Ah, yes, Cobra has often told us that The Event cannot happen until the arrests of the cabal which will trigger the reset.
The Awakening Continues… | Starship Earth: The Big Picture
I have often thought how desirable it would be for all those waiting
for the RV/global financial reset to know that it would probably not
happen until the time of The Event—and what that process will mean for
I lamented that so many were sitting on pins and needles for years,
expecting the RV every day, every hour… and then had to live with the
disappointment because some cabal members have been sharing
intentionally misleading information.
I wished the financial groups knew that the new financial system
cannot be launched until the dark cabal is removed from power, or they
would simply hijack the new system just as they did the old, take
control of the funds and steal them for themselves. The banksters and
shadow governments on our planet have been stealing from Humanity for
I thought readers may like to know that as of yesterday, someone…
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