THE ORACLE REPORT: Wednesday, March 23, 2016
w/audio: www.oraclereport.com/
Full Moon Phase: realizations, clarity
Moon in Libra
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhuvaneshvari, Goddess Who Protects, Goddess of Sound
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment
Skill: "sit in spiritual communion" (observe events and understand that a higher power is in effect)
True Alignments: having things in common, signs and messages, formidable presence, going with the flow, team efforts, romantic, quiet time, comfort, love
Catalysts for Change: pressure, escaping reality, communication breakdown, separations, disturbing the peace, lack of depth, eruptions, criticizing, rushing ahead, hopeless
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a table set for an evening meal" (re-setting, re-ordering, re-doing, expectations)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres" (the recalibration of human consciousness)
The Full Moon phase enters at 07:01 am ET/11:01 am UT at 04 Libra and the Sabian symbol or archetypal energetic of "a group of young people sit in spiritual communion around a campfire." The spirit of unity pervades the phase.
The notion of unity is what we want to keep in mind over the next few days, since the planets will be active. The intensity of the energetics can be quite emotional. The next three days are pivotal. Here is what we need to know:
1- SHADOW SIDES - are in full force through Friday 1:10 pm ET/5:10 pm UT when the Moon will move out of Libra and into Scorpio. Face to face encounters with ourselves and the truth of matters accompanies the energy. While the Moon moves through Libra, shadow sides will have a tendency to come out, and some will project their feelings onto others.
The Aries-Libra polarity's themes of success/failure, self-esteem or self-value/seeing self as less or less than valuable, decisions/indecision, dissonance/harmony, and self/others are highlighted. Those with the Sun, Chiron, or Black Moon in Aries or Libra experience an amount of light that penetrates deeply into these areas. Be brave and remember that a new you- a more unified you - is being forged.
(If you are new to the Oracle Report, my book on the Black Moon is available for free download at www.oraclereport.com/books. You can look up your birthday in the Appendix to find the sign of your natal Black Moon - sign in which it was located when you were born - and read about the nature of the shadow side for that sign. You will want to look at the opposite sign also.)
2- 03:06 pm ET/07:06 pm UT - Mercury makes conjunction with the Sun at "two lovers strolling through a secluded walk." Heart to heart communications and expressions of love try to wind and find their way into the world. This energetic seeks ease, mellowness, and enjoyment of other's company. There is purpose or meaning to the things that are expressed, as the dynamic is "walking" us somewhere. The catch here is Mars, which is in a trine to the Sun and Mercury's conjunction. Mars is located at "a game of cricket," which can cause challenges with communications because things can be missed or can get through the gaps. Mars energizes. so it will amplify the effects of the Sun-Mercury "lovers stroll through a secluded path" and its expressions of love, but it can also bring up a great deal of conflict. Anger levels (at self and others) are certainly higher. Ultimately, the energetic seeks to unify love.
3- VENUS - Venus is activating Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto. The major aspect is Venus' square to Saturn, which will be exact on Friday, just a few hours after Saturn stations retrograde. But it is in effect already. Venus-Saturn brings up control issues in relationships, but everything builds toward unity. Let's look at the degrees Venus discharges over the next three days:
WEDNESDAY: "an officer drilling his men in simulated attack" (false flag potential is high, especially given current geopolitical situations; theme of practicing or preparing for the future; unity through commonality)
THURSDAY: "in a quiet moment, a creative individual experiences the flow of inspiration" (higher forces intervene to create unity between individuals; Spirit shows us the truth of ourselves)
FRIDAY: "an Easter promenade" (unified faith; theme of rebirth) - Venus will be discharging this energetic while it makes a square to Saturn at "an Easter sunrise service." Two symbols with Easter on Good Friday. This is a very rare occurrence. High alert for continued religious terror. All owls: heads up. Aim for unity. More on this tomorrow.
The planets are working hard as we come to the last two weeks of this astrological year. The "music of these spheres" is coming to the end of its recalibration of the individual and collective consciousness. Where we are coming to with this is the staring point for the next year, the "magic carpet (ride) of Oriental imagery, " which begins with the New Solar-Lunar Year on April 7.
We continue to maintain emotional and mental equilibrium as the planets churn out chaotic frequencies right alongside of calm ones. Remember: no matter what, everything is leading to unity right now. We are all around the campfire together - all in this together.
(Special note: Thank you all for your prayers and notes of love yesterday. They are much-appreciated, especially when things get "hot" with what the Reports are discussing. I could not do it without you.)
