Friday, December 22, 2017

THE ORACLE REPORT: Friday, December 22, 2017 + Thursday, December 21, 2017

Note:  Mercury goes direct at 8:51pm EST ~PB
Andrew Foss
· 50 mins

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THE ORACLE REPORT: Friday, December 22, 2017

New Moon Phase:
begin, initiate, set an intention

Moon in Aquarius

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom):
Kamala, Goddess who leaves no one behind

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will):
Elias, The Shaman

Sabian Symbol for the Solar Lunar Month:
27 Scorpio: “The sculptor’s vision is taking form”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year:
08 Aries: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind" (attune, align with new ways, hold on to your hat, stabilize)

Sabian Symbols for the Solar-Lunar Day:
  Thursday – Winter Solstice
  • SUN: 1 Capricorn - “An Indian chief claims power from the assembled tribe.”
  • EARTH: 1 Gemini - “On a ship, the sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one.”

Interpretation By Andrew:

For the Sun – 1 Capricorn - “An Indian chief claims power from the assembled tribe.”

The mantle of leadership is bestowed on people in many ways. We have elections here in our governmental societies. In years past, it was succession by birth right by monarchs. Or military leaders, relying on strength and strategy (a often times luck) can assume authority. And let’s not forget yesterday’s symbol and The Pope and other religious leaders who ascend in ways none of us peons may understand.

However they get there, at a certain point, they assume power and govern by the ascent of the governed. And their strength as a leader will be judged not only by their intelligence or courage but also by their method of receiving their power and what they do with it when they get it.

For the Earth – 1 Gemini - “On a ship, the sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one.”

The Earth’s symbol today works closely with the sun’s as it also shows the changing of the guard. This may not be a person or a leader, by more the shift of a group from one way of thinking to another. Is this by global ascent or revolution is unclear, but a change has happened, and the group has changed. Consider the message sent by a friendly ship lowering their flag and raising the skull and bones. It is a declaration that sends a message. Watch for these kinds of shifts today.

For all, hold on tight today Mercury stations direct tonight@!!!!!

Image may contain: sky, tree, outdoor and natureImage may contain: tree, sky, outdoor and nature

THE ORACLE REPORT: Thursday, December 21, 2017

New Moon Phase:
begin, initiate, set an intention

Moon in Capricorn Aquarius

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom):
Kamala, Goddess who leaves no one behind

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will):
Elias, The Shaman

Sabian Symbol for the Solar Lunar Month:
27 Scorpio: “The sculptor’s vision is taking form”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year:
08 Aries: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind" (attune, align with new ways, hold on to your hat, stabilize)

Sabian Symbols for the Solar-Lunar Day:
Thursday – Winter Solstice
  • SUN: 30 Sagittarius - “The Pope blessing the faithful.”
  • EARTH: 30 Gemini - “A parade of bathing beauties before large beach crowds.”

Interpretation By Andrew

For the Sun – 29 Sagittarius - “The Pope blessing the faithful.”

Power is an interesting concept. What is its root? Where does it come from? In the case of “The Pope”, his power comes from many sources. First, according to the faithful, he is the representative of God on Earth, giving him celestial “authority”. But also he has the power of the people, the faithful. All of whom offer their belief in him. Additionally, he has the power of the Vatican – money. Thanks to the Wisdom of the Spiderman comics, they say, “with great power comes great responsibility.” And in the case of The Pope, this is likely his greatest burden. And we must rely that he, who holds such power, will dispense it upon the masses leading them and giving them hope. I offer a song that reminds them of this from Rush.

For the Earth – 28 Gemini - “A parade of bathing beauties before large beach crowds.”

How do you judge beauty? And even more to the point, how does society? We can turn this issue over and over in our minds, but it comes back to the same thing. That people, no matter what we try to do, will make comparisons and judgements based on superficial looks. And when you think about “bathing beauties,” the image in most minds are slim and svelt. It represents the ideal. You look at Beauty pageants, where very intentionally women are put on parade. They are to show their grace, their beauty and their talents, all to represent that ideal. Makes us question what is ideal.

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