Sunday, July 20, 2014

NorthPoint Astrology Journal July 21 to 27, 2014 by Pam Younghans

by Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects
MON: Uranus stations retrograde, 7:53p PDT, Pluto opposite Mercury; TUE: Sun enters Leo; THU: Neptune trine Venus, Sun conjunct Jupiter, Uranus square Mercury, Saturn trine Mercury, Chiron sesquisquare Sun; FRI: Chiron trine Mercury, Mars enters Scorpio; SAT: New Moon 3:41p PDT; SUN: Neptune sesquisquare Mercury, Mercury square Nodes, Pluto opposite Venus

THE PUSH-PULL of Saturn and Uranus is at its height right now, and trying to stay in balance is requiring good self-awareness, strong intention, and a great deal of energy.

The specific effect for each of us, as always, depends on our individual astrological charts. Everyone has transiting Saturn and Uranus moving through two different houses of their charts, so each of us feels the energies being stirred in two different areas of our lives. And, those who have natal planets or points at 16 degrees of any sign are receiving the most direct energy work now.

FOR INSTANCE, if we have natal Mercury at 16 degrees, the work is being done with our mental bodies, and we may be feeling pulled in two directions with any decisions that need to be made. We may feel easily exhausted or overwhelmed by anything that takes a lot of rational thought.

Or, if our natal planet at 16 degrees is Venus, we may be bouncing back and forth between feeling the need to conserve our money and being spontaneously drawn to purchase something that brings new, much-needed energy into our lives.

SATURN is the conservative voice, the responsible and rational one. While in Scorpio, Saturn wants to make sure we uncover all of our hidden agendas, motivations and fears before committing to anything.

Uranus is the rebellious one, the one who calls out for freedom, independence and equality. Uranus in Aries is especially restless with the old routines, and anything that dampens the spirit on any level.

With Saturn preaching in one of our ears, and Uranus hollering in the other ear, is it any wonder we feel conflicted and more than a bit exhausted right now?

AND YET, both planets are here to teach and help. They're not intentionally pulling us stem from stern. But the effect is like having two dogs on leashes (or two kids holding your hands) who are pulling in two different directions.

The challenge is to find a reasonable way to proceed that also provides the new energy that is needed. Change is in the air, and we need to heed the call of the soul if it yearns for new experience -- and yet, we want to also acknowledge the practicalities of life and the value of making sure the bridge completely crosses the ravine before we run across it.

WE'RE WORKING WITH the Pluto-Uranus influence again this week. Mercury steps into the fray with an opposition to Pluto on Monday and a square to Uranus on Thursday. Since Mercury represents our thinking and communicating capacities, we are likely to have some new and interesting ideas with these aspects -- and yet, these are probably not the best days to try to come to agreement with anyone on topics of controversy. We are likely to feel passionately about something, it is true -- but so will the other person.

That being said, Mercury will form a grand water trine with Saturn and Chiron on Thursday and Friday. These aspects will help us speak rationally and with compassion, and may go a long way toward easing tensions that arise earlier in the week.

THURSDAY is a high-energy day, with the Sun and Jupiter aligned in Leo. This can be an excellent time for taking advantage of all of the positive qualities associated with Leo: self-confidence, generosity, enthusiasm and creativity. We will also want to be aware of tendencies to over-dramatize, to need the spotlight at all times, and to take things too personally -- qualities also associated with Leo, but at the lower end of the vibrational scale.

This Sun-Jupiter alignment actually sets the theme for the new lunar cycle, which begins with the New Moon on Saturday (3:41pm PDT). At the time of the lunation, the Sun and Moon are (of course) aligned, and Jupiter is not far away (separated by less than 2 degrees).

JUPITER'S INVOLVEMENT in the New Moon can be a very positive influence. Jupiter brings hope, optimism, faith in self and in the future. And yet, when taken too far, those same positive qualities can turn into foolishness. We will want to use the creative wisdom that is available with this lunar cycle, but we will need to be cognizant of how today's actions will affect tomorrow.

Mars is strongly square the Sun, Moon and Jupiter at the time of the New Moon. With Mars now in Scorpio, the intensity of our desires is heightened, as well as our drive to take charge of situations.

We will need to use strong self-awareness throughout the coming lunar cycle to take advantage of both the faith and optimism of Jupiter in Leo and the passion and forthrightness of Mars in Scorpio, without being so self-absorbed that we blindly steamroll over everything that happens to get in our way.

THE SABIAN SYMBOL for the New Moon tells us that we have support for manifesting the positive potentials of the lunation:

    "A formally dressed elderly man stands near trophies he brought back from a hunting expedition: The masculine will to conquer his animal nature and to impress his peers with his skill in performing the ancient traditional power rituals."

Astrologer Dane Rudhyar's interpretation of this symbol takes us beyond seeing it as merely a demonstration of ego and personal pride:

    "If one refers to the higher spiritual-mental implications of the sign Leo, one can see in this picture a reference to our capacity to overcome the animalistic tendencies of our bio-psychic nature. Being 'formally dressed' is an important, if not the most important, goal. The symbol can refer to the eagerness to show oneself to the best of one's advantage."

It sounds like it's time to shine! We'll just need to remember to be generous in sharing the spotlight with the others on our life's stage.



Today's photo: Iridescent clouds over Thamserku, Nepal in 2009 (credit: Oleg Bartunov, Astronomy Picture of the Day for July 8, 2014)

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