THE ORACLE REPORT: Wednesday, March 23, 2016
w/audio: www.oraclereport.com/
Full Moon Phase: realizations, clarity
Moon in Libra
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhuvaneshvari, Goddess Who Protects, Goddess of Sound
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment
Skill: "sit in spiritual communion" (observe events and understand that a higher power is in effect)
True Alignments: having things in common, signs and messages, formidable presence, going with the flow, team efforts, romantic, quiet time, comfort, love
Catalysts for Change: pressure, escaping reality, communication breakdown, separations, disturbing the peace, lack of depth, eruptions, criticizing, rushing ahead, hopeless
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a table set for an evening meal" (re-setting, re-ordering, re-doing, expectations)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres" (the recalibration of human consciousness)
The Full Moon phase enters at 07:01 am ET/11:01 am UT at 04 Libra and the Sabian symbol or archetypal energetic of "a group of young people sit in spiritual communion around a campfire." The spirit of unity pervades the phase.
The notion of unity is what we want to keep in mind over the next few days, since the planets will be active. The intensity of the energetics can be quite emotional. The next three days are pivotal. Here is what we need to know:
1- SHADOW SIDES - are in full force through Friday 1:10 pm ET/5:10 pm UT when the Moon will move out of Libra and into Scorpio. Face to face encounters with ourselves and the truth of matters accompanies the energy. While the Moon moves through Libra, shadow sides will have a tendency to come out, and some will project their feelings onto others.
The Aries-Libra polarity's themes of success/failure, self-esteem or self-value/seeing self as less or less than valuable, decisions/indecision, dissonance/harmony, and self/others are highlighted. Those with the Sun, Chiron, or Black Moon in Aries or Libra experience an amount of light that penetrates deeply into these areas. Be brave and remember that a new you- a more unified you - is being forged.
(If you are new to the Oracle Report, my book on the Black Moon is available for free download at www.oraclereport.com/books. You can look up your birthday in the Appendix to find the sign of your natal Black Moon - sign in which it was located when you were born - and read about the nature of the shadow side for that sign. You will want to look at the opposite sign also.)
2- 03:06 pm ET/07:06 pm UT - Mercury makes conjunction with the Sun at "two lovers strolling through a secluded walk." Heart to heart communications and expressions of love try to wind and find their way into the world. This energetic seeks ease, mellowness, and enjoyment of other's company. There is purpose or meaning to the things that are expressed, as the dynamic is "walking" us somewhere. The catch here is Mars, which is in a trine to the Sun and Mercury's conjunction. Mars is located at "a game of cricket," which can cause challenges with communications because things can be missed or can get through the gaps. Mars energizes. so it will amplify the effects of the Sun-Mercury "lovers stroll through a secluded path" and its expressions of love, but it can also bring up a great deal of conflict. Anger levels (at self and others) are certainly higher. Ultimately, the energetic seeks to unify love.
3- VENUS - Venus is activating Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto. The major aspect is Venus' square to Saturn, which will be exact on Friday, just a few hours after Saturn stations retrograde. But it is in effect already. Venus-Saturn brings up control issues in relationships, but everything builds toward unity. Let's look at the degrees Venus discharges over the next three days:
WEDNESDAY: "an officer drilling his men in simulated attack" (false flag potential is high, especially given current geopolitical situations; theme of practicing or preparing for the future; unity through commonality)
THURSDAY: "in a quiet moment, a creative individual experiences the flow of inspiration" (higher forces intervene to create unity between individuals; Spirit shows us the truth of ourselves)
FRIDAY: "an Easter promenade" (unified faith; theme of rebirth) - Venus will be discharging this energetic while it makes a square to Saturn at "an Easter sunrise service." Two symbols with Easter on Good Friday. This is a very rare occurrence. High alert for continued religious terror. All owls: heads up. Aim for unity. More on this tomorrow.
The planets are working hard as we come to the last two weeks of this astrological year. The "music of these spheres" is coming to the end of its recalibration of the individual and collective consciousness. Where we are coming to with this is the staring point for the next year, the "magic carpet (ride) of Oriental imagery, " which begins with the New Solar-Lunar Year on April 7.
We continue to maintain emotional and mental equilibrium as the planets churn out chaotic frequencies right alongside of calm ones. Remember: no matter what, everything is leading to unity right now. We are all around the campfire together - all in this together.
(Special note: Thank you all for your prayers and notes of love yesterday. They are much-appreciated, especially when things get "hot" with what the Reports are discussing. I could not do it without you.)
Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report
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