Turning Inwards to Core Power : A Planet and Population in Transition
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn : New Year July/August 2014
This is a valid question, for as the Planetary energies rise and increase in intensity, each living being on the Planet is given the opportunity to intiate a new level of personal growth and experience in accordance with the energies of the Planet and the incoming Light Codes that are transmitted from the Great Central Sun and the Galactic Center as Light Impulses from the Great Cosmic Heart and Mind.
This is not an easy time for any of you, as the Planet is moving through a period of Transition from the old pre-2012 system and order and into its New Earth manifestation and form, according to the blueprints and dreams of the Collective Heart and Mind in action. It may not seem so, since the level of confusion, violence and chaos on the Planet is intense. Yet we see this a manifestation of the old energies falling away in order to give rise to something new that will sustain life on Planet Earth in the years to come.
Each one of you, on the personal level, will be led to question your life and your values, and to choose a new path that aligns more closely with what you hold to be truth in your life.
You may also find that while you are asked to "let go", there may be nothing that arises immediately to take its place. This may be a frightening prospect, being asked to step into a void with nothing but trust that you will be held and guided. But in truth, Beloved Ones, you have been prepared for this moment for many years.
Yes, this is the moment when you are truly stepping forward as Masters of Light, Masters of Time and Space, and claiming your Core Power.
Core Power and how it Sustains you and Guides you in the Transition
When you awakened, you began the process of activating your Light Body and activating your DNA in accordance with the Divine Template or Blueprint for Human LIfe. When you were ready, you were able to receive the Light Codes that activated the Christ Consciousness with its Golden Christ Light, and the Diamond Codes that activated your Galactic Consciousness and enabled you to align fully with the incoming Galactic Light Codes.
The combination of an active Light Body and Light Activated DNA creates a powerful energetic flow that can be directed through the Heart and the Higher Chakras to create what we would call "Core Power" in each awakened and conscious individual.
This means that you have a power and an influence that goes beyond your mind and your simple mental thoughts and judgmemnts. You have a flow of energy that is aligned with the Cosmic Heart and you can draw on that power at times when you feel blocked, challenged, or without focus and direction on the Mental level.
Core Power is centered on the Heart, and it must be felt and experienced, rather than thought about. It is higher than the mental and emotional aspects of being, and is expressed primarily as feeling, passion, intuition and trust.
Once this level of feeling and passion is activated in the Body/Light Body, then it can be directed downwards into the Mental, Emotional and Physical aspects of Being, allowing solutions and opportunities to manifest in an easy and natural way.
As you begin to work with Core Power, you will notice two things happening. Firstly you will be challenged on many levels, and secondly you will learn to let go and allow the power to flow and create solutions in your life.
The challenge will come from allowing the Core Power to take over and be the leading force in your life. Your mind and your emotions will seek to assert their control over you. They have been in control most of your life, and will be unwilling to just let go of their illusion of control. So many situations will arise where you will be confronted with a choice, to either use your Core Power, or to follow your mind and your emotions, or, as a Master to allow them to work in harmony and in balance. For the "natural" flow of energy is to engage the Core Power and then bring that through so that it may be expressed as mental, emotional and physical energies in the "real" world.
The Use of Core Power in the Coming New Cycle of Change and Transition
We will say too, Beloved Family, that this period of Transition on your Planet is likely to continue in the coming year and into 2016, so it really is important that you will embrace your Mastery and your Core power and work from this energy as you move forward.
Now, we will say too that the Core Power needs to be used in a balanced way. Indeed, as you will know, the Divine Feminine energy has been anchored on the Planet in a wonderful way in the past years, and it is important to allow the Divine Feminine energy aspect of the Core Power to be engaged. This means to allow the Flow of Life and to be closely connected to Love, Trust and Acceptance. Know when to simply allow the flow of life to bring to you the necessary opportunities and choices, but be ready to step forward and grasp those opportunities and make those choices at the right time. Be willing to see your life as a work of art in which you are consciously choosing the shapes, forms, colors and tones that will manifest as Beauty and Harmony.
