Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What's Happening in the Stars? July 28-August 3, 2014 ~Contributed by Hillory Skott

July 28-August 3, 2014
~Contributed by Hillory Skott
The Leo energy is gifting us with ways to enhance our confidence
and creativity. Communicator Mercury moves into Leo: a happy
shift into a fun loving self-satisfied energy.  Focus on romance.
Find things to celebrate, play, laugh, create, encourage. Your
enthusiasm is co ntagious.  Express yourself creatively- actualize
your bright beautiful self! This week brings concentrated focus
helping you get what you want by being who you are. Remember
to use what you know to help others shine too- the night sky would
be much less magnificent if it only had one star. The Universe calls
us all to sparkle and glow.  Together we make a pretty spectacular show.
The week starts with Pluto and Venus opposing each other.  Venus
 likes it light- Pluto insists there is more to the picture.  Things that
have been pushed to the side insist on being heard now. Sure it can
be disruptive, but life needs living and Pluto makes sure we aren't
leaving out the important things.  Venus wants to make it work so
this time can be helpful if you are willing to express your truth and
listen to your loved ones too. We all have different versions of reality-
Now's your chance to find out more. Clarity creates harmony.
Mars went into Scorpio on the 25th. Finally, after a super long time
in fence sitting, yet lovely Libra, it will be refreshingly, moving into
a sign that is the very definition of decisive. & Focus is the key to many
kinds of success and Mars in Scorpio will be just that: Focused! This
is the sort of energy that could learn to do surgery watching YouTube
and have the laser beam attention and confidence to be successful when
they tried it for real’s. If you need to do some transformation (don't we all?)
Mars and Scorpio will fuel a fruitful foray into fantastic new frontiers.
Mercury into Leo on the 31st brings in a wonderful, uplifting, happy-
go-lucky energy. It will also help you realize your true self-worth.  
Suddenly, you may see you have been putting up with someone else's
crap too long. Understanding how truly, deeply, worthy you are is
possible now. This simple shift in perspective can radically, miraculously
change your life. When you Love yourself, when you have your own back,
and insist on Love, Abundance, Joy and Respect, that is what you are going
to get. Mercury in Leo will help you to see this and communicate the needs
of your inner child. Express yourself -make Joy. Your Soul will sing when
you do.
Friday, August 1, 2014 PST Jupiter in luxury loving Leo Squares Mars
in Scrutinizing Scorpio. Squares are stressful.  Energy with a different
purpose. Be thoughtful. Maybe you want to get happy drunk on an outdoor
patio somewhere pretty and your mate is into discussing the finances and
how you cheated on him in college.   Energy like this can be a challenge,
but it's good for us. It stretches us into adaptable, capable human beings.
Saturday Mercury fuses with Jupiter- Big communication possibilities.  
Yet, the energy still squares Mars.  The best you can do is make sure
everyone feels heard.  It may be a fight for center-stage.  Possible,
dramatic emotional outbursts.  Especially if you feel unheard and frustrated.
But you could also do something today that scares you.  Put yourself out
there and nail it. Be sure to hesitate before making big commitments.  
You may overestimate your own energy. Sure, now you are on fire, but
that can't last.  Be realistic while still being fantastic- flaky behaviour
never gains you the respect you deserve. Take pride in what you can deliver.
Wow, what a week. Be brave and bold. Have fun, play games. Radiate
warm beams of love from your heart to attract back superior support from
the Universe!
~Contributed by Hillory Skott
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We have some poignant and sometimes some funny
pictures...would love for you to join us!
Have a fabulous week and Continue to...
Create Amazement!
Karen & Salma
Be more...Love more...Live more and
Never Settle for Less
Go Beyond!

Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.

49 Canyon Blvd West
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 6X6

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