“How to create abundance of every form”
by angelicguides by Taryn Crimi
often say that all of you are always creating abundance at all times,
you may just not particularly like what you are abundant in. Remember
you can be abundant in problems, lack, disease and challenges just as
easily as you can be abundant in finances, joy, love, bliss and
friendships. This is why we say, all of you are always manifesting
abundance however we would like to further explain how you can
consciously direct what you wish to be abundant in.
of you who are drawn to this message are already well aware that you
are the creators of your reality. So why then is their still lack,
disease, suffering and heartache? To this we reply, because though you
have become consciously aware that you have been the sole creator of
your reality, you are only just beginning to remember how to consciously
direct what it is that you wish to create. We often relate the ability
to consciously manifest to any other muscle within the human body. Just
as with any muscle, if it goes unused for an extended period of time it
will begin to weaken, and with time it will eventually atrophy.
see, your ability has never gone away, it merely atrophied due to the
lack of use; however with the use and conscious development of this
skill you will once again regain the ability to direct it at will.
Because you are still tied to the illusion of linear time you will
likely regain this ability over time rather than experiencing the
reawakening of this ability in an instant.
you wonder, how can I develop the ability to consciously manifest all
of my desires? How may I begin to create abundance in my life? To this
we reply, you must first and foremost allow it to enter your life by
letting go of the walls and limits you have created which have prevented
it from flowing in. As we have said, abundance of money is not the only
form of abundance, it is however one of the more commonly sought after
forms of abundance. Though we will now focus primarily upon creating
financial abundance, please know that creating any form of abundance is
not only well within your capability, but also your divine right as a
creator being.
will now share some of the very most common fears that still remain
within the mass collective consciousness about creating an abundance of
monetary gains. There is the very prevalent fear of lack, the feeling of
being undeserving, and the belief that you cannot be spiritual and
abundant at the same time. These are just some of the most prominent
fears and beliefs that are held within many on your world regardless of
the nationality, culture, race or creed.
us briefly address these concerns. As we have said many times again,
you cannot fear lack and attract abundance at the same time. The belief
that you give the most energy to will be what you successfully attract
into your reality. You are living in a universe that is made entirely up
of energy. You yourself are energy. The universe is infinitely
abundant, and therefore it can never “run out” of energy. What you
choose to manifest is entirely up to you. The universe which you exist
within is infinitely abundant; you can choose to have a lot or a little,
it makes no difference. With that being said, let us assure you that
your decision to manifest abundance for yourself does not in anyway take
away another’s ability to create their own abundance.
are also very many who question if they are actually deserving of
abundance, holding onto many guilt’s and past regrets that they fear in
some way makes them less deserving of the abundance they desire. Let us
be clear, abundance is never created based upon who is deserving of it
or not. Surely there are many millions of beings who do not live in
abundance and yet are more than deserving of it. Abundance is created
through your beliefs, intentions and expectation of it.
are still many on your world who believe that it is more spiritual to
live in lack than to live in abundance of material wealth. To this we
smile, remember that you are a divine being choosing to have a physical
incarnation; and as a divine being, you will always be privy to infinite
abundance. Where we often see a misunderstanding is in the belief that
material wealth will somehow detract from your spiritual growth. To
attract abundance within your physical reality does not make you any
“less spiritual” of a person than someone who chooses to block abundance
and experience lack. Spirituality is not something that you can gain
or lose, it is who you are. Though you may have momentarily forgotten
your divinity, your spirituality is eternal. To say it is more
spiritual to deprive yourself of material wealth than it is to
experience abundance would be similar to saying: it is more spiritual to
experience illness than it is to experience an abundance of health.
This phrase would strike many as odd, and yet some still find it
difficult to integrate the belief that material abundance is equally
their divine right.
it is your desire to live in lack then we certainly encourage you to do
so, and if it is your wish to live in abundance then we encourage you
to create this as well. We do not see either choice as a “mistake” both
will result in soul growth. However we do not want you to feel as
though you must deprive yourself of abundance and live a life of lack in
order to ensure that you will have spiritual growth. You are creator
beings and you are free to create whatever you wish to experience.
of you are divine creator beings who are without question deserving and
capable of creating abundance in every form. You are meant to be
abundant in love, energy, health, finance, friends, peace and bliss.
would like to share with you our recommendation on how to welcome
abundance of every aspect into your life if it is your wish to do so.
Rather than determining exactly how abundance can flow into your life by
focusing so intently on only your income, paychecks, clients,
relationships and customers you block the infinite flow of abundance
from coming to you any other way. The universe is infinitely abundant
and it seeks to serve. Allow your heart to open to all possibilities
that abundance can come to you. It may be a gift, it may be an idea, it
may be a stranger, it may even come in the form of a trade. There are
an infinite number of ways which all that you desire can manifest.
you find yourself holding onto beliefs which no longer serve you, we
welcome you to call upon us and we will gladly assist you in transmuting
these limiting beliefs into one which will support the divinity
within. Remember that we cannot change the beliefs for you; however we
will gladly remind you how to release any belief with ease if it is your
wish. Know that we are not teaching you something new, rather we are
reminding you what you already know within.
We hope that we have served in you in some way.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides
those of you who like to make these messages into youtube videos please
share the Angelic Guides youtube videos as they are encoded with the
Angels energy. Thank you <3
© 2012-2014 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to
copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in
its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright
notice and links are included. http://www.Angelic-Guides.com
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