Monday, July 28, 2014

Weekly Forecast: July 27 - August 2, 2014 by Kelly M. Beard

Weekly Forecast:  July 27 - August 2, 2014
by Kelly M. Beard

7/28 ~ Venus (love, art & beauty) ~oppose~ Pluto (transformation):

Okay, on top of all the responsibility and career things being triggered this week, love relationships want in on the action. This energy intensifies experiences where love or close relationships are concerned. Beware of indiscretions and seeking a more intense feeling or emotion. Those feelings are destined not to last ... who can maintain that kind of high? Eventually you crash. This energy tends to make you uncontrollably drawn to someone you know is not good for you, which can only result in problems. This energy provokes manipulation, jealousy, guilt and other negative emotions that always come when you are trying to maintain something that wasn't meant to be in the first place. Again, don't try to force YOUR will, it can only lead to a broken heart in the end. If you are already in an intense relationship, beware of subconscious impulses, hidden resentments, unexpressed anger or frustration. Expressing it at this time can be helpful if you present your concerns in a constructive way, however, you will have to be vigilant in monitoring your own emotions in order to do that. Ultimately, if change needs to happen in your relationship this will be the catalyst. This energy is only "bad" if you are unwilling to get to the real root or source of the given conflict. Otherwise, it is like a storm that clears the air and makes everything grow better.

7/31 ~ Venus (relationships) ~square~ Uranus (freedom):

This energy usually provokes the need for excitement or stimulation in your relationships. You may feel the urge to shake things up. Be aware of others' feelings too, they may not be in the mood for sudden change. Another expression of this energy is to get things on the table; it's a great time to really discuss things and come to an agreement or compromise. This could actually stimulate something new and different that you can share with another. Ultimately, this is a test of your flexibility in relationships. The more inflexible you are, the more disruptive this energy will be.

8/1 ~ Mars (passion) ~square~ Jupiter (enthusiasm):

This energy can be expressed one of two ways (like most) - you can over-extend your Self and your resources being overly optimistic without actually doing any planning or work, relying on luck alone and unfortunately, this expression will basically make you pay double (in more ways than one) sooner or later. The better way to express this energy is to think of what you are DOING today as the benefit to you in the future. You have access to foresight, so use it to foresee what your ultimate goal is and what steps you can take today to make that happen. Focus on what can be, rather than what is right now. You also have access to increased energy and optimism, which can be built on but not if you overdo it, then you defeat the whole purpose. Calculated risk is okay - impulsive reactions - NOT. This is also the energy of when things are good - they are very good but when they are bad, they are terrible! So keep it positive, stay focused and balance your input with your output - mentally and physically.

8/1 ~ Venus (love & money) ~trine~ Saturn (stability):

This energy tends to make you very realistic about your relationships and is, therefore, a good time to talk about any recent challenges or future plans. Venus is the energy of love and money, so you will also be objective and somewhat conservative where both your relationships and finances are concerned. With this interaction with Saturn, I would suggest outlining a reasonable financial goals for the next 3 - 6 - 12 months. Relationships started under this influence should be fairly stable and more practical than passionate, but solid nonetheless.

8/2 ~ Mercury (mentality) ~conjunct~ Jupiter (expansion):

It is time to expand your thinking!  This is a powerful energy assisting you on many levels. You will make connections easily and quickly that help you integrate newly acquired information or knowledge, making you appear psychic or at least lucky to others.  At this time, you can connect with your Highest ideal and most broad outlook for your life and are finally ready to live your Truth.  You are so connected to your own ideal that you give others permission to live their Truth as well, creating an atmosphere of tolerance that feeds all involved.  The challenge with this energy is going too ‘broad' and missing details vital to your success.  You will also miss out on crucial information if you are too overconfident and/or self-righteous in any way.  Remain humble, knowing that your way works for you, but it may not work for others (and vice versa).  And it is ALL okay!  If you remain centered in the Light, this energy gives you a little boost to whatever you are creating at this time.

8/2 ~ Mercury (thoughts) ~square~ Mars (anger):

This is going to be a tough one. This energy tends to make you feel touchy or irritable where communication is concerned; feeling like everyone is challenging you in one way or another. Try to step back and gain some perspective before reacting. This provokes debates and, in some people, actual fights, so be careful. If you have any repressed anger at all, you should find the safest outlet to express it - either at the gym or in a letter that you can later read and edit in a calmer state of mind. It is best to seek solitude and silence than say things you cannot take back. A milder expression of this energy is that you may have to defend your choices, ideas or beliefs to someone else. This could be a simple discussion to a heated argument. Try to keep things in perspective, and not allow the passion you may feel cloud your better judgment. If you have to present something passionately, this energy can help but don't provoke a battle where it's not necessary. Keep in mind the reverse of this is others coming at YOU in an extreme or unreasonable way (for the subject). Any accidents that occur under this influence have more to do with repressed anger issues than "bad luck" so keep an eye out for any resentments bubbling under the surface. You could attract accidents to your Self or take it out on some unsuspecting bystander without realizing that's what you are doing. If it is not actually you feeling this way, you may be on the receiving end of it from someone around you, where they are antagonistic toward you.

You are encouraged to share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included.  Thanks for your courtesy. Kelly M Beard ~ Published by GypsyChild Publishing Copyright © 2000-2013 Kelly M Beard All Rights  Reserved

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