Monday, December 11, 2017

NorthPoint Journal  Your guide to planetary energies for December 11 to 17, 2017 By Pam Younghans

By Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects this Week
MON: Mercury trine Eris
TUE: Jupiter conjunct Vesta, Sun conjunct Mercury
THU: Sun trine Eris, Mercury semisquare Mars
FRI: Mercury trine Ceres, Mercury conjunct Venus, Venus trine Ceres, Sun square Chiron
SAT: Sun trine Uranus, Venus semisquare Mars
SUN: New Moon 10:30pm PST (6:30am GMT on Monday)

THE MOON now enters the last week of its cycle -- a time when we are meant to clear, release, complete, surrender. In anticipation of next Sunday's New Moon, which aligns with the Galactic Center (the black hole at the center of our universe), it is especially important to  focus on clearing out those thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve us -- those mindsets that are, in fact, limiting our expansion and preventing our personal vibratory note from raising in frequency.

Several planetary events over the next few days assist us in this process. To start the week, the Sun aligns with retrograde Mercury on Tuesday, pulling our attention inward so that we can spend time in introspection and meditation, both of which are vital to the process of release.

AS THEY ALIGN in Sagittarius, the Sun and Mercury are in trine aspect to Eris, the dwarf planet named for the goddess of discord and strife. We often feel wary seeing Eris involved in any aspect, given her militant reputation, but since a trine indicates that the planets are working together in harmony, we need to look deeper to find the potential benefits in this collaboration.

Sagittarius is the sign associated with belief systems and religions. The positive traits attributed to Sag include dedication to an ideal, the desire to find life's meaning, and openmindedness; in the negative, Sagittarius expresses through dogmatism, fanaticism, prejudice, and self-righteousness.

I believe Eris comes forward this week to help us recognize the power that we have within us. As we embrace our highest values and priorities, Eris provides the courage and willpower needed to purge our energy systems of the lower-vibrational characteristics listed above. This is not a passive process -- it takes strong intention to leave behind years of accumulated opinions and biases, and to truly open our minds to new perspectives. Eris is willing to do what it takes to help us get there, even if it takes great effort to gain the castle.

ONE TECHNIQUE for accomplishing this mental process is the "I Get to Be Wrong About" exercise. Here is the exercise as astrologer Philip Sedgwick explains it:

"On a sheet of paper write, 'I get to be wrong about,' across the top. Now add the statements of fact you wish to intellectually eradicate. Then fill in the faulty beliefs previously maintained. These fractured concepts can deal with any area of life. For instance: 'the fact that men are not sensitive or don’t listen'; 'the fact that I can’t make enough money being spiritual'; 'the fact that the world cannot live in peace'; or 'the fact that people will never understand the vital life-force energy of the soul.' Documenting these ideas brings them out of the subconscious into the conscious. If you’re not sure what failed beliefs you have, make up one to suit any recurring obstacle you encounter in life. After the deletion exercise is done, do the creed-building exercise. With deliberate attention, possibly over a series of efforts, define what you do intend to carry within your consciousness as an active, contributing belief. Make these specific, open-ended and clear."

ANOTHER ASSIST this week comes in the form of Jupiter's alignment with the asteroid Vesta, who represents the capacity to focus and dedicate our energies to a cause. This conjunction occurs in Scorpio, the sign that motivates us to dive deep below the surface to uncover secrets, expose unconscious patterns, and eliminate that which has been disempowering.

The Vestal virgins, who dedicated their lives to serving the goddess Vesta, used fire as a tool of purification and as a symbol of their commitment. One of the symbols associated with the sign Scorpio is the phoenix, the bird of myth that burst into flames and turned to ashes before rising again. Perhaps we can use these images this week to envision our own process of burning away that which no longer serves.

OTHER PLANETARY EVENTS this week are also supportive -- in particular, the Mercury-Venus alignment on Friday, with both planets in trine aspect to Ceres. Our empathic abilities are heightened, and we are more able to sense the truth about current situations. We also can more readily access our own capacity to nurture and support others.

The Sun's optimism is somewhat compromised on Friday through a square to Chiron, but if we understand this obstacle as an opportunity to open our hearts in compassion and forgiveness, we can quickly move on. On Saturday, a Sun-Uranus trine helps us shake off the remnants of fear and negativity, opening us to new insights.

THE NEW MOON occurs late on Sunday on the Pacific coast of the U.S., at 10:30 p.m. PST -- which is, of course, already the next day in many parts of the world (6:30 a.m. GMT on Monday). This New Moon, being aligned with the Galactic Center, has been spotlighted on my calendar for weeks.

If we have done our work of release and clearing of the old patterns of thought and behavior, we are ready to receive a new vision with this lunation. The insights and information may enter our subconscious first, especially while the Moon is still in the darkest phases of the new lunar cycle, but will gradually seep into our conscious  minds.

Philip Sedgwick, the astrologer referenced above, has done much research on the Galactic Center and its effects. On the page of his website entitled "The Galactic Center," he gives this advice about accessing information from this expansive source:

"Simply, sit and listen. Learn to receive the subtle essences of Heaven. Let the inspiration feed you the ways of making wisdom work within the everyday walking within the world."

(To read more of Mr. Sedgwick's writings on the GC, click here: The Galactic Center.)

SATURN AND VENUS are both within a few degrees of the New Moon. Saturn's involvement tells us it's time to "get real" and to take responsibility for our contribution to mass consciousness. Where do our minds and emotions take us on a daily basis? Do we spend more time in fear or in love? How do our habitual thoughts about the world help create that world?

As Shanta Gabriel writes in her "Inspiration for the Week" that arrived in my inbox today:

"It has become a scientific truth in the study of quantum physics that the particles of atomic fields arrange themselves into form when the focus of the scientist's attention is there. Before this focus of attention, the particles were waves of energy with unlimited potential. Many books have been written which describe this process in detail. This field of unlimited potential, waiting for your focus of attention, is why your thoughts are so powerful."

VENUS' INVOLVEMENT in the New Moon takes us in a slightly different direction. Venus represents the feminine aspect of relationships, and in Sagittarius, she activates the desire to experience love and friendship with people of diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Venus in Sag also values her ideals and holds a grander vision, an expansive philosophy of life that is based in love and peace. With her contributions to the influence of the New Moon, we can hope that the messages we receive in our download from the Galactic Center will be instrumental in moving us forward into times of true collaboration and ultimately -- dare I hope it? -- greater harmony.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This is a year to embrace your truth, to access your inner wisdom, and to free yourself from the beliefs and attitudes that have limited you. Your priorities are shifting, and you are coming into a stronger knowing of your life's purpose and meaning. There are still some insecurities and lack of faith to be addressed, but you have much support in the process of acknowledging, healing, and moving beyond any obstacles that may arise.

In peace,

Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2017. All rights reserved.

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