But also, be willing to engage with the Divine Masculine aspects of your Core Power, in responsibility and integrity and commitment. As you make your choices, be empowered to walk in personal integrity and responsibility, being impeccable and walking in the light of honesty and truth. This includes not blaming yourself or others for choices made, and simply allowing the flow of life as it manifests into form. In your Masculine energy you will know that each form that manifests is a part of the manifestation power of Core Energy, and has a part to play in the unfolding narrative of your Timeline or Time Spirals in your life.
And then, once you have made your choices, remember to follow your path and your destiny down the Timeline with Passion, Creativity and Joy!
Beloved Family, now is certainly the time to remember that you have been trained to be a Master of Light and a Master Soul. You have access to Core Power and you are never alone. Always, there are Higher Energies and Angelic Forces that are on hand to assist you and guide you as you learn to engage your Core Power and to exist in the Earth Plane as a Human Angel and an Earthly Being of Light, Love and Power.
As you Remember Who You Are and focus on What your are Becoming, you will find it easier to move through this great period of Transition on your Planet, and to cope with the endings and changes that are a part of the releasing of the old and the coming of the New.
This will be especially intense in this period of the end of July and the beginning of August, as the new energies and frequencies of the next cycle are flooding onto the Planet.
Remember also that this Transition includes the shift to the new Diamond Crystal Grids on the Earth, where you will reconnect with Nature and with the new Light Codes that are preparing to manifest a new and sustainable Earth as soon as they are called forth by those who are in training to be the new Shamans and Dream Walkers on the Earth. In the next two years, many will be called to follow the path of the New Earth Shaman, and to work with nature and the Elemental energies in bringing the New Earth into manifestation on the Planet,through Dreaming, Ceremonies and Circles of Power, as well as working with the land in programs of community and the creation of sustainable ways of being on the Earth.
The Planetary New Year and a New Cycle of Time
The 26th marks the New Year itself, as the moment when the New Light Codes are fully grounded and a new cycle of creation can begin. This cycle is always experienced at a higher level of consciousness in the natural order of things, as consciousness is always evolving in an upwards spiral towards Light. However, in your old energy matrix, many have chosen not to move upwards, but to keep cycling round and round in the same old energies and making the same old choices. At this time too, those in power often try to hold the mass consciousness at a level of fear and anger by creating drama and diversion so that the Earth Collective will not "naturally" move upwards but will stay pinned in the levels of fear and violence. It is therefore so necessary, Beloved Family of Light, that you do not allow yourself to be pulled into the mass emotions at this time, but allow yourself to move on the upward flow of evolutionary energy that is "natural" in your existence on Earth.
As you make this choice, individually, and by engaging your Core Power, you will enable others to also begin making this choice. The field of resonance of those making the choice to evolve provides a powerful alignment with Divine Light and enables the Planet to begin more easily aliging with Divine Light. Your choices right now are powerful and can assist the Planet on her journey into Higher Consciousness as a Collective.
In the coming month of August, these energies will culminate at the Lion's Gate on the 8/8, a powerful momet of integration and grounding of the new energies and light codes, and by 12th August your new direction for the upcoming cycle will be established, both on the personal level and on the Planetary level.
Beloved Family of Light, we wish you much Joy as you engage your Conscious Creator Energy and work with the Galactic Diamond Light. May you enter into the Clarity of Heart, Soul and Mind as you create a New Cycle of Time on Planet Earth.
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If you would like to learn more about the Diamond Light Frequencies and the incoming Diamond Codes, we invite you to read Celia Fenn's new book with Activations by Archangel Michael.
My tags: Planetary Change, Energies, New Earth, Manifestation, 3-D, 5-D, Intensity, Deeper Truth, Surrender & Release, Collective Consciousness, Core Power, Overcoming Challenge, Divine Flow, Love, Trust, Acceptance, Divine Feminine, Passion, Creativity, Joy, Choice, Galactic Diamond Light, Nature, Elementals, Mayan New Year, Natural Time, Resonance, Co-Creation,
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