Monday, July 28, 2014

Blue Dragon Journal Journal Entry 07.27.2014

Blue Dragon Journal
Journal Entry 07.27.2014

Journal Entry – 07.27.2014 by Eliza Ayres

In case anyone was wondering, my laptop crashed yesterday. I’m back online today, with a new laptop and new programs. Slowly gathering old favorite list, but it will be shorter than before. I don’t have a lot of time to be here so my interests and needs are dwindling, as well.

Sounds funny to say that, as I’m not dying physically, and yet there is a kind of dying taking place as I continue to let go of things, situations, and yes, even people.

Not that I had to do a lot of the latter… letting go of people. I haven’t been in contact with most members of my physical family for years, even decades. And I don’t have a big group of friends, only some hiking buddies (some of whom ARE friends) whom I left behind in the Puget Sound area when I left there seven years ago.

Still adjusting to this new machine. It runs very well… and it’s amazing just how much laptops have come down in price as has other electronic devices. Being a typist for some 40-odd years, I prefer a real keyboard to one of those itty-bitty pad things you get on a phone. And besides, it doesn’t make it easy to edit or even read pieces that I happen to write… usually lengthy!

So… a big question that is probably on the minds of several (if not all) of my readers, is how am I adjusting to the realization that the consciousness focus that has been known by various names, but lately as “Eliza”, how does it feel to know that I will be soon re-blending with my Higher Self?
Fact is, I am already and have been blending with Higher Self for quite some time. Every time I channel, I have been tuning into Her energies. And now, it is easy to let go and feel the bliss as Her heart merges with mine. Once I actually fully “leave” I don’t think it will take much time to complete re-blend and re-open to my (our) 5D senses.

It is just this kind of process that my cousin, Rananda Kumara, has been undergoing. He is now completely re-blended, although as I understand it, His 5D senses are still coming online. Fascinating, isn’t it?

This is not a process that everyone who is a Light worker will be undergoing, just those who are what is called “First Wavers”. We have been actively involved in assisting this period of evolution for the human race; now, it is time for others to take over, take command and become the leaders and shakers as your cultures, countries and peoples transition to a new way of living and being.

Before I learned of this new development in my life, I thought that I, too, would be around to assist with the process of moving from one paradigm to another. It was while I was sick at home, that I was told otherwise. And frankly, while it was a shock at first… not nearly as bad as being told that your body has a case of terminal cancer… but a stunner for sure.

Now that I’ve had some time to adjust and meditate… or ponder, I usually put it, on the subject of “leaving”… well, it actually fits quite well. I can finally let go of the constant strain of anxiety over the future, over retirement, what to do / where to live, etc. My walk-in will mind the shop, or the physical vessel, but I’m not sure what else she intends to do at this time other than continue working and then retire in a couple of years or ____? I’m sure whatever she comes up with will be good. And for all those animal lovers out there, she will be caring for my little furry guardians (cats) and the garden.

I’ve changed tremendously in the last couple of months. I feel more at ease, even in the tough environment of work. There are some challenges still, but I have realized that many of them cannot be solved by me, so I choose to let them go. The system that I’ve worked under will continue to undergo changes, some good, most bad… it’s a given with a bureaucracy. We have a joke at work… that we work for the Department of Change.

So… there, you see I already deal with a lot of changes in life and learned to deal with them. It’s better to adapt and make the best of things than to resist and fight… and have the changes roll over you anyway.
Resistance is futile is the current motto for what is occurring on Planet Terra (Earth / Gaia). Those who are resisting are becoming quite obvious in their desperation, but there really isn’t anywhere to hide any more. The walls of the old paradigm have been ripped down and the roaches are scattering before the incoming blaze of light.
It may be some years before the true effects of the planet being at 5D is felt by the majority of people who have unconsciously elected to transition to 5D. Those who are conscious, especially the wayshowers, gatekeepers, et al, are VERY aware of the change in vibration. Many of them are able to function readily, moving between 3D / 4D / and 5D…. and occasionally 6D, depending on their “missions”.

It may seem odd that I still work at a very 3D job and have little opportunity to “space out” during the day, but like I said, it is getting easier to tune in at any time to the energies of my family and friends who are awaiting my “return” to full consciousness. Only that return will not happen here on Planet Earth, but upon the Pleiadian, mother ship, The White Winds or wherever else Lady Tazjima goes.

