Sunday, December 3, 2017

Jen Eramith: The Akashic Records of December 2017 (an excerpt from the Monthly Message):

Jen Eramith: The Akashic Records of December 2017
(an excerpt from the Monthly Message):

The energy this month is filled with kindness. It offers a sense of a floating and moving through water. You will find a feeling of fluidity. Things that have been stuck for a long time might move more easily, but they will not move in a linear way. This month, everything moves in a floating, ambiguous way.

This will be a time to practice surrender and having faith in the processes that underlie your endeavors. This is a time to practice relaxing into the work you engage. Imagine if you were trying to float in the water -- if you hold yourself still or try to stiffly, you sink. Floating in the water requires that you relax and expand – that you take a deep breath and surrender to your surroundings. This is the way to work with the energy of this month.

It is in surrender that you will find incredible kindness, compassion, and generosity this month. You will find it useful to practice trust. Actively engage in trusting your friends, the people around you, your spirit guides, and your surroundings. Actively allow people to support you and allow your environment to support you. Gratitude will serve you in terms of helping you put your mind on the feeling of trust or the feeling of knowing that you are supported.

To become a Member: Join Akashic Transformations for access to the full monthly message and to the library of channelings, audio recordings, and more! Here is a list of the benefits of membership.

 Login here to your membership account, then read the entire Message under the Members tab above. Enjoy!

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