Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Great Immobilizers: Ignorance and Fear [video]

The Great Immobilizers: Ignorance and Fear [video]

We have a very artsy and beautiful video from a reader with one key message.
“If you don’t like what you see, stop complaining and DO something about it.”

I made some observations recently with respect to activities on our planet and the lack thereof and the attitudes in the blogosphere regarding that.

I believe we’re all doing the best we can, but we’re vulnerable and need to steel ourselves for the task at hand. Knowledge is very important, and since there are so many sources on the Internet, confusion is setting in. For some, the lack of knowledge seems to be generating fear.

The message in the video below is absolutely accurate in its assessment that for too long the inhabitants of our planet have been complacent and allowed a problem to balloon into something incomprehensible. There are two main reasons for that: ignorance and fear. We’re also great procrastinators.

Now that certain parties have taken steps to address the problem, folks have created yet more reasons to abstain from taking action.

Some are parroting, “No one is coming to save you. You have to save yourself.” What rubbish! We have already had untold assistance from higher Beings or we wouldn’t still be here to tell the story. There isn’t time to list all the things they have done and are still doing for us, but they’re not going to do it all. They are doing what we cannot.

If you know the truth, Humanity survived under insurmountable odds at the hands of a predatory, warlike, ruthless and greedy species of creature that is so crafty they hid their presence almost completely from the Humans on this planet and they’re still here—just in much smaller numbers than they were. Hell, they practically hid the entire planet from outside eyes.

“Going within” and connecting with your higher self in meditation is a good thing and I applaud the synchronized meditations to achieve specific objectives.

However, I would love to know how a planet of souls doing that and nothing else is going to remove the infestation that tortures and eats us and has technology we’ve never even dreamed of. Star Trek has nothing on the technology these “things” use. They’re thousands or even millions of years ahead of us and they have kept that advantage with their technology and lies.

Most Humans don’t even believe there is intelligent life outside our little planet. Good luck even reaching them to set them straight. They only look without. It’s ludicrous to expect them to be able to fix anything by “going within”.

If it’s possible to resolve our problem by doing that—please tell me exactly how and I will gladly comply, but hasn’t that been the problem all along? We have done meditations and set our intentions and gifted, powerful Lightworkers have shifted energies on the planet and around it in multiple dimensions which did the job temporarily until the rest of us woke up—yet here we are, decades later, on the brink of extinction. All we had was passive action, for lack of a better term.

The video below begs for less talk and more action. Pitchforks, and the like. I daresay that our paltry methods of taking a superior species to task are, for all intents and purposes, akin to pitchforks. Like taking a knife to a gunfight.

The problem will be resolved when “right action” is taken, and we’re beginning to see that now, under the auspices and protection of benevolent higher Beings who have been protecting us for a very long time until we woke up enough to do it ourselves.

The controllers would love for us all to sit and meditate all day, praying for our salvation.

The military—the ones we pay to protect us—have to get off their duffs and get this done. They need to deal with the human element of this problem. They need to make arrests, and they may be called upon to make a “show of force” and other strategies to control the situation and prevent an all-out WWIII.

However, that doesn’t make a dent in the highly advanced tech these vermin have. It doesn’t address their opening portals and bringing in reinforcements. Are those who go within or the military equipped to deal with that?

Perhaps the Earth alliance—the positive Secret Space Program folks—are assisting, but they need help, too. The murderers can start multiple wild fires simultaneously and raze an entire state if they choose. They shoot down passenger airliners. The cause earthquakes and killer storms. They kill hundreds of people at a “harvest festival”. (Interesting terminology, that.) They release their mind-controlled “Manchurian candidates” on programmed killing sprees against innocent people. Ye olde “lone gunman” trick. And people believe it.

If Earthlings were capable of effectively fighting the foes would it not already have been done? This war is of a magnitude beyond description. How can one fight an enemy they can’t see? Only highly skilled Light Warriors can do that in other realms, and most of us don’t have those credentials.

Action must be taken, but here in the physical—and we are now doing that. It doesn’t mean we are to take our guns and run rampant in our cities shooting up the place. That won’t work and would be disastrous—however those chanting “we are better than they are” and mustn’t stoop to their level to resolve the problem might be the very the ones we’re after. They fear us.

