Monday, March 7, 2016

HILARION: March 6-13, 2016

HILARION: March 6-13, 2016

Beloved Ones,

The transformations continue as every cell in your body is upgraded and recalibrated. With this activity, your emotions also come up for review and acknowledgement as former frustrations and injustices that occurred in the past can be front and center in your focus during these times. It is important to find a new way to look at these unresolved issues in your lives. Ask your spiritual guides to show you a more enlightened way of looking at these situations from the higher perspective. It is time to consider viewpoints that are more in alignment with the higher version of yourselves that you are now entering into and aligning with them.

Know that distractions continue to take center stage in all facets of human life. At the same time, there are a lot of changes that are being contemplated and implemented. New rules are being written and applied. The wheels of progress turn slowly but inexorably and will continue to make improvements in all facets of human existence. There are a lot of creative and wonderful ideas being brought forward by the progressive thinkers of these times. Every day brings new revelations that keep people engaged in the continuing dramas that are unfolding at the same time as these wonderful new beginnings unfold.

Humanity is being exposed to the good, the bad, and the ugly and is daily being challenged to love it all into wholeness. It behooves each soul to maintain their integrity and high standards of conduct while watching others on the world scene show the evidence of the breakdown of the accepted norms of human interactions in current society. Employing the practice of constantly blessing all people and situations that tax one’s patience is a wonderful way to work on attaining your mastery over the denser vibrations that are rampant upon worldly affairs during these transformational times.

Love in all its expressions continues to provide the answers to the many perplexing challenges besetting humanity. We maintain that for every low vibrational act, there are at least a dozen that come from a place of love and the desire for peace and good will. The majority of humanity, in their heart of hearts, wants a world of harmonious and respectful solutions to the challenges that all of humanity is facing in their daily lives.

Continue to be the loving, aware and compassionate individuals who uphold the higher vision for your world. It is your love that enables the coming forth of higher solutions and resolutions. Those who participated in the focus for peace in Syria with James Twyman are now seeing a ceasefire in that area. It is a powerful and wonderful example of the power of people united and what they can accomplish. You are being strongly encouraged to add your energy and focus in the upcoming Planetary Heart Meditation on March 11th, 12th and 13th. You, in unity with millions of others, CAN love the world back to wholeness. Let us do this together!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

Total Energy Clearing

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

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HILARION: February 28-March 6, 2016

Beloved Ones,

You are experiencing the effects of the previous downloads that have been given and are finding yourselves going within as the inner revelations come. There is much inner work being accomplished as you realize that somewhere along the way, you have become the observer of your own life. This is a mighty step forward and will serve you well when thoughts come up to the surface. You can then simply say to yourself, “Oh, this is old energy, I do not need to do anything with it, I choose to let it go.” Immediately replace this with a happier and more empowering thought that makes you feel good and happy about something positive that is occurring in your life. This is YOU taking back your personal power one thought at a time!

Staying within your center no matter where you go is important during this time as this process keeps you clear so that you always know when the energy of others impinges your consciousness and can take steps to clear it. For some of you who are very sensitive to energies, this is very uncomfortable and requires clearing often. As stated last week, the Total Energy Clearing process done at least once every week is most effective in getting you back to center quickly so that you do not suffer needlessly just because the energies of others’ worries and concerns entered your field. I have asked the scribe to include the link once again in our message.

Those who follow their own star rather than the paths suggested or given by others is the correct way to go. You have everything you need within you and you are linked to the wisdom and knowledge of the Source. Be discerning during these times, there are many who wish to manipulate you for their own economic purposes. Do not be deceived by dire warnings that can fill you with fear and worry. Staying in tune with your higher wisdom will always keep you in a state of balance and equilibrium which then allows clarity in one’s thought processes to keep them on the right path. These paths are diverging widely at this time so having clarity of mind is important.

When you avoid the pitfalls of entrapment into someone else’s agenda, you are living true to self and your pathway is cleared of heavy emotions and drama and becomes one that is harmonious and peaceful and this attracts harmonious events and activities to you. You are allowing the good things that are available to you to have the platform to connect with you. Many new doors and opportunities are opening to you and life’s blessings and gifts are eager to come in. Relax and enjoy these moments. Do not give up on your own ability to make the right choices even as you venture into uncharted and unknown territory. Use your own creativity and imagination to continue to create a new world filled with promise and beauty.

As you continue to go through great changes and learn to use your ability to deal with the discovery of what you are capable of in this new territory, you find yourself and begin to explore the myriad possibilities that beckon. Align with this new adventure and begin your life anew! Know that it is taking place now and that you are an integral part of it all. You are so very creative and are being inspired to head into the ideas that present themselves to you, for works of art, creative stories, music and the other gifts that lie waiting beneath the surface of your new self!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

View video by clicking here

 2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.
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