Monday, December 18, 2017

NorthPoint Journal:  Your guide to planetary energies for December 18 to 24, 2017 By Pam Younghans

Geminid meteor shower over Oarai Isosaki-jinja Shrine in Ibaraki, Japan,
on December 14, 2017 (photo by Kagaya, posted on

Highlighted Aspects this Week
TUE: Mars quintile Pluto, Saturn enters Capricorn 
WED: Venus square Chiron, Venus trine Uranus
THU:  Sun enters Capricorn/Solstice (8:27 a.m. PST, 4:27 p.m. GMT), Sun semisquare Jupiter, Sun conjunct Saturn
FRI: Jupiter semisquare Saturn, Mercury goes direct
SUN: Mars sesquiquadrate Chiron, Jupiter square Nodes, Venus enters Capricorn

is one of the languages of Spirit. If you've been reading this Journal for the past few weeks, you're aware of how Mercury and Saturn have been aligned with the Galactic Center (GC), the enormous black hole around which our universe orbits. And, as I write this week's issue, the New Moon, which will also be aligned with the GC, is just hours away (Sunday, December 17 at 10:30 p.m. PST).

About two weeks ago, close to the time when the exact alignment between Mercury, Saturn, and the GC occurred, I opened a closet to put away some towels. Looking down to a lower shelf, I saw a book that I hadn't read in years. I picked it up, deciding I would glance through it again when the time presented itself.

Since then, I've used the book a few times for "book scrying" -- opening it up at random to see what message it might provide for me for that day. Earlier this week, it definitely caught my attention when I opened to a page and the words "Galactic Center" jumped out at me.

THE BOOK, entitled Reach for Us, is a compilation of channeled information, received from many sources by Dr. Dorothy Roeder. The page I opened to explains that by linking with the energies of the GC, we can access information on many diverse issues -- esoteric matters such as spiritual growth, balancing the emotional body, and communicating more clearly with aspects of our soul, but also ideas for very concrete inventions such as environmentally safe power sources, new healing techniques, and new methods of food production.

A brief visualization for connecting with the GC is also provided, which we may want to use both at the time of the New Moon tonight and throughout the upcoming lunar cycle:

"A regular program of attunement will be all that is necessary for you to make this connection. For a start, simply visualize a point directly overhead, and send a stream of golden light from the center of your head up to that point and realize that it is the Galactic Center. This initiates an energy flow that connects you with us."

As with all things, intention is everything. If we intend to connect with this energy and information source, we will do so. Repeat practice of this visualization will of course increase our skill at connecting. It also makes sense that our attunement will be enhanced if we do this practice at this time of planetary alignment with the GC.

A POWERFUL START to the week! And the New Moon is just one of the major events occurring over the next seven days.

On Tuesday, Saturn enters Capricorn for the first time in 27 years. Until late 2020, Saturn will be focusing our lessons in areas ruled by Capricorn: ambitions, career goals, reputations, authority figures, chief executives, governments, and social structures and policies. Since Saturn is a karmic planet, we will be seeing the results of the ways in which we have individually or as a populace given away our authority to others. Saturn will, in true Dr. Phil fashion, be continually asking us, "How's that working for you?" and requiring us to take charge of our own destinies.

The last time Saturn was in Capricorn, from 1988 to 1991, notable events included the fall of the Berlin Wall, the dismantling of the Soviet Union, pro-democracy rallies in Tiananmen Square, F.W. de Klerk's pledge to phase out apartheid at his swearing in as president of South Africa, and the World Health Organization's decision to remove homosexuality from its list of "diseases."

ALTHOUGH Wednesday's planetary aspects do not qualify as "major" events, we'll be paying close attention to either our relationship or financial well-being on that day. Venus' hard aspect to Chiron indicates feeling deflated, not having enough to give even if we want to be generous of heart or pocketbook. But the Venus-Uranus trine can turn things around, helping us be OK with who we are and enabling us to offer the same acceptance to others, who may or may not be meeting our expectations.

THURSDAY is another headline day. The Sun enters Capricorn at 8:27 a.m. PST (4:27 p.m. GMT), marking the Solstice -- the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern realms.

The chart drawn for the moment of Solstice is said to provide insights into events over the next three months. Many elements of the Solstice chart are significant:
  • A serious Sun-Saturn alignment in Capricorn indicates a focus on work and what we want to accomplish, and that we will need to apply discipline to achieve our goals.
  • A creative Uranus-Pallas Athene conjunction in Aries promotes groundbreaking ideas, insights, and visions, and emphasizes social reform and human rights.
  • A profound Jupiter-Vesta alignment in Scorpio represents a dedication to the pursuit of truth and enhances our ability to concentrate our efforts on whatever we feel most passionate about.
  • A challenging Moon-Mars square indicates emotional intensity and conflict.
  • A foggy Neptune-Mercury square means we are letting go of old beliefs and softening rhetoric, but we will also need to be cautious about what and who we believe.
  • A sensitizing Venus-Chiron square tells us that it is time to heal wounds of victimization and distrust.

All the more reason to activate our alignment with the Galactic Center and use all of the tools in our toolbox to enhance our connection with our Divine Self!

TWO EVENTS on Friday are also significant -- Jupiter is semisquare Saturn and Mercury stations direct. The Jupiter-Saturn aspect represents frustrations as our ideals meet with obstacles and delays, but is an important step in understanding current realities and what needs to happen if we are to make progress.

Mercury has been retrograde (appearing to move backward) since December 2, giving us the past three weeks to stand back from life and become an observer of the mind. Old fears and judgmental tendencies have come forward (Mercury conjunct Saturn), so our challenge has been not to allow those mindsets to derail us, but to find ways to broaden our perspective and access the higher wisdom that outranks the lower mind. 

One last note -- Jupiter is square the Moon's Nodes on Sunday, so beware of those divisive beliefs and conspiracy theories that breed fear and distrust. Remember that the North Node is now in Leo, so our higher evolutionary path is about building heart-centered belonging, and that we are moving away from the need to be separated by ideas or ideologies.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This is a profound year for you, when you take stock of your priorities, discard what no longer works, and set your sights on your next mountaintop. Great creativity is possible, as long as you listen to your insights and follow your inspiration. Although you might be tempted to withdraw from too much social interaction, supportive relationships are very important now, so be sure to honor and appreciate those who stand by your side.

In peace,


Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2017. All rights reserved.

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