Lady Taz as I call my H.S., is an emissary for both of her worlds. She is a 6D light being, who functions readily at 4D / 5D. Most of the human populations on our sister star systems in the Galaxy function at 5D. It is a very PHYSICAL existence. Living at a physical level, enables for faster soul growth. Living at 3D has been an even more intense learning process than was originally intended for our world, but there it is… our world, Terra, is being returned to Her true original state, as a sister planet to beloved Venus.

When the main population functions at 5D, it is easy for those who are light beings to adjust their frequency and live there, too. To remain at any lower of a frequency is a huge challenge, and so it has been for me and many others of my First Wave companions. Most of us are rather tired and need a long rest to recuperate.

My case may or may not be different from other light workers who may have actually incarnated upon entering this dimension. I walked in during the infancy of my walk-out, who nearly died (and may have actually done) from crib death. I remember my mother telling me that she walked in my room to see my little body turning blue and cold. The baby wasn’t very old, as it was before my Father returned from the Aleutians when I was 11 months old.

Odd… separating myself from body and life and family… They’re not mine. I recognize that now, but am truly grateful for my mother and father bringing up and caring for me in their own way. It was a challenging time to be sure, but we balanced everything in the end and I took care of them until their own passing.

The walk-in / walk-out arrangement is made with the knowledge and consent of all souls who are impacted by the arrangement, which would have included my immediate family members. Still, I never really feel quite attached to my two sisters as I did my parents.

The time when I leave will come swiftly. I’m not going to give a particular date just yet to keep idle speculation at bay. And I will continue to express my desire to left alone in regards to questions that should be answered by those who are seeking answers.

Ascension is not an easy task for anyone, even given the fact that the planet is now at 5D. There is a lot of clearing that must be done by the individual. As the clearing is done and the gates or doors to the heart and higher mind open, the answers will come. Until then, a person can run around in circles seeking ever seeking and not finding.

Discover YOUR center, calm your lower mind and bring ease to your physical vessel by letting go of anxieties, judgments, opinions and dealing with unimportant “stuff”. It’s up to each individual to determine what it is that they need / want to give up, not me or someone else like me.

One of my cousins has already made the transition to 7D. “I” will be returning to at least 6D and most certainly 5D. Whether or not I “graduate” to 7D will be determined by my mentors by the summation of ALL my lifetimes spent here on Planet Terra, not just this one.

Another one of my friends (who I will not name here for her privacy) will be making the transition some months later than my own. And many will come behind us, most of whom may even now be receiving an inkling of such changes in the offing. Those who STRONGLY resonate with this material, especially my four-piece series, “From One Who Has Served” may (or may not) be also preparing to leave in the next couple of years.

As with any other departure, leave a clean house and a balanced checkbook. I have no debts, do not own a house, have an older paid-for car and still have a full-time job. My walk-in can “pop” into my “life” such as it is (pretty simple and plain) without much effort or need to adjust to ongoing relationships and obligations.

We are already braiding consciousness. I am aware of her 24/7. I can see the changes that I have undergone already as a reflection of the incoming awareness. My replacement is very different that I am, but will continue the blog for the time being, as well as serve in my place at work and home. I wish her well. What happens next will depend a lot on what happens on Planet Earth.

Adjustments have been made to the plans of the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) for it was first thought that the ships would no longer be needed after 12/21/2012. Of course, humanity did NOT make the leap into 5D as was hoped, so adjustments were made accordingly. As my father used to say, “We’ll play it by ear… and see what happens.”

People at 5D are flexible and can make adjustments, too, as well as any human… and probably better for they have a boarder perspective. However, even at 5D, the perspective is not complete. Light beings at higher levels yet don’t reveal everything to the ones working at 5D; like the Army, it’s on a “need to know basis”.

And perhaps you thought that you would be all-knowing, etc., etc., when you finally reached 5D? There are many surprises in store for all of those who choose to continue on. And we will be there to greet you when you, as a collective, have completed THIS stage of your journey.

Many blessings, from a Sister of Light and Love,

I AM Tazjima Amariah Kumara

© All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher,

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