Sunday, December 10, 2017


Image may contain: flower and plant

From my FB post:

I only ever have the best intentions in sharing my posts to help and to inform people. See it as an offering. Take it or leave it. If it resonates, great, glad to know it holds meaning for someone else as it does for me. If not, please move on to something that does resonate with you. Find it and share it. You will then draw to you those people that also resonate with your message.
Ultimately Truth will come to Light about all things. At that point, ALL of us will have to adjust our beliefs, because any one of us only has part of the Truth. We are living through a paradigm shift, and it may be uncomfortable at times to learn new things, but it doesn't serve us to live in fear or to live in the past, or to attack each other for having a different perspective. We are all in this together.
All is energy and vibration. Are you vibrating with fear, and thus attracting fearful things and circumstances into your life? Are you vibrating with love, and thus attracting High Heart* knowledge into your life?
We are all in this together, we are co-creating a better world, but in order to do so, we must allow for new information to come to Light, and for once useful old information that no longer serves us, to be set aside. As the current Contoller-Dominators lose power, We the People must accept and embrace responsibility and take back our personal and collective power, for the good of all.


*The Thymus chakra, also known as Higher Heart chakra, is considered to be the 8th chakra and it’s located where “intent” originates. This energy center is the connection between the reason of language and the emotions of the heart. It is also the gate to higher consciousness, which is based in love and therefore to a life in abundance, prosperity, joy, and satisfaction.
Moreover, it is what makes you take a deep breath before you speak consciously since at this energy vortex the intent behind the words you are about to speak actually starts forming.

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