Conversations with St Germain via Goldenight 7-23-14 ~ The global tide has turned, ending financial tyranny and bringing forth the divine light of the Golden Age
July 23, 2014 by
Sacred Geometry 127 by Endre Balogh,
– Message transcribed by Goldenlight, © Please include this credit without alteration and a link to the source message and to this website when reposting this message.
Hello dear St Germain, I love you!
Dearest I love you too :):):)
So I saw this just now on recaps:
[Papajack] Good Morning everybody, when I was a new copilot at Allegheny Airlines a grumpy old ex WWII captain told me to remember that nothing stays too good or too bad too long. It seems that might be playing out now. It seems the BRICS are calling the Cabal’s bluff and helping things along in our favor. I guess enough is enough and it is starting to show.
[Papajack] If what I’m hearing is true it is putting the bad guys between a rock and a hard place and calling their bluff. Some believe that is forcing the hand to making the RV public. If this is true no more stalling tactics will work for them.
[Papajack] Just watch the news and it appears many countries are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping the FIAT FRN’s which are just paper with nothing backing them AKA smoke and mirrors of the FEDERAL RESERVE bankster system. This is very good for us.
[Papajack] The BRICS are moving to RV the currencies without the CABAL controlled system which messes up any stalling tactics they can pull. It forces their hand so to speak.
[Papajack] It seems everybody has given up looking to the US to help, they are the problem. There are a lot of politicians bought and paid for by the Cabal. That will be made public soon and the rigged system will become history but they had a 143 year run, now it’s our turn. So just remember there are many GOOD people working behind the scenes to set things right. We already WON so just watch things play out.
[Papajack] So it’s like the monkey said when he got his tail cut off, it won’t be long now!!!! I’m thinking we will get a flyby soon. Blessings. (1)—–
Wow very interesting .. Im watching history in the making.
St Germain: Yes this financial transition is a worldwide event to usher in the Golden Age of Prosperity, Freedom and Harmony.
This global currency reset and rv of currencies is a global event; this is happening to release people from financial tyranny and slavery, assisting those those would be held back from raising their consciousness due to slavery conditions. It is the release of mankind from bondage — the bondage of inequality poverty despair war disease and strife — and it is about creating a better world for everyone.
Conversations with St Germain via Goldenight 7-23-14 ~ The global tide has turned, ending financial tyranny and bringing forth the divine light of the Golden Age
All worldwide events are happening quickly and rapidly now — just as time is accelerating, so too is the quickening of the awakening and the release from financial tyranny and slavery.. The world is too awake now to let this continue any longer. The people as well as a large percentage of world leaders outside the influence of the cabal are awakening and are raising their consciousness.. And many within the cabal are also waking up now; they are seeing the tide has turned and they are jumping ship and turning towards the light and towards embracing the caring, compassion and well-being of all.
So many of the former cabal are now waking up and starting to assist with this great harmonizing of the planet.. For the energy vibrations now surrounding your planet are of too high a vibration to ignore.. This divine higher dimensional energy is waking up beings at a rapid pace now.. Its as if there are millions indeed billions of lights that were off and they are all being turned on now.. With many assisting others…This awakening is affecting every being on earth.. Eventually all beings on earth will be living in peace, harmony, abundance and cooperation.
Your planet is moving towards Unity and Oneness Consciousness and away from the lower vibrations of separation and division, from quarantine within the universe to eventually becoming an intergalactic nation. Higher dimensional intergalactic societies all operate on the principle of Unity Consciousness. Unity and Oneness are higher dimensional concepts wherein the well-being of all is just as important as the well-being of each being as in reality All Are One.. Beings on earth are waking up to this concept now.. To harm another is to harm oneself, to love and care for another is to love and care for oneself..
This extends to your planet as well, wherein to love and care for your planet is to love and care for yourselves. For without your planet where would you be… You would be floating in space.. Without a healthy harmonious planet you would not have a healthy harmonious home… each being on earth needs a home …your planet is your home …love it and take care of it just as you will now begin to love and take care of not only yourselves but others as well, and this extends to a global level with the awakened ones (the newly awakened world leaders) now taking the helm of overseeing global well-being.
Your world is being transformed right before your very eyes and it is being done from within each person and emanating outwards. The energy from Source Creator which is filled with love and light is a part of that being of each person plant and animal on your earth as well as the energy force of the planet itself. This is the energy Source that gives you life that gives life to every living thing indeed it is the energy Source of Everything and All…you see, you cannot really be separated from the One from the All… you’re each an integral part of it.
Your world is now lovingly shifting to Harmony despite what you see in the news… this is the chaos before the calm. Remember all mainstream media is controlled by governments and propaganda and this is especially true in the United States, so it is suggested that you turn away from that source of information as it is not the truth. Tune into your own inner knowledge, begin to listen to your own wisdom and begin to live your life in a way that embodies the qualities discussed herein. This is how you can become a part of creating this better world… do not participate in the wars or the fear or the anger directed outwards… find your own inner calm, your inner source of knowing and know that all is well and the tide is turning quite rapidly. Soon we will be at high tide with all that is not of love washed away, as a new world co-created lovingly by each of you emerges in the new dawn and the Golden Age shines forth, with the darkness eliminated by the divine light of truth and love shining forth from within each Awakened Being.
– Message transcribed by Goldenlight, © Please include this credit without alteration and a link to the source message and to this website when reposting this message.
Further reading:
The BRICS Bank Signals the End of the American Financial Empire and U.S. Dollar Hegemony
(1) Source:
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