Higher Beings certainly don’t advocate meddling in the affairs of other civilizations in the cosmos, but their laissez-faire attitude led to death and destruction on their own planets in some cases. As a result, they have realized there is no other way to eradicate the spread of the infection than to forcefully eliminate it in whatever way necessary but in a way to protect innocent lives.

The marauders were offered fair treatment if they would surrender but they have refused—for years. There is no reasoning with these psychopaths and many have been “removed” by those able to do that lest they follow through on their promise to take out as many Humans as they can when they go down.

Is meditation removing them? If that worked, why do we have a galactic war still trying to get these parasites under control? The Galactics can’t meditate them away but we can?

There has been an inter-planetary war for years against the very ones plaguing our planet now. It rages above our heads. The coaxing and cajoling is over up there. It’s shoot to kill, or be killed. We see what is probably the remnants of shot-up interstellar craft streaming Earthward and accept it as “fireballs”, “meteors” and failed rocket launches. Hopefully it pierces the psyche of a few and tips them off that we are NOT alone.

Down here we’re dealing with the more Human/hybrid element and the offshoots of the mind control used to manipulate Humanity into continuing the domination of the planet, but it most certainly demands physical action. We have requisitioned it for years, and now that we have a man (Donald Trump) in place with people backing him to actually DO something about the problem, people are afraid of martial law. They don’t like his history. They believe the cabal’s smear campaigns. They don’t like his vocabulary. They find fault with his decisions. They’re never happy. Who do they want, Jesus?

No, Trump isn’t a panacea. Perhaps he has even had to give in to the demands of the other side to some degree. He’s not going to fix everything for us. Americans have to step up and support the efforts underway to fight this war—whether an information war or otherwise. We don’t know all that goes on in the White House. We’re not privy to the strategy and have to trust that at this point, we’re going for broke. We are going to end this very soon—in our lifetime.

Some people are also afraid of some of the “truth media” people who are here to guide us. The fear seems to have transmuted common sense and intuition. Folks see negative messages in what is educational, empowering material. They don’t know who to trust so they mistrust everyone.

“Lying and disinformation is just wrong”, some say, and they don’t want to hear it. I am astounded at the naïveté, but I suppose civilians don’t understand, “kill or be killed”. Words are weapons, too. Yes, it’s hard to discern truth from fiction sometimes. Hone your skills or get off the Internet. You are Light warriors, too. If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.

We have had the luxury of being raw recruits at boot camp for too long. We can’t use that excuse any longer. It’s time to buck up and prepare for battle—whether spiritual or physical. We’ll be okay. This is why we came—but not to simply play a spectator. Not to kibitz with the troops.

What’s to be afraid of? If it turns out it’s our time to leave the physical world and our meat suit—so be it. What’s the problem? We’ll then be in a better place and enjoying box seats to the greatest show on Earth.

We are here because we chose to be. Most Humans at present are little more than a bump on a log.

They are unaware of what is transpiring and they don’t want to lift a finger to change what they don’t like. They just complain, as the video says—but not by letter or phone call to their representatives, or a petition, and not by educating themselves; just grumbling to whomever will listen. Life is just good enough that they can get by, one day at a time, paycheque to paycheque, hand to mouth. This is hardly the way we were meant to live but they’ve just given up.

Now that we see activity to propel us toward our liberation—the very activities we have begged for all these years—the hammer comes down from the “awakened” public on those who are risking their lives and getting it done. It’s fascinating to watch. Utterly fascinating. Those who do little to nothing are complaining about the efforts of those who are making great and courageous strides on our behalf. We have a lot of growing up to do.

I’ll get off my soapbox now. I hope you will enjoy the video. Thanks for sharing, D. Hopefully we can soon strike a balance between spirituality and physicality to deal with all aspects of our problem, while avoiding mass casualties and all-out war on the surface of our planet. Meditators… do that, by all means, but don’t stop there and don’t get lost in your meditations and forget to come back. There is much to do as we shape our new society. It will not generate the change we want to see over night, but together we will evolve our society into something worthwhile and worth fighting for.  ~ BP

Why Are You Telling Me?


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