moves into Aries? What can we expect from January’s Total Lunar Eclipse conjunct the fixed star Minchir? How do we prepare for the Mars-Saturn alignment in April -- and do we need to brace ourselves for the effects of the Mars-Uranus square in May?

And then there’s Jupiter in Scorpio, already digging dirt and throwing it right and left – what does it mean that expansive Jupiter is working in harmony with powerful Pluto and mystical Neptune throughout much of 2018?

PLEASE JOIN US for this preview of the astrological happenings of the first six months of 2018!

This 90-minute teleclass will guide you through the major planetary events that will occur and how they may affect us. We will also go through each month week-by-week to discover shorter-term trends. Before the air date, you will receive calendars for all six months, for taking notes during the class.

The class airs live at 4 p.m. PST on Monday, January 8, which is 7 p.m. EST and 12 midnight GMT. But don’t worry if you can't attend live – the class is recorded, and all registrants will have access to the recording and the pdf of the slideshow.

We hope you can join us! Here's the registration link:

After you register, you will receive an email from Eventbrite with instructions on how to join in on the class, either online or by phone.

Payment options and registration may be handled online or by check to Elsie Kerns, 2007 Rabbit Run Rd., Marlton, NJ 08053. If you have questions about registering or payment, please contact Elsie at or 856.988.7426

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: The coming year marks a time of endings and beginnings. About 29 years ago, something was solidified in your sense of self and in your personal goals. This year provides the opportunity to check in with yourself, to find out what you are ready to leave behind and what you are ready to bring forward in your life. You can consider this as a time of pruning the identity tree of those qualities and traits that no longer serve you, so that your essential life force can flow more powerfully through you and into those goals and activities that resonate with the truth of who you have become in these past many years of growth and maturation.

May peace and blessings fill your heart with joy this holiday season,



Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2017. All rights reserved.

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