Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Mayan day of Blue Galactic Night – GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL (Tue 12th Dec)


We harmonise in order to dream, modelling intuition to seal the input of abundance with the galactic tone of integrity as we are guided by Blue Hand’s power of accomplishment.  A dimensional doorway is open to enter as we wish on the galactic activation portal day.

We may harmonise in our dreaming of and in the birthing of
Pachamama’s Gaia galactic dream with our intuition, dreaming in true abundance and accomplishing it in Blue Hand’s personal and planetary healing energy.

My teacher of traditional herbal medicine died in the weekend before his time.  Let’s just say for now that I intuitively know for myself that it was foul play.  He lived his life with integrity.  The manuals he wrote for his students were abundantly generous in the sharing of his knowledge and the strength of his love.

He was a herbalist and an activist regarded by the tyrannical government as a terrorist to their agenda of divide and conquer, search and destroy anything that does not comply.  I know because I was an activist too for a while.  A propaganda job was done on me leaving me homeless and harassed for many years now.

Now surely, we as humans can harmonise and return to nature and sanity.  Surely now we can care for one another and live the dream of abundance for all.  Surely now we can live in a way that is not separated by greed for money. 

So that is the old paradigm on its way out as money systems crumble and change as those who profited from it are being dealt with.  We all have the opportunity to share, care, give and receive and most importantly we all can invest into the Gaia galactic dream where equality means we all are empowered to express ourselves without limitation.

It is the final day of the overtone moon of radiance where we are being empowered to cooperate in this way.  This galactic activation portal day gives extra power in the birthing of the
Gaia galactic dreamBy giving our focus to that and integrating any of the last pain to do with the old paradigm, we may accomplish today.

I was thrown out with the news of the death of my teacher.  I really admired this man because of his love and dedication to the return of what is natural going back to the people.  Many natural health people here loved him.

Like me, he lost his home and lifestyle and had the ‘powers that were’ come down heavily upon him. I feel bummed out that I don’t have money to attend his funeral tomorrow.

He held the dream for a return to nature and freedom from the systems of control and his life has given and helped make a way for us all.  This is the eighth day of the Yellow Warrior wavespell.  Many warriors have done great work in making a way for this.  I recognise Malcolm Harker as one of them.

Love, courage, strength, teaching, caring for people are qualities of this true warrior.  The true healers that know the way of natural healing with nature’s plants and herbs are safe to help others in the new paradigm that we are launching into now.

As we integrate today, we may transform restriction, limitation and lack into an abundance of availability of what is natural and good for us.  Nature’s plants were a big part of my cancer healing journey.

I am alive today because of people like Malcolm Harker who led on the front lines.  One of his elixirs helped my failing and poisoned liver heal when I had taken the advice of a doctor and not listened to my own intuition.  Actually it was my intuition that saved me by stopping to take the recommended product just in time and taking Malcolm’s healing elixir to bring me back.

I am grateful to all those front line warriors who have suffered for their stand.  They have given so much to humanity.  There are countless holistic doctors and natural health practitioners who have been pursued and murdered now.

As I was in the firing line too, I know the isolation that it brings and I am getting a bit over the resulting lack of support and friends and having to handle it all in solitude, as it is now for me.

One has to deal with survival and there are those who scatter because they don’t believe the trials that you have to go through at that a government that is clearly psychotic will impose on you and would rather preach a little light and love mind control programming to appease themselves (as I have observed).

I have several friends who have been front line warriors.  They have been beaten, arrested, had false charges laid against them.  One is in political exile removed from his family.  Another was found slumped in front of his computer, dead with a heart attack and all that knew him, know how that happened. He was fit and well and doing incredible work in reuniting parents and children when the state separated them for no good reason.

It is too much for many people to hear my story and it has been almost too much for me too, but I’m here and I am one who has had to live it while others have had comfort in their bubbles of reality.

I’m still breathing.  I am still loving and I am totally embracing the Gaia galactic dream that lies ahead of us, so close now, so real and so palpable.  Let’s bring it on together.  I live for this.  I have defeated death for this.

The galactic tone of integrity today has an energy that assists us in rebalancing all for the highest good, within ourselves and naturally flowing on to our beloved planet.  Dream it in and through, and breathe it in and through.  Integrate it.  I have had a lie in this morning to do just that.

Let’s go deep inside of ourselves to dream the
Gaia galactic dream and accomplish this healing together today – and so it is.

In lak’ech ala kin.


You can read Anya’s version of the Gaia galactic dream by clicking on this link.  Anya is another front line warrior I love and respect.  We have taken the assaults and risen up again for the love of Pachamama and all her living beings.

 Photos:  Blood test and hair analysis for Poppy.

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