Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Soulstice Rising ~ Ascension Notes: Emerging from the Cocoon - 7/27/2014

Perhaps one of the most insightful pieces I've posted this month...let it guide you.-PB

Yesterday, July 26th (and actually for three days now), we have had a huge download of Light, which unveiled more dross, especially physically. Sleep may have been very disrupted, as our Souls and Guides were working very hard to release more of that which is not Love. This has occurred globally as well, so while much Light was brought through, it may feel as though things are worse. Yet, if you are truly awake, you know that this is the dark before the Light and if you go deeper beyond the surface, you will see that Love is evermore strong…much stronger than any fear or discomfort you may feel.

We are in the dark of the Moon and so there is a pulling inward and things move a bit slower, so that we may integrate this influx of Light and be more present with what we are creating. If you are focused on how bad life or the world is, you create more of that. If you are focused on creating New Life, then that is what is created. It is all up to you. There are still so many who look outside themselves for some kind of Peace. They want others to tell them what to do and when things will be better. And yet, no-one can do this for you, because it is essential we listen to our own guidance. All another can do is to affirm what you already know deep within. So take your Power back and be your own guide and authority. Be discerning. Feel your way through. Meditate.

Keep your focus positive and on moving forward. You have all you need to create your New Life. Everything within you is operating on a New level; you have your new blueprint in place, your chakras are operating on a higher level, your cells are vibrating faster and yet many still are acting as if they are still in old life. How do you shift the focus from the old to the New? By focusing on who you are now and acting in your New way. This means you let go of judgment, gossip, us/them, “ain’t it awful,” and anything that lowers your vibration. We’re in the eye of the needle now, so don’t let the outer world dictate to you how you feel. Choose how you feel and how you act and think. Are you living the life you want or do you tell yourself why you can’t change it? Nothing happens to you; it is created by you.

We are in a powerful and creative time. Go within and ask what you want to create. Just remember that in the New, all is created from essence. So let go of trying to control the details and focus on how you want to feel and be that in everyday life. Managing the details or making something happen is separate ego’s job and it simply doesn’t work anymore. When you are the Flow, you allow yourself to be guided by your very own GPS…your Soul. How can you tell the difference between ego-thoughts and Soul Guidance? Pay attention to how it feels. Ego will be convoluted and get you in a tailspin of endless details and questions of what, how, when, where and who. Soul guides more gently and it is simpler in nature. You will find yourself automatically taking a step and you might not even know where that step is taking you, for Soul only guides in the Moment.

Your Heart/Soul very well may have new dreams for you. Feel it. Do you get excited with inner Joy and Passion? Take a step toward it. Remember, things shift as you do. Life must match your vibration, so truly all you have to do is to keep your vibration high and the details take care of themselves. As you meditate in your Heart or High heart, you strengthen Soul and expand your Heart-knowing. The Heart is the gateway between the old and the New and is home of your Divinity. As you strengthen your Heart, your knowing (not hoping or wishing) becomes powerful and from there you access great Clarity and then you know what step(s) to take for ultimate Fulfillment. Of course, all is in Divine Time.

We have had back-to-back gateways and downloads and we can see how different life is now. So many changes! Many of these changes have been in physically shifting our bodies, which is not all that comfortable. Just know that everything is for your evolution into being Soul-merged. We have lifetimes of struggle and pain and all of that must go, so that we finally vibrate in new bodies. Some folks experience drastic body changes, while others are not as dramatic. No matter, each is on their own Ascension Path and each path is unique to each person. Some have lots to release; others not so much, depending on the work they have been doing through the past few lifetimes especially. However you experience your awakening is designed to take you to your fullest and truest path as an Ascended Earth Master (master of self; not of others). We must consciously and purposefully engage in our own process and not compare our path to others’ paths. Remember too that it may be easier to stay in the old ways simply because it is what you know; yet, you will not be fulfilled doing so. Take a look at your life; where are you not fulfilled? Is it because you’re holding onto/controlling your old life, fearful of making a change? Let go; surrender and let your Heart guide you to where you belong. Allow Bliss to be your constant companion.

Through this particular gateway, if you want to label it as such, we shift more into Joy and Creativity. Before now, we have worked really intensely and because we’ve worked so diligently, we get to create more of our New Lives. So while many of us have felt squeezed and heavy, tomorrow at the New Moon, many will begin a new lighter and creative phase. Oh Yay! We are emerging from a difficult place, where many have thought themselves crazy or dying. We get to lighten up now. The whole month has taken all we have been experiencing over the many previous months and wrapping them into one big one for our potential New Lives. It has, and continues to be, been important to be grounded and centered, for this eases the huge shifts that have been occurring. Of course, there’s another big one coming at our next Full Moon and yet its energy is for creating and empowering our vision for self and Gaia.

Be Grateful for all the blessings/blissings in your life, no matter what they look like. Give thanks to your Soul for nudging you along and give a big hug to your ego, who is joining us, for without an ego we have no body with which to experience all the blessings. Be thankful that through it all, our consciousness has risen to Source consciousness. Be thankful for the Clarity you now have. Let go of work and struggle…these are of the old. In the New, we play, we flow, we glow, we share, and we find Joy in the simplest of things. We celebrate our Newness. We disengage from the 3D world even more, and see the silliness of it.

Being with others who have decided to stay in the old is less painful and more entertaining, for we have also let go of our attachment to how others should be. In the New we take ourselves much less seriously. We let go more of the rules we have for ourselves…we relax and in this breath of Freedom, we wonder why we’ve worked so hard at it all, when we know that ease is the opening that allows Love and Grace to enter.

So have fun with it all. We are emerging from our cocoons. Look around at the wonder  while your wings dry and unfold.

Note: I will be offline between Tuesday and Friday of next week. If you email me during that time, I will respond next weekend.

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I post small inspirations on my Facebook Page between writing the Ascension Notes, if you’re so inclined...Ascension: Soulstice Rising.
If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you! http://www.soulsticerising.com/donate.asp
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My tags: Anchoring Light, Downloads, Dark Moon, Inner Sanctum, Inner Peace, NOW, New Beginning, Choices, Personal Responsibility, Co-Creation, Higher Heart Wisdom, Joy, Passion, Higher Frequency Vibrations, Divine Consciousness, Change, Let Go, Grounded, Freedom, Love, Accessing Grace,

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